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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/20 in all areas

  1. Completion certificate received. I guess it's no longer a dream.....
    6 points
  2. I've been stung by many a trade. Tried everything including giving an instruction manual and taking then through the process. They will just ignore it and do it the way they always have. Some will care for their work, others won't. Best you can hope for are good recommendations to sift out the latter. I highly recommend Eastern European trades for quality. At least the crew I found for woodwork and bathrooms. They have been some one the best on our site. Work diligently, detailed oriented and always care for the finished result. They don't have to be micromanaged or chased, and I can leave them to address issues and propose better ideas than my original designs (and they even check with me first!). They even clean up too. Love them.
    3 points
  3. Also, you may like a DADE https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/FXDADE.html
    2 points
  4. Go back to the assessor and see what happens when you upgrade insulation to about 0.15 and put in triple glazing. This is kinda what we should all be doing as a min starting point before thinking about heat sources and power generation.
    2 points
  5. the white stuff on the compression joint is where you have (had) a v small leak, its like kettle scale.
    1 point
  6. Have a look on Ebay, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bath-Shower-Screen-Door-Seal-Strip-for-Glass-Thickness-4-6mm-Seal-Gap-10-30mm/264781891145?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item3da63b0649:g:TM8AAOSwsQde-tTW&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAACcBaobrjLl8XobRIiIML1V4Imu%2Fn%2BzU5L90Z278x5ickkXKoKcbeZcOrOku%2BoOBl%2BSzxjhwY%2F4b%2FFPr%2BbyF8Gsv2XHrn5anPE9JZL6zYCFghO04dUoYrcnavnwIJUMMzqJlgd6YiiOhDjCyWUDwGD8ikqHhrQxLuI4%2FkJtWdyCYoNq1dutuCBn%2BPHYLHbuTVokWPK1ZH7NeRO78MiKvDH8ToY3fSFUR4MCB9RvtPfg%2B4Pf0t5tkoDwhE8Dz%2FjaLqdGwYlZfSBjtA6pSyZQYlcPpFVek2iHqQTM%2FNzUWPZkQQ%2BVilUBH4aftz3dE2zxgR49jYagha9pWslU2egFPYBJ2a6yDXsfuSumJ%2B%2BWWmibrT5MH7zyAV1obxG%2Fk3q9GoLG88ySL7T9AT2Pbak2w2R2WY2objqUOzi3wOhIatHr%2BoLxOfF3UFd9TFyNndMfwRTGzX%2Fm3L%2BgOaGNr2IF4AbwC6puWqKBTgSiF5%2BpCSJkZgfmZ8DAvT1cWSGCzcs7ESKsaKPW1OUz22kkqgn%2Fd3%2BvxLHOosICUy8PwBDwuRBAB1pYacmGDMdjeoH2gGiGJPAU140o1GVXZplSBOFOKvhpLF3Oi%2B69zfZ84nXiHKn1HJtKfl43C0WwSiZFohUCvusx1CSb12ulCPa2UxZzmbw2NaTSYmWpWH4Iiu5DFCXvMXM528DnrRsS8pu6gJOEs92hNWQgncPpcAljJ0QkvkOvz5YWCi681x%2BtD1e5nvZAtoJ%2FHtG2u%2BnlPjjSaWorKrKhX2mpJvv0MJs4HFP58LGbmHISpGCCq%2FQZenJl2xnzq1QB%2BXCQ%2Fxm0gl180Ep4o50jg%3D%3D|cksum%3A2647818911453f9a47a2f137436d8a4f7c9f871ed04d|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2334524 https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2505460.m570.l1313&_nkw=shower+door+seal&_sacat=0
    1 point
  7. Plenty of YouTube demonstration videos too show you the required technique. Once you figure that out 2 mins each chisel is all you need. Plus you can also use the same stone to put an edge on kitchen knives. For me there is nothing as relaxing as doing this. A real stress buster. Plus nothing like getting an edge so good on a knife you can shave your arm hair. Something as cheap as this will do for starters. I have a few stones with the finest 4000 grit. https://www.screwfix.com/p/magnusson-oil-sharpening-stone/4851v
    1 point
  8. I have the mentality of learning to do something myself rather than pay - especially when I have a house to build and will need to keep them sharp lol
    1 point
  9. A friend of mine is a bit of an odd job man. I called him in once to give me a hand putting a fence up as he owed me a favour. I’m one of these people that likes things to be right, which often takes a bit more time to fine tune and he said something to me that will stay with me for a long time... “I wouldn’t take this up for a living, you’ll never make any money!” I’ve received my fair share of half decent work over the years that would be pretty much perfect had it been finished off with a little more care. Often when you mention it they will rectify, but there have been occasions where I’ve redone stuff. I also stand by the fact that I pay people because I want a better job than I am capable of, but find if you take your time doing it yourself you’ll work to a standard you are content with, and can sit back and compare it to what you’d probably get if you paid which is often enough to allow you to live with some imperfections. (Obviously you need to know your limitations). When you pay and it’s not right it does your head in. I am that guy that inspects stuff at the end of every day of project to see if anything looks like it’s going to be an issue so I can raise it before it becomes a problem. Unfortunately I’ve seen some terrible stuff that the homeowner sees no issue with - and that’s a big part of why it’s so common.
    1 point
  10. Buy a whetstone and a few mins gets it back to razor sharp again.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. No matter how shit my day has been @ToughButterCup little escapades always bring a grin to my face. Keep up the good work ol fella.
    1 point
  13. Ah, that's what 3 year olds are for...... I know exactly where the damn thing is because the glassfiber cable on the camera is fairly rigid: so I know direction and distance from the hole. Its just that my hand is permanently bent (post-operative contraction of the scar tissue) and I can feel the wire with the back of my fingers (when the hand's in there) and cant straighten my fingers enough to grab it. Just had a brain-wave: tape a hook shaped welding rod to the inspection camera probe ..... Ha! Thanks lads.
    1 point
  14. The blue / green corrosion is caused by using too much Flux and /or not cleaning the Flux off after sweating the joint up - Lazy Plumber.
    1 point
  15. that is absolutely awful service! Planning applications should be checked on receipt and validated at that point - it is still possible that a planning officer can ask for more information or clarification, there is no need whatsoever to invalidate an application at this stage. If I was your architect I'd be on the phone to the head of planning right now ?
    1 point
  16. In bournemouth !! https://www.tevdoors.co.uk/ his are porta loft in concrete and £365 for door sets Unit 5 - Westbourne Business Centre Wharfdale Service Road Bournemouth BH4 9AB
    1 point
  17. 2m at the eaves is more than adequate so losing 20mm is nothing. You also need to consider that for an easy joist type system, the boards are glued to the joists to make the whole structure stronger. Pre-routed boards wouldn’t do that as well, and would also fill full of crap and rubbish such as plaster if the pipes were not immediately laid and then you would need a covering - either temporary or permanent - before you could continue. I would be using an overlay system and also getting insulation under the main boards for both sound and heat insulation - you want the heat upward ..! Have you discounted using one of the spreader plate systems under a standard floor..?
    1 point
  18. 8 weeks to give you a not validated. Council officers all sitting at home watching TV and not actually bothering to do any work ? Got to be one of the best jobs. "Work for the council, you can be crap, but we still won't sack you"
    1 point
  19. Then give Tanners a ring; competent, straight sensibly priced.
    1 point
  20. In my experience most builders are happy to do as good a job as they can manage given the right motivations. A self builder is a great position to be in as you control the coffers and can simply halt progress any time you wish, provided you are willing to pick up the cost of lost time. Settling out a clear standard before the job starts, checking in shortly after it starts (often a cuppa and a lion bar helps) and tidying up any misunderstandings. Finally, making sure whoever is doing the work doesn't scarper off site never to be seen again but actually checks with you before leaving that everything is OK. Sometimes if you want things to be completed to a more exacting standard it'll simply take more time. Be sure that the tradeperson knows you're willing to pay for this. Lastly don't expect the impossible, building is often physically difficult. Working at height, outdoors on a blustery wet day or crouched under an awkward stairs will never produce cleanroom like results.
    1 point
  21. In answer to the op, m2 pricing is a very, very blunt tool for pricing. There are far too many variables for it to give you a meaningful cost estimate. Generally it's cheaper to build a smaller footprint with more floors You look like you're fairly well on with things so why not get a qs to give you a budget cost?
    1 point
  22. ESP Just moved to a brand new building next door to Rocia
    1 point
  23. We have a vaulted ceiling and the ducting ran under the steel ridge. In hindsight I could have run the ducting in the warm roof space as I had 70mm timber on top of the rafters. My solution was to make a curved ceiling.
    1 point
  24. Update, 70% received in account 19 days after their "please allow 20 days" statement.
    1 point
  25. Were you sniffing around for loose change?!? ( again )
    0 points
  26. Real men make their own blueberry muffins at home. From their own blueberry bushes. Pshaw! I will have blueberry muffins in 2 years. As they say in Dublin: Omnia bona expectantibus eveniunt. * F ( * Doesn’t work with sex or absinthe.)
    0 points
  27. Dunno. I know a lot of them buy "forests" as a retirement thing. They manage if as a family during holidays etc. When mature they fell it as their retirement income. They also sh!t in long holes in the ground...
    0 points
  28. Don’t talk to me about fecking planners!!!!
    0 points
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