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joe90 last won the day on July 22

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  • About Me
    Retired small time builder with a lust to make, mend, build or invent anything worthwhile. I have waited over 20 years to build my retirement abode and finally with the help of like minded individuals will succeed.
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    Forest of Dean

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  1. You mean counter battens, yes, a very good way of getting over tight membranes. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=769527770912079
  2. The problem with tight membranes is condensation and dust etc can build up behind the battens leading to timber rot. I prefer membranes to drape slightly but there are all sorts of modern membranes that act differently and have specific fitting requirements.
  3. That’s really good info, well done. Our Jeremy Harris used MBC and he really sang their praises when they did his build.
  4. What oversize are we talking about? Mine was going to be 150mm above planned height, that would be difficult to see on a two story build. Mine was a hipped roof so difficult to measure ridge height anyway. As stated I reduced the slope by a couple of degrees which was not noticeable but reduced the ridge by that required.
  5. I had this problem and reducing the slope by a few degrees got over the problem and was not noticeable. (And the council will never measure the actual height anyway 🤷‍♂️) my neighbour built 1200mm above his planning permission height and it was never noticed by planning.
  6. IMO this would “wash” the lower side of the 110 pipe (and give you more room to have a slope to your shower tray).
  7. Any legs will simply put the stress/weight on the existing ceiling joists anyway. What about timbers from side to side bolted to the trusses and the flooring laid on those 🤷‍♂️any weight is then on the whole structure with no point loads and stand above the insulation.
  8. https://www.toolstation.com/single-waste-adaptor/p75880?utm
  9. I built to passive principles, probably not actually achieving a “pass” and had no intention of getting certification. The driving principle for me was a comfortable house that was affordable. My thought was if I ever sold the house showing how cheap it was to run would have more clout than a certificate that most buyers would not even understand. Even now i believe a lot of buyers take very little notice of the EPC rating (presuming it’s accurate which I believe a lot are not!!!!).
  10. But this is not a ban on wood burning stoves just a tightening of the rules on pollution from less clean stoves or fuel which is a good thing.
  11. That’s better than being blasé, treat it with respect, same as any power tool.. Ha, my young son was with me and he said “you need to go to hospital “ but I replied “they know nothing about nail guns” 🤣 and yes masking tape to stop the flow of blood. the good thing about some paslode nails is the glue on them (looks like red paint) , makes them very difficult to pull out, almost like ring shank nails.
  12. Beware, keep your other hand well away from the timber, I have had a 90mm nail hit a knot and exit the timber at 90’ (right through a finger 😣)
  13. https://www.screwfix.com/p/floplast-hose-connector-40mm/48625#product_additional_details_container not sure this spigot is small enough for a garden hose but it’s the type you need, if not why not use a washing machine trap and drop the hose into it https://www.screwfix.com/p/floplast-washing-machine-trap-white-40mm/18640
  14. Why? What is the “garden hose connected too”?
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