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nod last won the day on June 26

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    Second time self builder
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  1. Thank you for that The key is the labour I have employees But other than our son helping us at times Which I’ve added to the spreadsheet at £250 per day Not one of them has helped on either build It sort felt like cheating I’ve used an Electrian friend and plumber But had the same arrangement with them £3700 to the Electrian and £2900 to the plumber I’ve also a joiner friend who owed me ten days But I’ve added him to the spreadsheet in the same way labour is the key But buying in is also so important My local merchants with 360 employees sell everything at good prices But can’t come near the online guys for bathrooms etc Near Lu £100 difference on Grohe showers x5 Geberits similar Like last time we will if publish a spreadsheet ( If anyone is interested) But I will point out the obvious The larger the build the lower m2 Services and surveys are the same for a modest build and a Grand design No magic built or secrets Ask away about specific items Owe just thought I was let down with the foundations The large Armstrong foundation blocks where to heavy for the delicate little creatures We employed five brickies Everything for 24k
  2. We’ve broached this subject many times Probably a bit before your time on here When quoting cost m2 it would be misleading to include the land purchase As some are lucky enough to be gifted there plots We bought to plots and have only built on one So including both wouldn't make any difference to our total spend but would be misleading
  3. Lots of context if you bother to look I’ve included everything accept the land purchase But included the fees I published my spreadsheet on our previous build £815m2
  4. Yes We have moved in today and spent £335000 on 420m2 build Sill an oak porch to put in and all the landscaping 35k vat claim to come at some stage
  5. It doesn’t really matter If BC want it and you haven’t put it down Big job to do it retroactively Its supposed to stop the timber rotting But I put miles of metal stud down and it’s always required under that also
  6. There isn’t But BC will ask for it
  7. I am just listening to Andrew Marr on LBC Proposals for PV on all public buildings He said surely not on our beautiful council buildings There’s loads of ugly car parks that we could put them on He has a point
  8. At the end of the day It’s just a piece of paper As useful as a ten year warranty certificate In fact they could go in the same frame Hung in the loo
  9. We are moving into our second build today Both well insulated Like forever home It’s just a label and will mean more to you than any future buyer I would make sure that you are happy with the rest of the build your main priority We fought planners on both occasions over trying to make us have PV ruining the look of our slate roof If I was to go down the route of Passive I definitely wouldn’t pay for someone to give a certificate telling me what I already know
  10. It would be more believable if the BBC wasn’t involved
  11. No Nothing needed here Though I couldn’t get the electrics signed off on Sunday Due to very high Ze Zs Coming into the box Turned out they had put the wrong sticker in the box My mated back with different software tomorrow Another hiccup I’ll finish the stairs tomorrow hopefully
  12. I’ve not been able to hold off our very patient buyers any longer So we are moving in on Thursday Last time we had all the internals finished and it was the middle of winter Seam to have been more delays with materials this time At least we’ve come in under budget Though twelve months ago that wasn’t looking likely
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