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Onoff last won the day on March 9

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About Onoff

  • Birthday 05/12/1967

Personal Information

  • About Me
    I'm going to die in a cold, unfinished house and be eaten by rats! I can only dream of being thermally & financially insulated!
  • Location
    Fromunder, Kent

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  1. Onoff

    Patio roof

    Go on Amazon and buy the caps at those quantities
  2. Onoff

    Patio roof

    M14 is like a non standard standard generally and a pita tba. Stay with M12. How many caps do you need & what colour? Edit: 8 is it?
  3. Onoff

    Patio roof

    Plastic nut caps. We just print them as we need them now: Ready made caps:
  4. Onoff

    Patio roof

    Drill in from each side. As long as you're near enough the second hole will pick up on the first. Stick a little bubble level atop your drill if you're that worried & line the drill up left to right with a square on the floor or similar. Put studding through. Affix with a flat round washer, then spring washer then full nut. Ideally stainless. Leave/cut the studs so 3 threads projecting beyond the nut. M12 is 1.75mm pitch so 5mm is fine. Cap with a plastic nut cover.
  5. Welcome. (Looking forward to something powered by radon!)
  6. Is it me or is the grout in those vertical rips done level? Maybe to try and hide them?
  7. To hide some of my poor tiling, where tbh you could hang your coat, I fittted..... .....a dimmer switch.
  8. Poor planning there. I did exactly the same at the ceiling. As I'd fitted new ceiling joists I should have just counter battened. Wouldn't have had to hunt down 2.7m plasterboard either!
  9. Might have been the same grout colour but a different batch? Tbh though I'd say two different colours. Is that a line of skinny, circa 1" wide tiles, ska "rips" in the corner or a vertical pencil mark? I did my floor first. Then brought the wall tiles down to a consistent 1mm off the floor tiles. Where I effed up was by not using a tile levelling system.
  10. Fromunder actually. Would you like me to reimburse you the toll fee? Even @MikeSharp01 moved to get away...
  11. A bit like the Dartford crossing model? Keep the parking charges in place for a number of years to offset the PV outlay then make parking free?
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