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  1. We started nearly 7 years ago - I've been recording every cost including what we are spending on the soft & hard landscaping, boundary fences, etc I'm hoping we will be between 1,000 & 1,200. Stuff has got very expensive in the last two years - we would be no where near that if we were building now. I've got 6 spare 8x4 x 140mm celotex sheets that were left over from 5 years ago - fantastic return, wish I had more left over! I will report back what we finish at once I put the VAT claim in..... hopefully this summer.
  2. shocked to see these prices. It is what it is. I'd stick build if self building again. Maybe wait a while for things to calm down a bit?
  3. just laying mine now - ended up using 5:1 in the end, SBR the back of all slabs then lay them down on the mix. I've used a 10mm tiling trowel this time - seems easier to get a light fluffyish bed to lay the slab onto. Few whacks with a rubber mallet and you're sorted. Damn hot out there today. https://www.toolstation.com/vitrex-notched-adhesive-trowel/p76594?store=FU&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=googleshoppingfeed&mkwid=s_dc&pcrid=515847200306&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuNT_8IDr8QIVVOvtCh3vAQLrEAQYBCABEgJXWvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  4. I wouldn''t use wooden posts any more - they tend to rot too quickly. Unless you use oak I guess. I've used metal ones and not a lot different in price. I will be long dead before they rot through (filling them with concrete also helps).
  5. Good advice. I'd just run a whacker over it to level it all and then crack on. 6:1.
  6. got somewhere cheaper - just wanted a bulk of plastic thats all and easier if its delivered.
  7. good luck. So hard to find good people .....
  8. Did the old patio move at all? if not crack on. Sharp sand in bulk bag out the front, cement safely locked away somewhere (valuable stuff) & mix in a wheel barrow.
  9. 18mm MR MDF price up 15% in 5 weeks. LBM will only sell me 5 bags of cement at a time. Utter madness really. When the only really worthwhile investment on the planet is property its to be expected I guess.
  10. CC45

    Gate Pillars

    will outlive all of us so I don't think you need to worry really.
  11. CC45

    Gate Pillars

    unlike @pocster I'm def talking about the pillars! I've virtually built a house in the same time. Its turning into another bathroom project really..
  12. CC45

    Gate Pillars

    work of art this is....
  13. I just rung one of the various companies and asked - I wanted air tight but was told that it was a bad idea - just needed to be vapor permeable but air tight. This was 6 years ago now & I've forgotten which one I used. Give them a bell.
  14. I would make sure it does have some degree of breathability if you are using timber. Dont want anything rotting.
  15. I'd take the hedge hogs back. We fitted them but now glad to see the back of them. Everything just clings to them. Nice idea but doesn't work in practice.
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