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ToughButterCup last won the day on September 23

ToughButterCup had the most liked content!


Personal Information

  • About Me
    I am building a near-passive haus standard, 146 sq m living space house. I am retired, but never been busier.
    I used to develop online teaching and learning resources for several northern universities. I also lectured in IT.
  • Location
    Junction 33 M6

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  1. A cool morning will do - when there's little sunlight - because that can 'get-in-the-way'.
  2. Here's too much information An interesting thing to say.....
  3. I have no experience of this particular camera. What i can say is that it took me a while to understand the images produced (Bosch GTC ) . You might see a cool spot: OK. But is that spot cool enough to make any difference to the overall 'picture' ?. Put another way, is it worth making any effort to remediate the difference? That means looking at whether the camera you buy allows you to choose the temperature range - and to (re)set the graduation of temperatures shown in the image. Will the camera allow you to search for a wide range of temperature difference - or merely a narrow temperature difference? Yes, I submitted to the tempation of scanning the results of a fart - there is a marked temperature difference. Dog farts are the hottest overall. Hamsters fart continuously.
  4. Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself - what do you most enjoy doing in the context of building for example ..... ?
  5. Not a 'given' @Pocster . Not in my case.
  6. Not only a self-builder: but also brave. Hats off well done. Got any goss' about Our Kev and 'is little proclivities - we'll keep it a secret? Honest PS I'll ask it first ------ How The Hell Did You Get Those Stairs signed off ?
  7. The one thing we are not is expert. We encourage everyone to do their own Due Diligence. It would seem from the images that the (lack of ) difference in height between the Inspection Chamber (IC) cover and FFL has a lot to do with the problem. It looks certain that that design is guaranteed to cause problems
  8. You are in excellent company. The only member here with enough money is @Pocster Talk nicely to him and he'll put a HobNob in the post for you. That should save you a bit.
  9. Wimmin. "There you are darlin' ... " says @peteypops with a big (this means Brownie Points) smile and flourish "Errr...." ( she hoists a storm warning - with a matching smile natch) "WhatAboutThe [.....] sweetheart ?" " But you didn't ask for one of those " Foot tapping starts ...... "Well I'd have thought that was obvious ...... "
  10. Well done Sir! Top of the Class. Diplomat of The Year Award. I found that on our house build, everyone, but everyone tries really hard not to talk about anything that smells or could smell if things go wrong.
  11. A reputable Estate Agent will answer that question. And if you ask three of them, and they all agree.....
  12. I asked a similar question in relation to our house. The most sensible reply was (among a wide range of others) treat the area as if it exceeds the threshold anyway. Followed by " In a fire, would you like to be stuck up there just because you'd saved a few quid ?" We don't have to think too far back to what Value Engineering can do in relation to fires and survivability
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