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ToughButterCup last won the day on July 15

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Personal Information

  • About Me
    I am building a near-passive haus standard, 146 sq m living space house. I am retired, but never been busier.
    I used to develop online teaching and learning resources for several northern universities. I also lectured in IT.
  • Location
    Junction 33 M6

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  1. In our experience, the other thing that matters is the BCO taking the decision about the need for fire protection. Two (of the many who visited) BCOs disagreed about the need for fire protection on our house. Both were from the same company. I accept that in our case the decision might have been part instinct and part calculation. But both BCOs stood between our two properties, eyed them both up, solemnly got their calculators out of their pockets, did the relevant measurements and drew the opposite conclusions. Yet another one of those so-called professional decisions, which after 8 years of suffering similar professional inconsistencies makes me extremely cynical about the build sector. The risk of fire occurring here and transferring between our two properties is extremely low. But it would not surprise me at all if similar inconsistencies were found where the decision - to protect or not- really does matter.
  2. Beautiful image. We used stainless steel screws - increased the cost of our cladding mostly paid in the extra time it takes.
  3. It's finding it that's the question. I tried hard to get some but could only get one trees worth. And that was from a public park in Liverpool. It's beautiful wood though.
  4. During First Aid tests every other year, and keeping our grandchildren amused while I'm playing their patient with a broken arm.
  5. Infinity And Beyond.... Where all bog brushes go to die.
  6. We wouldn't get our cleaner in there. She'd have a fit of the screaming habdabs. Well, if by pure luck we did manage it, we wouldn't be able to get her to turn round . She'd have to back out. Come think of it she'd have to back in. Know what I'm sayin' ?
  7. External clear pipe with diagonal lines painted behind the pipe. Shows the meniscus clearly
  8. Nails and screws are both fine. I prefer screws because I make mistakes. And I am not in a rush. The stainless steel screws I use are cheaper than any carpenter. But still expensive.
  9. Read my stuff and that written by Peter Stark - site search. (In haste)
  10. Same here... Dripping into metal gutters drove me mad. Enjoy it now 😃
  11. CouldntGiveAFookitis is so common among trades in our sector. It's taken us 8 years to find a good group of trades folk who do what they say they will do when they say they will. And whom we can trust with house keys. One ( the plasterer) even hoovers up after himself. He drops in for a cuppa on his way past. He charges about 10 percent more than others. Cheap at that price.
  12. The trick is to use any Internet source as the basis for your own thinking. Especially on BuildHub
  13. Morning. Good to see another member joining us. I've written a fair bit about Durisol (here) Hope it helps. And - before the usual avalanche of Durisol critics all pile in : there is ( ... and now perhaps was ) a good deal to criticize about the product. The company went into liquidation and has now been taken over . The MD and I had a good long chat about what needed to be improved about the product . Lets see how the new company shapes up. To be clear: if you go down the Durisol route ask, and research directly for yourself, dimensional consistency and deliverability. There are many similar products on the market. Investigate those too. I find it useful to know why I am NOT choosing a product that I might reasonably have been expected to choose. Researching the answer to that question is always informative. PS - is it Brizzle or Brisol ?
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