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Big Jimbo

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Big Jimbo last won the day on February 13

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  1. Totally agree with you Tom. Write to them and point that out, and tell them to take you to court.
  2. Just been watching BBC breakfast and the segment about external cladding. I know that there are a number of companies offering this for free to homeowners who receive any sort of benefit. One of the owners of One of theses companies rents a house next to my daughter. having chatted to him, (he seems like a nice enough bloke. Drives an £80k car) He has no clue about what houses might, or might not be suitable for this form of insulation. Nor does he give a toss. As far as he is concerned his telemarking team are just interested in finding people on benefits who own there own properties. As far as he is concerned all of these house are suitable for external cladding ! He said that after all costs, his company makes several thousand pounds from each install. All government money so no harm to anybody in his opinion. He arrived in this country about 2 1/2 years ago, and previously had a small call centre in India. That just about sums up how our taxes are wasted by any government, and how they just want to be seen as doing something. Doing it right or not is irrelevant.
  3. I think that can be quite common. My neighbour will canvass all the people in the lane, so you will get people 300meters away objecting. Just remember, most of what they will say will not be material planning considerations. She even goes as far as employing a planning consultant to object. Gets into the ear of the Local councillor (who then calls it in) and the head of the Parish council. They also object, and that also causes an automatic call in. I think the biggest fear is that the planning officer can tend to get a bit of a wobble, when confronted with so much objection, even when most of it will be rubbish. He or she can sometimes be seen to just take the easy route and recommend refusal in his report. The committee won't have studied your proposal, and it is quite unusual for committee members to go against the planning officer. The stats are something like 94% follow the guidance of the planning officer. If you can get a recommend from the planning officer, you will be in the best position possible. That's why the "How did a planning officer, get planning permission" thread was so incredibly good. He covered absolutely everything in all the policies that the planning officer would have to consider when making his appraisal. By doing that, he made the planning officers job much easier, while making it almost impossible for the planning officer to not support the application. It is the best application that I have ever seen. That's why the importance of a fantastic planning consultant is so important. (I have never found One) I would try and get hold of the planning officer (virtually impossible) and try and find out if he is going to recommend granting or refusal. If he is going to recommend refusal to the planning committee, try and find out why. If you can get those matters resolved to his satisfaction, you might be able to get him to recommend approval. I fear that if the planning officer recommends a refusal to the committee, than that is exactly what you will get. Best of luck
  4. I would imagine that you would need fire doors, and a protected stairwell, so I doubt it would comply as a bedroom. Have they described it as such, or called it a storage area ?
  5. @Pocster Whata doo ya mean laddie. Prob less than a pay day loan interest rate. do I need to send the boys round. They can't check your solweld joints while there.
  6. We would need a lot more information. Construction etc, and we are not experts. You could do an injected damp proof course yourself for a few hundred quid. I did One on my daughters several years ago. plaster dried out, and no sign of damp since.
  7. Rentakill are not going to come around and do a free survey, and say "The guttering is blocked, sort that and you will be fine" Every survey they do today, will require a load of work to be done. That's how they make money.
  8. All stowed away in the built in cupboards. You have got to keep a neat shed !
  9. @Onoff shed is still performing as an excellent shed
  10. Big Jimbo


    @Onoff. The mesh company . Com Rodent mesh.
  11. Big Jimbo


    @Onoff the smell when I took the facia boards off was bloody disgusting. I thought she was a right moan. I didn't tell her about all the nests.
  12. Big Jimbo


    I cleared out about 25 nests, so it was a bigger problem than I thought. I put a gallon of white vinegar into the cavity. Poured onto the fluffy stuff. The smell apparently deters them for a time
  13. Big Jimbo


    I will get the Mrs to dig out the receipt, and let you know. Stainless steel, so no rot.
  14. Big Jimbo


    So while I have been away, my daughter told me that the rats were back in her kitchen ceiling. Now I expect they are getting into the walls by the lintels over the drains. The trouble is that the path is concrete, and to access the soil pipe and lintels I am going to have to break that up. Unfortunately that is on the neighbours land. I will have to sort that at the end of the day, but in the meantime, as the extension is 90's cavity, I guess they are getting into the cavity, and climbing up, then having a party in the ceiling. The extension needed some new facia boards. I took the opportunity to block off the top of the cavity (which I believe is now a recommendation in building regs.) I used a roll of stainless steel mesh. It has solved the problem although I expect they are still in the walls. I will sort that when I get a chance to sort with the neighbour about digging the path up.
  15. On the bottom, I would do as Mr Punter.
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