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And so who (or what external processes) is / are kicking arses motivating them? Quiet, polite, assertive, simple. Either they make progress or don't get paid. Or be exploited. It happened to me: it's horrible. The day I cut down the company's advertising banner from the scaffolding and sacked them all was not a day too soon. Should have done it much earlier. The alternative which I would now consider - were I to self build again - is to go round being really bloody nasty, picky, critical, demanding, snide until they saw that I meant what I said. Time for a shot across the bows. Delay payment until there are some results. And pay two weeks in arrears from now on. That'll flush them out. All prompt payment is doing now is financing laziness.2 points
is this just how workers are, my 'high' expectations, or are they actually just being poor, and also the way forward. They are being unprofessional as a bare minimum, plus you are not allowing any wiggle room. Arranging follow on trades for the day after an expected completion is unrealistic. Paying them on day rates to disappear early etc is a breach of contract, Get hold of the owner of the company and point let them know whats going on (they may well be very aware anyway), keep good records of times etc. for later on. Dont burn your bridges too early.2 points
Have you included changes to the exterior (from the original out building) that are intrinsically linked to the inclusion of the mezzanine? I suspect you may have. If so, then the inclusion of the mezzanine is "development" since it has altered the external appearance. Even if no exterior changes have been made to accommodate the mezzanine, I believe the fact that it is included/shown within the planning application for what is a development, it becomes part of that development, and so is included in floor area calcs. Is it possible the Council are not allowing the floor space previously provided by the original mezzanine to be considered, as it was not structurally capable of being a "floor". It does look like a storage area, rather than a floor. Are those "joists" capable of performing as a floor for their span, in residential building regs terms? If it could have passed building regs, without additional structural additions, have you proved that to the Council? Too late to get a structural report, if you don't already have one, but a submission by you of the joist size, spacings, span and a link to a reference that says that combination is acceptable should be sufficient. I thought LPA's have moved away from making judgements on floor area increases in favour of volumetric increases. I guess this is out of your hands, but volumetric increase is the actual impact on the surroundings, not floor area. If you are to resubmit an application, I'd steer the conversation towards volume of old v. volume of new in your Design and Access Statement. If you can't get around the floor increase issue, you'll need to re-submit without the 1st floor area being "used". Maybe it could be there, as storage, but without a fixed stair case. Then add it once the build is complete and outbuilding is in use. I suspect that the Council may challenge any exterior detail that was included for the Mezzanine, beyond what was in the original outbuilding.2 points
Yes, just put a few cable clips to hold it in place. twin and earth doesn’t need to be run in conduit , it can be clipped direct to the building fabric1 point
Just put pliers in the conduit once it’s cut and give it a few turns this will deburr the conduit then slip the over gromett.1 point
As you have twin and earth, pull cable out of Conduit. cut conduit https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=push+on+20mm+conduit+gromett&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjb267_-4jxAhUNNBoKHSCvBx0Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=push+on+20mm+conduit+gromett&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECB4QCjoECCMQJzoECCEQClCdC1iuGmDfHGgAcAB4AIABV4gB7ASSAQE5mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=fd-_YJupCo3oaKDenugB&bih=553&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=sivn#imgrc=O29Bu6NxI4z7KM Fit gromett over conduit, push cable out to new position.1 point
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Broody chickens are: they seem sometimes to be in a parallel space time continuum. But ' normal ' chickens are as switched on as you can get. By turns calculating, venal, aggressive, determined, excellent memory, observant. Ours learned to get the best worms they had to be first IN the digger bucket as I dug holes. And that a bucket full of clay is a waste of time. And as for sowing grass seed on open ground... They like tea too.1 point
We're part of a district heating system. Remarkably hot water in a closed system branches into the property and is passed through a heat exchanger, heating the water in our primary system. The provider calculates our energy consumption using the difference in temperature of their water entering and exiting the heat exchanger.1 point
…100% true,and the main reason I advise people on this forum to choose a different insulation system.1 point
We have some fairly hefty beams in our build and discovered that a 305 high I beam may in fact be much higher than 305 when delivered! As the weight per meter increases so can the height. I didn't believe this at first but the supplier sent me a copy of his steel tables. 305 beam at 240kg/meter came in at 350 height. Can work around it OK but could have been a drama if this happens in a bad place!1 point
It will be cheaper for you if you can head off enforcement. If you haven't already done do I would write to them ASAP asking them if they have considered the judgement in: "Panton and Farmer v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the regions and Vale of White Horse DC [1999] JPL 461" Which you believe establishes that only abandonment, not temporary interruption, resets the four year period for enforcement. Point out that use of the structure was never abandoned. If you have already done that I'd apply for the certificate citing the same case.1 point
After a little UPS snafu the saw and stand have arrived. The saw is a rebadged Scheppach HM80MP. Comes with a 40 TPI multi material blade installed. Out of the box the bevel adjust lock stops required adjustment and the laser alignment required adjusting. The dual slides for the saw feel nice and smooth, no free play in them. I've done a few test cuts and it seems good enough for what I need it to do.1 point
No need to sand - this was done on flat roofs to toughen up the surface and prevent stuff sticking to it .... birds feet etc.1 point
V2 back from the architects. Much better and we are pretty much there. We are still debating the vaulted ceiling / triangular windows at the back (I personally don't love them) so I think they might go, plus we may tinker with a couple of the other windows too. Balcony is a non negotiable point - the views are stunning and it's one aspect of the house I am really looking forward to.1 point
Crikes, you've done a lot without having permission, that puts some pressure on you... If the LPA are unlikely to engage, I'd not change anything on your build yet, but re-submit planning without dormers and showing a cold roof, justifying the 1st floor ceiling structure, which in the future will become your mezzanine. Retain all fenestrations that were in the original building's 1st floor area that bring light in to that area. Maybe show a couple of light wells in the ground floor ceiling that indicate borrowed light entering the ground floor from the 1st floor storage area, to justify retaining the old/original fenestrations. Close off the stair way opening to mezzanine to no larger that a loft hatch. There is no need to show the structure of the 1st floor ceiling on your planning drawing, just minimum info showing ceiling position and thickness above, labelled as insulated. Submit your revised planning and keep your fingers crossed. If successful you could then submit an amendment to planning for the dormers, but I think this is unlikely to succeed without the mezzanine justifying them - Catch 22! Once the build is complete, you will be able to lawfully reinstate and use the Mezzanine, without planning, as it would then not be classed as development, since it would be internal works only. With the Mezzanine installed/reinstated and lawful, now is the time to submit a planning app for the dormers if you really want them. But you will have had to have removed them to finish the build in line with what you hopefully get permission for, and then apply to add the dormers to improve the functionality of the mezzanine. - The mez must already be in use before the planning app for the dormers is submitted. The LPA then has to consider the chance of loosing at Appeal what is "just" a minor increase in building volume, but they may have a good argument for you not having the dormers.1 point
Maybe the site supervisor is the only one there that actually knows what they are doing. With him going for personal reasons, everyone has issues that need to be dealt with from time to time, he could have instructed those left behind to not do any thing important that can't be easily fixed. It leaves you as the client in a pickle though. A one last chance ultimatum to the company owner that your job is falling behind schedule and if he can't get the right people to the job on time then you will have to part ways. Be calm and precise and leave him knowing that this can't continue.1 point
Standard, I am afraid. If they were reliable, eye for detail, professional and well organised they would not be working on a building site. Fixed price may be better. They may be more incentivised if they are earning well.1 point
Bad luck. I had the same, so many mistakes I noticed, that I asked them to stop whilst I got up to speed finding the ones I hadn't noticed. They never did finish it and I now need to rectify. It can be very difficult to get anyone else to come on mid project, so I hope you find a solution. One thing tho' start to read every last detail of the drawings etc and you may now find where they were winging it or whether they are stringing it out, and wish you had a fixed price contact. On a daily rate tho', there seems no good to reason to cut corners apart from ignorance. Agree with the above. As I am a first timer, it's less stressful to have good gaps between trades.1 point
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have a vertical dpc/tray all the way round. ffl and outside can be the same then.1 point
If the dormers were not included on the original outbuilding, then their form on the new outbuilding is linked to the mezzanine, so it is quite possible that if you re-submit without the mezzanine being in use, they would probably say they are superfluous, and as they add to the size and volume of the new outbuilding, push-back on their inclusion. The material choice though isn't directly linked to the mezzanine, so if they have accepted your new materials, there shouldn't be a problem. How well does your LPA engage? If you know there will be a chance to discuss their issues during the consideration period, it may be worth re-submitting with the dormers included, but the mezzanine not in use, and be ready to update your drawings without said dormers, if they do push-back against them. It depends if they really don't like the dormers, and that is their priority reason for rejecting your initial application, or if they are avoiding setting a precedent for the floor area increase. You say you have engaged a planning consultant, are they not able to get you an informal steer on this? That's the whole point of paying for a planning consultant.1 point
It does high light the need to get it agreed before you engage your chosen technician/SE/frame designer/architect. For me, native CAD files (or a neutral file format as a minimum) have to be included for collaboration and as the final deliverable. Native CAD files are no different to manually drafted "Originals". PDFs are more akin to the blue-lines and sepia copies of the past.1 point
Hey everyone, Myself and my wife are new to the DIY Scene and have just bought our first house to flip. Sorry in advance if we post some obvious questions!?1 point
I have a cheap fitness tracker watch somewhere. That can take a signal from the phone. Can't you make up something like that, a band that vibrates when someone rings your bell, or at least vibrates your ring if you are worried about snagging your strap.1 point
Perhaps think about insurance to cover any covenants from the lost title in case someone turns up and tries to enforce. May not be that expensive. Article on visibility splays with dimensions. Local rules sometimes vary.. https://www.planninggeek.co.uk/glossary/s/splays-visibility-at-junctions/ Article says you may need 215m in a 60mph area but see the diagram for how its measured. Might be ok or not. Rainwater disposal can be a big issue if soakaways don't work, eg on clay soil. The planners will advise if a bat/newt or other survey is required. Best not to ask them though. Can cause delays. For example I think some surveys can only be done at certain times of the year. Other forum members are better placed to advise.1 point
@pocster are you talking about line level or speaker level here? Mixers are low-level/high impedance, and you've already said your Rasps have inbuilt amps?1 point
Very rough calculation, with 3 ACH and an overall U-Value of 0.2 W/m².K, works out at about 0.1 kW/K. Assuming you can get 100W/m out of the skirting radiator, you should be able to keep the place stable until it is 10⁰C below the temp you normally turn the heating on. I usually turn my heating on when it is 10⁰C mean outside temperature. I have used 20 W/K for all the non air change loss, and 37 W/K @1 ACH for air loss. IF you have less losses, or the radiators emit more, then you can go lower. (But I have had a tough day and worked this out in my head as I sat in traffic, (expletive deleted)ing G7)1 point
Sometimes the actuator pops off the valve so it can't press on the pin. Happened to us once and it wasn't very obvious until I touched the actuator and it moved1 point
I must be missing something.. You have PP for a building that is tall enough so this change would be entirely internal right? There are no planning conditions that preclude adding a mezzanine in the PP? In which case I don't think adding a mezzanine after completion is even counted as development... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/when-is-permission-required#:~:text=The categories of work that,more than 200 square metres) If the planning officer won't allow the PP to be changed I suggest you point out you could apply for a 'Lawful Development Certificate' (LDC) for a mezzanine added after completion on the grounds that it is not development as defined by section 55(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. That might be enough to make him change his mind and allow the PP to be changed. If not then go for the certificate. The downside is the fee for a LDC might be more than the fee for amending the PP (if any). The upside is that applications for a 'Lawful Development Certificate' (LDC) are considered on the law and aren't subjective like planning applications.1 point
Had an idea. I will swap the actuator with another circuit and see if that circuit heats up. That would tell me that the actuator is not pushing down hard enough on the pin. If the same circuit stays warm presumably it’s the pin.1 point
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I also found this which looks like an old training manual for Planning Inspectors.. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/550873/response/1315767/attach/html/2/Consolidated Inspector Training Manual Pt2.pdf.html And from the pdf...1 point
Google found this... http://planninglawblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/breaches-of-planning-control-need-for_28.html Extract... I believe the reference to Panton refers to.. "Panton and Farmer v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the regions and Vale of White Horse DC [1999] JPL 461" I haven't found that case in full but there are lots of references on the web that suggest it helps your case. These references I found suggest that only abandonment resets the 4 year clock not a temporary interruption.. Ideally you would hire a planning consultant who could quote the relevant sections from Panton and and subsequent cases to the planning officer for you. If you dont want to pay someone to do that I suggest you ask the planning officer to comment on .. "Panton and Farmer v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the regions and Vale of White Horse DC [1999] JPL 461" which you believe establishes that only abandonment not temporary interruption resets the four year period for enforcement". You could also send him a copy of Martin Goodall's article. He may reply with case law of his own to contradict this but worth a shot.1 point
There have been a good few posts recently about Permitted Development Rights. So, here's a link (below) to the most recent initiative for development under PD. Martin Goodhalls blog - for me at least - is as good a bible for PD rights as you can find. If you haven't read his blog, it's worth a look because he writes so well: clear, focused, authoritative. Here's the article in full.1 point
Nice gappy insulation - plenty of thermal bypass possible. Also cavity slabs look to have a lap joint edge profile, if this is the case they have been installed incorrectly as the lap joint should ensure water is shed outwards.0 points
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