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Pocster last won the day on March 28

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  1. I’m not knocking the fact you did it . But are we related ? - there’s a 5 month gap ….
  2. Global thermal nuclear war might alter the climate a bit ; best prepare for that .
  3. That’s a big word . Doctor told me that’s what I excrete …
  4. I made SWMBO an automated irrigation system ; it works well . Currently I use a transparent tank outside so she can see when it’s low and fill it up . Don’t trust any HA device off the mains to fill the tank and one day fail . Problem is as the tanks transparent it’s not uv stable but it’s easy ( without going outside ) too see the water level is low and top it up . So I can’t use a transparent tank . A non transparent is fine but I can’t find a ‘simple’ mechanical device that shows the water level ( like a flag on a buoy ! ) . Trying to spend very little on this 😊 Any suggestions?
  5. Sometimes things just work out perfectly don’t they …
  6. Is this bit a sex dungeon cunningly disguised as a garage ?
  7. Looks awesome ! So @bob the builder 2 now that you’ve finished and obviously bored …. Care to help out on my project ?
  8. I have all the solutions to everything, bare with me …. prisons . Execute all those mofo’s . That would then be a good incentive to potential future criminals . Those empty prisons ( now ) can be converted into accommodation. Don’t thank me - send money ( PayPal is preferred )
  9. I think @Onoff will be in trouble ; looks like it would easily catch an inch or 2
  10. I think that’s an intentional benefit …
  11. Sex sheds are notoriously difficult to break into ; but even more difficult to break out of ! 😉
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