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dpmiller last won the day on February 18

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About dpmiller

  • Birthday July 5

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    Self-employed techie specialising in Lab and garage stuff. Biker, camera geek.
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  1. why even refer to the past use anyway?
  2. the rubber washer is bonded to the metal one
  3. No requirement for electrical signoff in NI.
  4. you might be surprised. Using silicone grease can result in things not wanting to stay together, in my experience. It's Very Slippery stuff...
  5. was there a coal hatch somewhere?
  6. I'll be a tiny bit contrary here and say there's nothing *wrong* with petrol stuff, even cheapies. But some people just don't do well with it- instructions are actually pretty important as choke systems can be a bit counter-intuitive depending on brand. I do however have a Dewalt 18v hedge trimmer and it's pretty darned impressive. The match of any electric I've ever used or our 25cc petrol one..
  7. I dunno Dave, looks like white edge insulation and white pipe insulation are both in place...
  8. There's no LV (240v) to any of the marked properties/ sites? None along the road to the East? Looks like going to the middle of the three would save a pole at least
  9. doesn't help if you find yourself in a chair at short notice. BTDT...
  10. hire in a big'old diesel one for the retaining wall if there'll be a big timelag til the next phase of work
  11. gonna throw an alternate viewpoint re. accessibility. How well do high-level ovens and microwaves do if wheelchair-bound?
  12. that's a very broad brush. \As a parent who has just had a youngster get through his GCSEs and seen the amount of graft and determination required to get a commendable outcome I cannot agree with your viewpoint. Although in NI we're not saddled with the comprehensive system...
  13. NI Water have a free annual desludge service
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