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dpmiller last won the day on February 18

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About dpmiller

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    Self-employed techie specialising in Lab and garage stuff. Biker, camera geek.
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  1. completion is different to needing to pay rates surely? We're resident and "substantially" complete so LPS want their pound of flesh, but BC aren't interested in visiting until I ring'em and ask for final inspection
  2. As it's a matched VFD I'd expect the colours codes to be a match but it's but a moment's work to swap any two phases over and re-try. it's something we see in Greater Belfast vs the rest of NI and GB, it's rare that something shipped from GB works in Belfast without swapping two wires...
  3. that doesn't look like variable speed to me. Does the pump have some kind of pressure-control/ bypass valve internally?
  4. dripping off the chimney coping onto the back gutter. Ours do it too...
  5. it's my perception that it's sensing the system demand more accurately, giving a bit more boost on heatup.
  6. seems a bit overkill, what with insurance etc. What's wrong with a trailer?
  7. nope, a tiny bit of flow can move heat to odd places...
  8. have you not got a diode across the 24V coils?
  9. isn't the choice really Openreach- Virgin- Fibrus? as they supply the infrastructure...
  10. if you can't see the aluminium, it's only a scuff. Ignore...
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