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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/20 in all areas

  1. We are part-funding our build through a self-build mortgage. We did all the research, got good advice, got everything together, jumped through all the hoops we needed to. Applied for the mortgage and got an offer 3 months ago. The plot involves transferring land between us, to separate it from the house we still live in. We've just been told that the land registry will take at least another 6 weeks as someone senior needs to review it. This is just a warning for anyone looking for finance this way to allow many months more time than you could possibly imagine you would ever need.
    1 point
  2. Just received a quote for block and beam floor and wondering if it is a fair price. 150mm deep 'T' Beams total of 28 beams total length of 75 metres £837.85 100mm wide Slip Bricks quantity 207 = £72.45 Medium Density Lightweight Infill Blocks 53 square metres £537.95 Total £1448.25 Exc VAT Install price £895 Exc VAT Thanks Colin
    1 point
  3. Fit an inline Y strainer in an accessible place instead
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Well today, the tap, trap and waste all arrived. Slightly disappointed. the "extension pipe" is not really long enough. Just 200mm This means with a 400mm diameter round basin, the pipe won't reach all the way through the plasterboard into the service void. So instead the plastic compression fitting is going to have to poke through the wall. Not the look I was hoping for. I might even consider changing the trap if I can be sure a different one has a longer pipe. something they don't seem to tell you much about. Does nobody think these things through?
    1 point
  6. Re visiting this old thread, because after working fine for well over a year, in the last week, my ASHP has thrown up 3 spurious CH14 low flow errors. the common theme once more being this happened over night with no demand, just as they did before, so the unit refuses to start in the morning without the fault being reset. So I had another look and think I have a hunch what the issue is. In the summer, I connected a wire to the "cooling" thermostat input to test it's cooling function. That is unused at the moment, but the wire is still connected. Now I previously had an issue with the heating thermostat input being over sensitive, and I cured that by fitting a pull down resistor and a snubber. But I never thought to do the same when i connected the cooling input. It is reasonable to assume they both use the same input configuration, and either will trigger the ASHP to start so it's reasonable both will trigger the same start up checks for flow rate with the same fault mode if a short spurious input is detected. So today I fitted the same snubber and pull down resistor to the cooling thermostat input. I will now see if that has cured it's latest bout of flow errors or not.
    1 point
  7. My reading of the article / High court judgement was that the non-material change to the permission would have done it, and it was approved by the council but came too late as works have already commenced. this article came from a planner i know who knows the issue with my site, and their view is a re-submission or a Section 73 application for a phased development would change the CIL, worth finding out more i though. He suggested that a Section 96A non-material amendment may not be the best route, but also that a section 96A has no right of appeal where as the other routes do.
    1 point
  8. I recently bought eight horbeam frans fontaine from mailordertrees.com It was only about 3 weeks ago so may be worth a look there. Nice plants, good service.
    1 point
  9. So the council have said no, which wasn't a surprise, and very timely the high court has just rules on CIL payments as attached. So moral of the storey get the permission changed and approved as a phased development before any commencement. It looks like i am going to try and have to get my permission changed to a phased development (if possible) CIL_high_court_-_oval_developments.pdf
    1 point
  10. There you go @Jeremy Harris a nice little project for you. Seems there could be a market for such devices for those competent self builders out there!?
    1 point
  11. It's been a challenge so far, with many mistakes made. There are other factors too such as the shape of my slab and the horrendous weather, once I cross the finish line I will post a summary on here which will hopefully be of use to those who tackle it themselves in future.
    1 point
  12. Watch Psycho! Thanks to that film, I keep the kitchen knives out of sight in the cutlery drawer...
    1 point
  13. Save all the phaff recycle the knives and 'just eat' (Deliveroo or whatever)
    1 point
  14. My neighbour has the exact same issue, and resolves with a damp towel over the drain when stormy outside. Seems to be a combination of a shallow trap and as you described, pressure differential caused by wind.
    1 point
  15. I thought filter access was from the front? Hope so as I went to great lengths to give at least token access for getting tools to service my thermostatic mixer. Even bought a box spanner more often used on a Landrover! Used "normal" silicone in a horseshoe (open at the bottom) on the cover plate that will need prising off:
    1 point
  16. I’ve used Duration windows for a couple of projects Excellent quality and low price They have a manufacturing factory Canvey Island I think There Guarantee is second to none While I’ve only purchased supply only There are always fitting prices included on there quote
    1 point
  17. Not raining, so a bit more cladding done. Pleased with the contrast between the cladding and the doors and windows.
    1 point
  18. Since it's on topic, despite the big gap, thought I'd feed back that there are at least 2 companies in the MVHR business selling filter boxes that take carbon filters; Zehnder's NOx filter, and Blauberg's CleanBox (which also provides NOx filtering).
    1 point
  19. Illbruck look on you tube for product reference I think it is something like 925 but check this as they have loads of products all with a number as the product name.
    1 point
  20. I guess we already knew things were bad and here is a bit more evidence that .GOV.UK are really pretty useless when it comes to making our homes use less energy. Headline says it all: Two-thirds of UK homes 'fail on energy efficiency targets' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50573338 Depressing or what... particularly where our learned friend from Cambridge tells us what needs to happen to meet our own expectations when you know what / who is in the driving seat - vested interest!
    0 points
  21. When the dpm took flight like a sail due to a particularly savage gust of wind it was a low point. Back in the fight now though!
    0 points
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