Ah but should it actually say:................
"Lifetime of the house, insolvency/collapse of the company/manufacturer or infinity, whichever comes first"
Tesla have already lost close to £1b! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/12152605/Tesla-losses-soar-to-889m-but-shares-jump-as-Elon-Musk-forecasts-a-profit.html
I personally believe we are due another technology collapse. I know a few people that work in the tech bubble of California and the money being pumped into "one day" projects is staggering. Almost as crazy as their president!!
I'm not saying Tesla is bad or are their ideals but can they make it to the shoreline intact? Or did their trunks fall down half way across the river?
Yours ever so bright and cheery, ever so slightly dour Barney