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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/18 in all areas

  1. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Am I permitted to swear? If I do will I be banned? I am a peace loving hippie and don't as a rule swear but FUCKING (expletive deleted) FUCKITY BOLLOX (expletive deleted)!!!!! Some nasty little see you next Tuesdays decided while we popped to the shop they would pop o to our porch roof and take most of our lead flashing... FUCKERS!!!!! Luckily a neighbour saw them and said "Oiy, you .... who asked you to do this?" The assholes on the roof told him to (expletive deleted) off so he started taking photographs .... Have posted it all over facebook... Police are on it... sad thing is.. they are Heroin addicts.. so even if they do catch them nothing will be done about the FUCKITY (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) damage to my fuckity (expletive deleted) fucking porch roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok... I think I spent my life quota of rude words.... am now going to go and silently weep into my wine... *whispers* Utter knobs!!!
    2 points
  2. Bloody Romans and their straight roads
    2 points
  3. 24 months later and the box beds get a curtain ?? Happy bank holiday time old pals, I'm up the hut, heading to the pub for dinner and having a ball.
    1 point
  4. We hired a spray machine today £80 for the week Ehat a machine Five bedrooms sprayed to a lovely finish It took a bit of time priming the machine and getting used to it
    1 point
  5. Was in a tool shop in Glasgow yesterday and chatting to the chap at the counter. I was chatting about knives and he told me the Bessey rep was there. I needed some blades so chatted to the rep and told him how much I love the wooden handled knife, so much so I buy them as gifts for people. As I left, I was putting stuff in the boot and he came over and asked for my card and said he'd send me the other knife, with blade storage. I gave him my details and didn't imagine I'd ever see one. This afternoon I checked the letter box and look what was there! I think that's just brilliant! Really cheered me up.
    1 point
  6. Photos don't do the lights justice. For £4.99 for the 10, IP6* I'm well happy. Need to twist each fitting when finally in so the 3 LEDs in each are all orientated the same way ref the spread.
    1 point
  7. Loved this build from the start. The traditional solidity coupled with modern wall techniques. The flint makes it though. Just gets better. I'm going to copy this if my numbers come up Saturday!
    1 point
  8. You already know he is lazy. Tell him an area about 85% of the real area..... that should smoke him out.
    1 point
  9. Put in loads of cables to wherever you can possibly think they may be required. You don't have to terminate them with faceplates now, so long as you know where they are so that they can be done in future. WRT 'stuff'-over-ethernet/cat5 adapters, be aware that some require power too, and also some require more than one cat 5 cable. As a general rule I never lay/pull a single Cat5 cable anywhere that is going to get covered up. If it gets damaged, replacement can be a nightmare, so its easier to pull 2 cables in the beginning.
    1 point
  10. The rooms should be easy to fix if you aren't going to use the cables, just fit a pattress box if there isn't one, push most of the cable back into the wall leaving a short end accessible in the pattress box and cover with a blanking plate. Simple and cheap.
    1 point
  11. Cheers Mike, back on the MVHR bandwagon then
    1 point
  12. Put as many in as you can (obviously keep sensible), its cheap to run, and they have far more uses than just for general networking, can also be used to transmit all types of signals using x-over ethernet converters (where x is what you want to transmit), one such type is HDMI over Ethernet which can be very useful, since long HDMI cables tend to not fare very well. Make sure you pay the extra for good quality cable, LSOH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen), and really ensure you are buying solid core cables, and not stranded!
    1 point
  13. Concreting looks straightforward but is one of the most exacting things on site. It is very easy to mess up and timing is crucial. Check out @PeterStarck's blog https://forum.buildhub.org.uk/blogs/entry/73-now-for-the-foundations/ Most sites the contractor would get away with this and it is probably only becase Peter was meticulous that he didn't get flannelled into accepting a cock-up. Good to see you checking levels at each stage - not just assuming that the next layer will compensate. Give yourself a pat on the back. A fantastic job.
    1 point
  14. Maybe be worth a couple of very small fans on timers, see if things improve. If they do then you know it is a local problem and not a general one.
    1 point
  15. Remember he can’t force you to use welsh slate he can only specify colour anD texture etc, not the source. You are free to get slate from anywhere within the EU.
    1 point
  16. I love conservation officers ... just can’t manage a whole one at once without a nice bottle of Malbec... Anyway, they can only enforce what is on the plans and what is agreed. If it says on the plans that slates laid double lapped etc etc then you’re out of luck, same as if it says lead for valleys etc but if the plans say slate, the agreed in writing material is slate, then they can’t really comment on the rest ... whats the exact wording of the condition or the permission...?
    1 point
  17. No, don’t put zero. Even if you are CGT exempt in the UK it might help you where you are living if there was little profit shown on paper. Might not matter but tax regimes have a habit of moving the goalposts. So, either use what you think the market value of the property was at the time it was completed, or use your total build figure plus an estimate of the plot value at the time of completion. You paid for all of that so it’s clearly not zero. Just write a letter to state what you’ve done. And presumably you have the HMRC paperwork for the vat claim to evidence some of that?
    1 point
  18. +1 Download the specs and get it made for £200-300
    1 point
  19. Agreed Catnics that size are a waste of money A steel with a hit and mis welded plate underneath Will not be a lot more exspensive and will never bend Steel is as cheap as chips at the moment our SE says he will only spec steel on openings over 2mtrs
    1 point
  20. I would go to a local steel fabricator and see what they say, over a thousand pounds for a rsj with a plate welded on the bottom is ridiculous
    1 point
  21. We are finally very close to being finished inside. We have been living in dust for two months. I have been trying really hard to avoid putting up pictures until it’s all done, but the stair is going in and looking beautiful. As there is another stair porn thread re glass balustrades I thought I’d join the party. Give it a few weeks and I’ll do a full photoshoot.
    1 point
  22. Unfortunately you can't predict the course of technology. When we started on this house in 1990 it was more or less gutted and I wanted to preempt future wiring wants. Every room has at least one telephone socket, at least one VHF socket at least one UHF socket. As computer networking was in its' infancy, at least domestically, I put in multi-core serial cables and network coax in some rooms. Now almost all of that is redundant, phones are DECT, TV is networked from a server as is sound and networking is mainly CAT5 with a bit of wireless.
    0 points
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