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Well I was not able to see a thermometer today as I was stuck / enjoying the school of engineering's graduation ceremony in Rochester Cathedral watching and clapping our students up the chancel. About 50 academics and 200 student's all wearing full academic paraphinalia in 37 deg  heat! I had my deodorant in overdrive but even then when I finally got to take mine off after two hours what with the the drinks and photos my shirt was ringing still at least the headgear kept the sun off.

Edited by MikeSharp01
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4 hours ago, AliG said:

OMG a loft would be awful today.


Had the electrician , builder and carpet fitter in today, all miserable from the heat.


I spared the electrician from having to go in the loft to run a new cable from mvhr to kitchen this afternoon, I did it instead and **** was it hot up there. Outside temp was 36 , just north of Nottingham. loft I have no idea bit I was suffering within seconds of going up there.


29.5 in north facing bedroom, no Idea in the south facing bedroom, builder had to drown the thermalite blocks when doing some repairs in this room. His current site he is having to wet even the fibolites to stop them from drawing too much water out of the mortar too quickly and doesn't normally have to do that. 


In the hall and lounge it's 26.5 but windows have been open all day , I tried to tell my very heavily pregnant other half ( 2 weeks to go ) but I'm not going to argue with her.

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Back from appliances direct ... no sound of gouging but a bit of scrimmage. Several people demanding that they had been instructed to collect the air on they had ordered over the telephone. Yeah right.


Temperature outside has been at 31.5C. Inside in the kitchen at about 27.3 at 65% RH.


Opened skylights .. not a sausage on temp, but dropped RH by 10% quite sharpish.


Experimenting with how good the Liebherr Supercool Function is when applied to a whole room.



Edited by Ferdinand
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Been a great day on the west coast, Oban area. Nice sea breeze this afternoon/ evening. Was a bit muggy when I was cutting the grass at lunch but cooling down now. 

Temp in my bedroom just now 8.15pm but windows now open and cooling fast. 



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Yes not cooling down here either.  I am going to leave the floor cooling on all night.  That won't help upstairs. I will open the windows as we go to bed in the hope it cools down in a bit.

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Bit humid but otherwise very pleasant working on the roof this afternoon. Bright sunshine but a strongish SE breeze off the sea.


“OAT” below is outside air temperature, actually the temperatures being reported at Wick airport about 30km away.


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Weather apps say it is 21C in Edinburgh yet my MVHR says that the outside temp is 26C. 


I have noticed out in our garden that it consistently feels warmer than the quoted Edinburgh temperature. This is nice the vast majority of the time.


Just getting dark now so I think the temp is starting to fall. My wife opened the balcony door in the bedroom and it dropped a whole 1c to 29C but the breeze makes a big difference. 

Edited by AliG
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4 minutes ago, Ed Davies said:

Bit humid but otherwise very pleasant working on the roof this afternoon. Bright sunshine but a strongish SE breeze off the sea.


“OAT” below is outside air temperature, actually the temperatures being reported at Wick airport about 30km away.


Where are you getting that data?


I normally use Weather HQ to get live weather data (and historic data) and it normally updates about every 20 minutes, but for the last few days it only seems to be updating about every 6 hours  


e.g here is Inverness, not updated since 16:50 https://www.weatherhq.co.uk/weather-station/inverness-%2F-dalcross

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We’ve not seen the high temps of other areas in the SW but it reached 27 today.

Being nearly 1500 ft above sea level also means we often enjoy slightly lower temps and a nice breeze. 

My ground source loop which feeds the MVHR heat exchanger/battery is doing a pretty good job of pulling the intake air down by between 6-8 degrees. 

I can’t really be certain though how much impact the MVHR is having on pulling the temps inside the house down. 

I also find opening the windows (tilted) at night really helps pull the temp down. 

Im typing this from my upper living room (which has 5m of floor to ceiling glass), with a deep overhang to the roof and its 21.7, which is quite comfortable. 


Heres the MVHR intake temp for today:



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Inside I am pretty uniform at around 27 everywhere.  Outside has dropped to 25ish (at nearly 11pm) I have had all windows including sliders open fully since 7pm, that has reduced the internal temp from nigh on 30.  Off to bed now and risky to leave all sliders wide open on ground floor so all shut and windows open in tilt.  3 dyson cooler fans on full power (have been so for 2 days) and mvhr set to knock your socks off boost with manifold open......I’m hoping this will all help.  House has not been below 25.6 at all in last few days....not. comfortable to sleep, I will be on the tiled floor with the dog by 2a.m.

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8 hours ago, ProDave said:

Surely bypass mode will only work to cool a house when outside temperature is lower than inside?  If it is hotter outside you will get that hotter air straight into the house.


when it is really hot outside you want the MVHR in "heat recovery" mode.  All the heat exchanger does is seeks to equalise incoming and outgoing temperature.  so when it is hot outside, the incoming air will be cooled a little by the cooler outgoing air.

I switched the MhrV off today and the house stayed cooler, under 26degreea upstairs and 21degreea in the back bedroom. As you say, once the outside temperature gets above 22, it's just bringing warm filtered air in. I've put it back on now and will switch it back off in the morning. 

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1 hour ago, ProDave said:

Where are you getting that data?




Needs an API key to do automated access. I just emailed them to ask and they sent one in a couple of days. They seem fairly relaxed about what you're using it for so long as you don't hammer their website with lots of requests.


Results come back as JSON. My Python code stores that directly in my SQLite database timestamped with the time it fetched it then some other code extracts various fields (date/time of the actual observation, temperature, wind speed, wind gusts) and posts to the same database but timestamped with the actual date/time of the observation. Generally the readings at Wick are taken at 20 minutes past the hour so I do my query at 33 minutes past the hour (triggered by a cron job). They don't do readings all the time (not all night) so sometimes two fetches get the same set of observations each time.

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6 minutes ago, Ed Davies said:




Needs an API key to do automated access. I just emailed them to ask and they sent one in a couple of days. They seem fairly relaxed about what you're using it for so long as you don't hammer their website with lots of requests.


Results come back as JSON. My Python code stores that directly in my SQLite database timestamped with the time it fetched it then some other code extracts various fields (date/time of the actual observation, temperature, wind speed, wind gusts) and posts to the same database but timestamped with the actual date/time of the observation. Generally the readings at Wick are taken at 20 minutes past the hour so I do my query at 33 minutes past the hour (triggered by a cron job). They don't do readings all the time (not all night) so sometimes two fetches get the same set of observations each time.

? where's the "whoosh, that went straight over my head" emoji when you need it. Some people on this site are just far too clever (and I suspect I still wouldn't understand any of that if I googled the likes of API key, JSON, Python code or SQlite, never mind 'cron job'). ?

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8 hours ago, lizzie said:

woofer in his cooler coat.... great piece of kit wish they did them for humans. dry cool dog.... damp hot owner!



They do! There's even some with phase change material 



We tried several when we did Race across America. Hits 110F (43C) in the Mohave desert most days, makes any exercise quite exhausting (even if a 3000mile bike race isn't that already)

In the event I found the vests too bulky so just kept with ice packs on the neck, but was good to have them on hand for emergency use



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4 hours ago, NSS said:

? where's the "whoosh, that went straight over my head" emoji when you need it. Some people on this site are just far too clever (and I suspect I still wouldn't understand any of that if I googled the likes of API key, JSON, Python code or SQlite, never mind 'cron job'). ?


API key= how they control who can use the weather service, and how much they can use it

JSON= how you talk to the service

Python= how Ed tells his computer what to do

Sqlite= where Ed stores the weather data

Cron job= how Ed tells his computer when the job should run


The graphs look great!


Building your own home weather station must be the modern maker's equivalent of a HAM enthusiast building their own radio transceiver, some really nice guides around e.g.



And has to feel nicer than spend £460 / £6 a month on something like the loxone station / service


... Speaking of weather, the thunder just resumed here....

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9 hours ago, JSHarris said:

  My gut feeling is that it's just taken a long time for the walls, floor and ceiling to cool down a bit, and that we "feel cold" when we're surrounded by cool surfaces


I wonder if this works in reverse.

It gives me a great idea for a highly efficient heater: if you could radiate heat energy directly at the place it's needed and minimise it going anywhere else,  occupants would perceive it to be much warmer than the air temperature actually is, thus achieve comfort with the cost of having to bring the air up to temperature before it is needed. For rarely used rooms or poorly insulated/crafty houses the savings could be considerable, vs a traditional resistive heating element.


Oh, looks like someone already thought of this





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11 hours ago, Ferdinand said:



Experimenting with how good the Liebherr Supercool Function is when applied to a whole room.




i seem to have discovered a limitation of the Bear Freezer (Lee-Bear).


Normally if you leave it on SuperFrost by mistake. It is down at -30C within a  few hours .. this time it took most of the night with an ambient of 27C.


It seems to have given me a nice cool draft for 2 cups of coffee with the door open, and the bit of the room with the thermometer near the freezer is about a fraction of a degree cooler. 


An an idea very much from the ‘solve global warming by opening our car windows with the air on on’ school.





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2 hours ago, joth said:


They do! There's even some with phase change material 



We tried several when we did Race across America. Hits 110F (43C) in the Mohave desert most days, makes any exercise quite exhausting (even if a 3000mile bike race isn't that already)

In the event I found the vests too bulky so just kept with ice packs on the neck, but was good to have them on hand for emergency use




Ooh. What a story to have.


Did you video the glass elevator?

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Yesterday in Cumbria:


You can see my mothers morning shower (RH increase and MVHR ramp up and down) and the bypass  close as the outside temp passes the inside and open again in the evening as the temp drops.  The house has remained at a pretty constant 24oC and yesterday the cooling didn't come on (it is set at 25oC).  It was on the day before.


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3 hours ago, joth said:

They do! There's even some with phase change material 



Are these any good? I see that the sports ones are about double the price of the work ones !




It might be something to try for mum. Ideally it would be a back-support as well.



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