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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/20 in Posts

  1. If you think about the actual load on the foundation's it's very very small per unit area. The founds are massively overkill in my view, nowt to worry about, and it will all be hidden anyway.
    2 points
  2. Decided some fun today ! Poe router fans all replaced ( still noisy but better ) . Mac with Z wave stick . One Qubino din rail dimmer installed ( by electrician! ) linked to one bath room led ceiling light , triggered by aeotec sensor 6 I.e movement put lights on with timer . I’ll periodically update this thread as I add new goodies !
    1 point
  3. This stuff is fine - non toxic https://www.bes.co.uk/drain-tracing-dye-200g-yellow-3591
    1 point
  4. I've read that Synology NASs can be 15%-20% more expensive that Qnap. I know you already have a Synology and I fully understand sticking to what you know but if you're not opposed to changing manufacturer then I'd suggest it's worth checking them out. the web is your friend here and this site (https://nascompares.com) seems to have a lot of information on it about this stuff. remember, research is your friend! spend the time to read as much as you can to make sure you're getting what you need. ?
    1 point
  5. Yes I think if I was starting out from scratch now I'd go for that 1019+. The CCTV licenses have sticker shock, compared to the BlueIris one-off cost for unlimited cameras, but over the lifetime Synology is probably far better choice than keeping a Windows box alive.
    1 point
  6. 18mm osb is fine but it needs installing correctly sole plate needs securely fastening down then racking board needs to start with a full board stood up right, nail at the correct spacing and catching the first 3 studs, then repeat, don’t end up with a skinny bit on the corners, you should have full boards on the corners working away from them. If you have any internal walls dissecting a long run of external wall it might pay to turn that into a racking wall, you can just board the first 1200mm on the internal one and add strips to bring your plasterboard out flush. I take it you have no drawings for this just whinging it a bit, I’m no structural engineer but I have put up one or two timberframe houses so just going on what I had to do in the past. Have you goy the trusses up yet.
    1 point
  7. The OSB will be enough to prevent racking. No sure of the nailing centres but 200mm centres and 50mm nails would probably do it. Maybe download a spec from a timber frame firm.
    1 point
  8. Ha ha Ian The problem most of us face when a plot Not you You lucky bugger owning the land Is the seller has had an estate agent round telling them a 4 bed will be worth 650k ish Land 200 and then an Architect will tell them it will cost x number of pounds Leaving a massive profit for the Self builder I think in the current climate most would be happy with a bespoke home at a break even price
    1 point
  9. By the style of house. These old croft houses were very often originally built with only one door at the front.
    1 point
  10. Really down to how you feel your relationship is with him, I bet your roof is costing you £12-15 grand at least so £150 extra to you is peanuts. It could be a good Will thing on your behalf so he thinks your a good lad so goes the extra mile to do a good job, or he thinks your a tosser who should have a forklift and cannot wait to get off your job i think there is a saying would you rather be right or happy. Or if you think he has priced it well just walk straight up to him and say you expected him to have one, the other companies that quoted the job all said they would bring one, shrug your shoulders and walk away.
    1 point
  11. Building up from the edge of a concrete foundation would transgress regs, 75mm from the edge is allowed.
    1 point
  12. I got my wife to lift them up when we extended a previous house (bungalow). She was up and down the ladder and I stacked them. Her mum showed up whilst doing this and was not happy, the reason, she was 6 months pregnant at the time.
    1 point
  13. That's a heck of a slab for a summer house!
    1 point
  14. Depends on the racking strength of your walls, downwards pressure is not a problem, but it could all fold up like a pack of cards if you have no racking strength.
    1 point
  15. Regarding keeping sound in sink, I keep my kitchen radio on FM. All the others on DAB. That way, I have 4 seconds to change rooms, without missing a bit of Woman's Hour. Now has anyone noticed that they don't go a week without an in-depth discussion about breasts, but they never show them. Not like TV is it.
    1 point
  16. I had the timber frame company do the Passive slab so everything fitted but that did not stop me from checking everything. When I told them that one of the drains was outside the wall ( the lower roof has two vertical down pipes hidden inside two columns so they cannot be seen from the outside so had to be bang on) the guy was convinced and checked it again and said it was fine. Numerous discussions later I told him to move it and I would stand the cost of altering it if I was wrong, which I wasn't. I think a lot of self builders know their house back to front and inside out which can be a bit problematic with some builders but we are a different breed I think. Be vigilant is allied can say!
    1 point
  17. If we are comparing stones --I know i,m gonna win .LOL things that the 14ton digger can only roll about --just can,t lift them and some it can hardly even move .
    1 point
  18. I have seen that mentioned. Surely your side wall did not straddle the boundary line so your wall is solely within your boundary? The eaves and gutter may overhang but ignore that for the time being. Irrespective of the PWA, a neighbour cannot connect to or use a part of your wall without your consent. The way they’d get around this would be to build a separate and therefore independent wall, which would run parallel with yours. The excavations for that wall may indeed trigger requirements under the PWA. Do you have a photo from the garden looking back towards the house?
    1 point
  19. If you're only interested inside repeaters, then the type that uses mains cable is simple and very flexible as you can add one anywhere you have a mains socket. The TP-LINK TL-PA4010 is a one I've used. It's very useful as you can move it and you don't have to predict which areas are OK or dead spots, plus it's cheap.
    1 point
  20. Sorry about that,not too good on computers.
    0 points
  21. Blokes lining up to compare things.... ya couldn't have guessed could ya?
    0 points
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