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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/17 in all areas

  1. Just fitted a loft hatch on Saturday, one off ebay - about £70. Polish made. Optistep make. Went in ok. Fitted 3 others - all Youngmans and to be honest I'd stick to Youngmans because of a better hinge mechanism. I intend to do as others have done - insulated plug in the loft space with a draft excluder no further minimise drafts (one good thing about the Optistep is that its the springs (very strong) that 'close' the hatch so there's no air leakage from an opening mechanism). The 55cm wide ones should fit into joists without cutting any timbers, I've fitted the 60cm one so did have to modify the roof joists. All pretty straight forward though. Settled on a 110 cm length, 100cm is ok, much shorter than this and getting in and out with 'stuff' is a pain Cc
    2 points
  2. Looks like an old Tonka Toy ad!
    1 point
  3. So after a lot of thinking/deliberating we decided to fit the geothermal heat exchanger. Just the small matter of digging a 50m trench 1.5m deep, 1.5m (ish) wide so we could run the 100m of 32mm pipe. 16 tonnes of sand to bed and cover. All done in one day.........exhausting!
    1 point
  4. T bar solid oak profile. Push fits into a plastic channel fixed to the subfloor. Sits 4mm proud of the finished floor. https://www.luxuryflooringandfurnishings.co.uk/brushed-and-lacquered-solid-oak-t-profile-door-bar-to-match-oak-flooring.html
    1 point
  5. Take care that it can view the feed you want to see. I have a Smart TV and it is quite limited e.g. I cannot view internet video on the TV. And typing in addresses is a little awkward. Ferdinand
    1 point
  6. Cat6 needs to be solid copper for PoE and not CCA. Depending on your gate company of choice, it will probably be 5 or 8 wires for the intercom unit assuming you want to be able to speak to the person at the other end - this is standard telephone or CAT5 for anything up to 100m normally. Most gate controllers have a 24v output somewhere on them that allows you to power additional items such as the intercom - the house end is usually the "slave" unit so needs nothing more than the Cat5/6 from the gate. PoE cameras can't directly interface to a normal TV even with HDMI input. You need a recorder / controller that collates the camera images and then connect that to the TV. I know some of the new Smart TVs have an internet browser capability which would allow you to see the camera feed from the controller. So back to your original query - you will need an SWA power cable of suitable sizing (ask the sparky...) and then I would run 3 CAT6 cables to the gate to give you redundancy. Suggest these are in a duct with a drawstring just in case you want to add another in the future.
    1 point
  7. Gates?? CCTV, I currently have 2 IP POE CCTV cameras at my sight that I can remotely log into, actually I log into the NVR that they are connected to and can stream/playback... Today I was watching the Gas men disconnect the mains. The cameras are POE so cat 5/6 works, they plug into the NVR but a suitably powered switch would work. I watch on a PC/ipad, to watch on a TV you could either connect a PC/ipad to the TV via HDMI or if the TV is cleaver enough (smart) it may be able to stream directly from the camera/NVR
    1 point
  8. I think 4 of them now work at the bakers in Helston.
    1 point
  9. We did and our build insurance covered this scenario. BC told us is was quite common for people to move in prior to completion certificate.
    1 point
  10. That's some pregnancy test kit you have there @SteamyTea. The subsequent children will get through loads of DHW.
    1 point
  11. It was six that escaped, but their bite isn't usually fatal for humans, just bloody painful (I found out by accident - do not try to handle a male Chilean Rose just after it's moulted - it will be VERY teasy..................). Luckily we were exempt from the H&S@WA at the time, so it was just viewed as a normal eccentricity from one of a bunch of pretty eccentric scientists.
    1 point
  12. Here you go Rich, section 3 http://www.polarwall.co.uk/pages/thankyou.html
    1 point
  13. We used a timber plate with coach screws into the back instead of the polystyrene to cast into the concrete on the inner section of the Polarwall and face fixed hangers to this. I am sure there are other methods.
    1 point
  14. I used Gyproc Soundcoat plus, paddle mix with a bit of water and coir broom, mix to the consistency of emulsion paint and "paint" the walls with it as fast as you can, it will go off in 30 mins.
    1 point
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