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  1. The "wall of cans" ones in my link are just air heaters generally, a stack of cans taken to a central outlet at the top then a pc fan which is maybe powered via a small PV panel. Just ducts hot air to wherever. So many designs on the net in seemingly really cold but sunny climates. No brainer for a south facing shed heater. Guessing it might 'eff up the airtight envelope if you had one though! Different kettle of fish if you want to heat water. My hybrid can with integrated copper pipe would do a small pool: https://www.flickr.com/gp/122042403@N05/0QG376 I really must have another crack at that. I was planning on using multiple takeaway foil containers and titling the thread "Cheap Chinese Panels".
    2 points
  2. So.....the house runs north south. On a day like today, warm in the Sun & cold in the shade, the deeper you go into the house away from the (badly installed), ancient, south 'ish facing sliding doors the colder it gets! There is a patch of warmed, sun drenched, threadbare carpet just inside over which we fight for the one warm spot! I'd like to get rid of the Winter Jasmine on the right and the rose on the left and build a "pop can" wall on each. Of course there's some thick as a brick Thrush nesting in the bush but at least that's at cat height so it won't be for long! I think the roots have penetrated through the wall too. Youngest said she saw a rat there the other day. The rose was given to madam by a long dead neighbour/distant relative/her Mum so that has sentimental value apparently! SWMBO has dreams of replacing the sliding doors with wider bi-folds in the future. On then the "build in and they shall come" basis I'm going to have a go at a can wall.
    1 point
  3. Looks like @dogman has used slate hooks rather than nails. i.e. https://www.roofingsuperstore.co.uk/product/100mm-black-coated-slate-hooks-point-driven-304-grade-box-of-500.html?gclid=CPS5sNPAsdMCFRe3GwodLuoKRw
    1 point
  4. So not on the "sod it, the bathroom thread is only a million pages long so what's another delay" basis then?
    1 point
  5. The regs are in the EU Directive Annex but as long as you are using them professionally and not as a consumer then you can use creosote treated products anywhere on the list with the exception of children's play parks etc . The rules even include them being used in waterways and harbours
    1 point
  6. That is brilliant. Signs will be in production shortly.
    1 point
  7. No, there is a better way . My local mechanic got fed up of people literally parking across his roller shutter doors, the only access to his business. He put two big signs up, on either side saying words to the effect of :- " Strictly no parking. Please be advised that vehicle vandalism occurs here. Smashed windows, dented panels, nails left under wheels on purpose, so park here at your own risk" etc. Works a treat. The fear of something happening is usually more productive than it actually being done, as people can get angry if not warned and "something" happens, but they can only be remorseful if it happens AFTER they accept the "risk".
    1 point
  8. So a conservation officer specified non-native plants ......??? Have you got a list you can send over..??
    1 point
  9. Nah, she'd be using it to photograph all the six fingered, web footed locals. NFN!
    1 point
  10. A couple of photos by way of an update. All the slates and ridge tiles are up. 2000 odd laid. I am off to the land of no internet for a few days Yes sunny Norfolk where my parents live BT is so slow they don't even offer broadband And there is no mobile signal unless i walk down the road for half a mile.
    1 point
  11. Got our trees from.. https://www.barcham.co.uk In Cambridgeshire. Perhaps a bit late for planting but ask the nursery for advice.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. By my rough calculations based on collected cans I could make a panel approx 400' x 200'.....half the size of @Steptoe 's mind. As "luck" would have it I've just got a couple of lengths of 145x45mm come free from a mod in the bathroom. That'll do for the sides. Do we reckon it feasible to build a "wall of cans" with the heat output at the top then duct downward and bring into the house at floor or sub floor level? Wife WON'T be pleased!
    1 point
  14. I can do you a wheelie bin full every 10 days or so, Postage may be an issue though,
    1 point
  15. One way is to buy a low insurance no tax banger and park it across your entrance whenever you are not there. There are a huge number of cars from 2001 to March this year on which have no road tax or £30 per annum. I think I am right that one of the reasons that Mr Osbo changed the car tax was that about half were no longer paying any. Ferdinand
    1 point
  16. Work is racing along now. Big job now is putting current house up for sale, so need to finish all the little jobs I have been putting off. The end wall of our bedroom has to go up here before they can put the steel in for the main roof. There will be a chimney on this end of the house around 13m high. I'm a bit scared for it in high winds! Roof trusses going up along one side of the house, then we can get the parking on to get it water tight.
    1 point
  17. What do you all mean? This is tidy and is already an improvement! Stuck inside at the moment with some interior work but will need to get outside more in the coming weeks. i have been quoted over £5k for groundworks and tidying up to build up the bit by the house and construct a sleeper retaining wall (140 sleepers!). Thats is without paying any attention to the drains. So that isn't going to happen." And it will be DIYed as slowly as it is until such time I need to get help.
    1 point
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