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G and J

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Everything posted by G and J

  1. A thought. Stand an iPhone or iPad (or rather low rent android equivalent lol) next to your heat pump and set it to record on voice memos. Go back an hour later and you can see a graph of the noise it produces. I’ve just done a quick test using my voice (best I can do right now as we are a heat pump free zone) and this is what it looks like.
  2. Our softener here has a through the wall type overflow, which is what I’ll do in the new pad. That’s ok for us as the water softener will sit in our garage outside the airtight envelope. Not sure how one would do it if it was inside the airtight membranes.
  3. OK. I give in, (and I accept my googling technique clearly leaves something to be desired). I can’t find a UK seller of mineral wool filled metal roof panels. Anyone know of one?
  4. You’ve not met my ‘black dog’ have you.
  5. Or they have a relative taken suddenly ill or they are being visited by their ‘black dog’ following some other trigger event or they are simply not bothering because they don’t feel like it, or any number of things. Over the decades I’ve tried really hard to curb my need to shout down the phone in case such behaviour is caused by something that is deserving of sympathy. So I try to reserve judgement, though I do fail at times.
  6. So if I want a water speed of 0.67m/s (I used to do 64 lengths of a 25m pool in just under 40 minutes, and ignoring the turns), and I have a 2m wide pool, (about the lane width in a public pool, and that was shared by swimmers going both ways, so that’s more than enough), and it’s 1m deep then the pump shifts circa 1.34m3/s. That will take a certain power. Double the depth of the pool and broadly one doubles the volume of water to be shifted. Will that really require the same amount of power and the same pump? I can’t get my head round it.
  7. Is there no speed component to the energy used?
  8. I wobble every so often about the woodburner in our plans. So thank you for sharing that.
  9. I suspect you were saved by the fact that your CIL bods are as nice as they are here in East Suffolk. I also suspect they used the notice thing to sidestep any difficulty they may have had in doing what they felt was right. In your shoes I’d be hand delivering a really big pack of choccies and a handwritten notelet thanking them for such a rapid and positive response. In our society we are first class at moaning and often really crap at saying thank you.
  10. Can’t wait. I also wonder if WC based heat input is even more vital with a UFH screed slowing down the response to heat input significantly.
  11. Ummm, I thought this was a pool with a pump for fitness swimming.
  12. Before Covid I went to the pool in Ipswich for lane swimming. I was swimming alongside some serious dudes, hammering up and down and tumble turning. The shallow end there is 900mm. I assume the shallower it is the less volume the pump has to shift, which I would assume is a good thing.
  13. Didn’t know that. Will search…
  14. I looked into that and realised that maybe I should think about using mineral wool insulation instead, hence me coming round to an EPDM roof. Suffice to say it’s still at the drawing board stage and there’s the small matter of us not having spare cash to build I’d before selling our house so my man cave will be built after the house.
  15. I’m guessing you’ve done a few then - are they noisy during rain? Would they conduct sound a lot (my man cave might accidentally have a fairly robust sound system, one never knows….)
  16. For reasons I can’t identify I’ve been thinking about this swimming pool question. I think the water in the centre only needs to be 3 feet deep. That’s the height of a kitchen worktop. So would it make it a lot cheaper and easier if you just dug down a bit And allowing for walls slightly higher than the water level you ended up with at least 2/3 of it above the floor. Would that make it an awful lot cheaper and easier?
  17. 4degrees after deflection according to the Kingspan data sheet. But if a builder doesn’t want to do something it might be dangerous to insist.
  18. I’m a wrinkly. Even when I was working I’d always prefer to do stuff myself so I tend to price my time is at zero unless it’s something I don’t fancy doing. Then my hourly rate in frankly extortionate lol The thing that put me off the insulated metal roof sheets was the idea that when raining it would sound like a biscuit tin.
  19. My man cave will be a similar area to the OP’s garage, and I initially planned to use the insulated metal sheeting as the roof. When I priced up doing a slightly better insulated EPDM roof it worked out a fair bit cheaper, rather less than half the price of Kingspan. The difference may be installation costs as I’ll be doing it all myself, once funds allow. Have I missed something?
  20. Crumbs. How do I ensure I get a suitable material for my downstairs floor/UFH then? All other things being equal-ish, given the choice I’d go for a material with a greater specific heat, accepting slowness of response to heat input in return for stable room temperature (and by implication floor temperature).
  21. These concave mirrors are very clever. As for the cost of an indoor swimming pool, it did sound rather too good to be true.
  22. Best at causing injuries for the careless, certainly. But more satisfying to use.
  23. Guilty as discharged. Our build is less than 250m from a leisure centre with 25m pool, gym and sauna/steam room. I love the sauna and steam room, but my eco guilt bones won’t let me have my own, similarly with the pool. However the rower and the weights (with huge tv, natch) I draw the line on, despite the negative payback vs gym membership. I’ll swim in other peep’s effluvia, but I draw the line at sitting on a warm, damp, rower seat. Plus gyms are phasing out free weights and I’m ancient school where that’s concerned. So more power to one’s peccadilloes…
  24. How far are you from your nearest public swimming pool?
  25. PS the grown ups will be along soon lol
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