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LSB last won the day on April 24

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    North Somerset

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  1. we have got them, in the storage shed and will dig them out, thanks for the reminder
  2. Is your BC private or council. Ours is private and he is inspecting each step of each phase at no additional cost. So as everyone says, FF everything then make each room habitable one at a time. We are planning the same as we know the money will run out before everything is finished. Shell + FF then Family room + bathroom + bedroom, then move in. The rest can be finished later. May be an issue with VAT reclaim though.
  3. Over the last couple of months we have made steady progress. But, I've been very remiss in taking photos. Last time I posted we were busy building up the walls in phase 1. It's now ready for the lintels, which we waiting a month to be delivered. This one requires some blockwork changes as the overhang is over a block joint. This is the inside looking North looking down over the valley. This is the outside looking in, again some block changes needed. We used thermally broken IG lintels, which were on a 4 week lead time so to fill some of the time we have been prepping for phase 2. We realised we didn't have enough space for concrete lorries and storing the spoil so we moved the soil spoil heap further into the field. This doesn't look much, but it took 3 days and countless repeats of load dumper, move and tip, and repeat !!!! We've also moved into one of the horses winter fields, but we will return to a field when we've finished. Apart from putting block on block and repeat we've bought a few items at auction. We got some windows that are exactly the same model as we are ordering, maybe not the exact size, but we can make them fit. Of course the cill will be replaced. We also got a lovely sink for the utility room. For the first time in months we are dry on site, not sure how long it will last. At the moment I'm trying to order the posi-rafters for phase 1, but I need some input on a beam from the SE who is being very un-responsive. We've realised that we have a beam on our SE drawings which say 'B3' and no details. He initially responded saying it could be either an RSJ or a flitch beam, but that was 2 weeks ago. I was told last week that the rafters are also on 4 weeks lead time. Once we have those then we will be putting some of the barn roofing on as a temporary measure as we'll get the whole build roofed at the same time. I'm horrified at how little we seem to have done, but as I'm no longer working at home I think the work force (hubby) may be slacking 🙂 More soon, when I have some proper progress to show. Jill
  4. To get CIL exemption you need to live in the property for 3 yrs after completion. It doesn't sound as if you are planning on living in the annex yourself, but do correct me if that is the case.
  5. round here it's sheds and they want chainsaws, quad bikes and power tools, and in our case my husbands fishing rods - they left our chainsaw. turned out later they had already nicked one from the guy next door. we think he had a shopping list, but liked fishing so that was personal. they used bolt cutters to get in the shed through the padlock, the shed now has an alarm.
  6. that's what Alan Carr and Amanda Holden did, but I expect they had lots of legal peeps behind them and no mention of a limited budget to do up. Then being sold for charity I believe
  7. is the conservatory a single skin plastic type thing which gets very hot in summer and very cold in winter. If so and this is open to the house then you will have insulation issues because of this. If it has a solid roof, cavity and good windows then you may be fine. Did you have an EPC when you bought the house as this may be affected.
  8. the site near us, built about 8 yrs ago only got planning by agreeing to graze their sheep in the same field. I walk past there at least once per week with the dog, never been a sheep near the place, only agreed to get planning. But, the alternative was wind and the solar is so much quieter 🙂 Of course it's impossible for me to tell if it's even running as it's silent, just lots of cameras.
  9. It may be that he did this deliberately to get the work. But, that said I think he is right, if you were not entitled to the reduced VAT rate, which you won't be if the house was occupied in the last 2 years, then I think you will need to pay up. Less the £1600 which he owes you, does that also need VAT adding to that. Just checking, is he definitely VAT registered, if he isn't then he can only charge VAT on materials where he pays it, not on his work.
  10. no electrics are separate.
  11. he was certainly vey 'yokel' 🙂
  12. we are in East Suffolk. This is a standalone phase and not part of anything else. Where are you and when was this. I wonder how much difference the drainage field size makes and the fact it's quite a slope that needs levelling. We were quoted 9k by one company, but I discounted them as they had no idea when they could do it and were in Norfolk and a one man band so I wasn't confident with the support. The others were all more professional in their approach, above supplier didn't even come to sight.
  13. We have been quoted circa 10k from 3 difference suppliers for the following. Waste plant, air blower, 30m sq drainage field, pipe from outside the build to the plant, commissioning and installation. Two of them have suggested a Marsh Ensign and one a different one, but can't remember which, will find out (not a Klargester) They all have 25yrs on the treatment plant and 10 years on the installation. We know that as DIY builders we could do this ourselves for less, but time is dragging on and it will take us a long time, not least to dig out the drainage field. We have the space, but it's on a slope and they all said it needs to be level for the pipe installation. No muck away as we can use / spread on the fields anything dug out. How does this sound for costing.
  14. one of my family is looking at buying a house with a budget of circa 850, she doesn't want new as the gardens are too small. So, not one of the properties that she's looked have an EPC rating and it isn't something she particularly cares about. Of course listed houses don't have to have an EPC, so that also limits the control. I live in a rural area with lots of old cottages, most inhabited for decades by the same people, now retired. I doubt any of these meet EPC C+ rating and increasing them will be extremely expensive and impractical in many cases as they are single skin with small rooms. I think it's admirable to want all properties improved, but I think this needs to start with properties being built, renovated, extended when the homeowner is already spending money, but expecting people who have a low income or are retired or just don't have enough money to do this is unlikely to happen.
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