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  1. Tomorrow, 2 days short of 28 months since we broke ground (and 3 years since we bought the plot), we're finally moving in Happy days!
    6 points
  2. Here is CGI of my Italian kitchen, handleless with rails. Have got handles on the large double opening unit. I have honed granite worktop (with bora hob inset) and spekva oak for the breakfast bar. Overall length of island is 5.2m. This build us taking so long its just never ending kitchen is in storage and is now rebooked for January installation. This image keeps me going through the interminable delays and endless problems with this build.
    2 points
  3. As above, it looks very much like asbestos cement board, which isn't a massively high risk. You're also right, asbestos cement board was used as an external rain screen or roof covering, whist raw fibrous asbestos was mainly used as pipe insulation, often around steam pipes. Our lungs are pretty good at cleaning stuff that we breathe in, out, especially when we are young, so the risk of fibres remaining lodged after a one-off, short duration exposure will be extremely low.
    1 point
  4. Really I wouldn't bother, even if it was asbestos what can be done? you'll do more damage with the stress and the worry. He could have inhaled more at a trip past a building site or a badly filled skip.
    1 point
  5. I wouldn't worry about a one off momentary incident.
    1 point
  6. It's definitely not 'blue' asbestos which is the worst kind. It looks much more like asbestos cement which is the least dangerous
    1 point
  7. 'Raw' asbestos is a fibrous material, not something encased in a matrix and formed into a sheet! Obviously cannot say for certain what the matrix is.
    1 point
  8. It does indeed look like asbestos cement panels but impossible to say for certain from those photos. There are labs who would analyse it for you and give you a definitive answer. BTW - the rule of thumb for asbestos in buildings in the UK is that new construction dating since the year 2000 is safe (it was finally outlawed in 1999 but some may have been held in stock hence the 2000 date). Anything prior to that date should be treated as suspect.
    1 point
  9. Jeremy - back on the old forum I read your whole blog as you were building - I thought you did a brilliant job and the house looks wonderful as well as having outstanding technical performance characteristics. It was a really great write up.
    1 point
  10. I can’t see how Steamy has done anything wrong given the context of his post.
    1 point
  11. Just sell your Marita one on eBay. Then buy one of these. People will walk straight past it http://cpc.farnell.com/ryobi/utb02/tool-bag/dp/SG33210?CMP=KNC-GUK-CPC-GEN-SHOPPING-RYOBI-SG33210&gross_price=true&mckv=sGsLwpB8p_dt|pcrid|72935623697|kword||match||plid||pid|SG33210|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuZ3rp6GQ1wIVwZ0bCh0kVwVbEAQYAiABEgJjBfD_BwE
    1 point
  12. Yes, is the simple answer, at least in England and Wales (not sure about Scotland and NI). The Part G3 sign off should be easy, as it only relates to the pressurised cylinder and its control group, but the Part P bit might be harder, as usually the sign off is for the whole installation. You can separate this out, though. I did, in that I had our initial electrical installation (that was just the temporary site supply wiring and the treatment plant outlet) signed off as one installation, and then had the main installation signed off later, once the house was complete.
    1 point
  13. That looks stunning. Love that dark grey oak worktop.
    1 point
  14. Looks like it will be worth the wait @lizzie
    1 point
  15. I may have to clear up why I liked the comment from @SteamyTea, which was done whilst quickly scanning the thread. Post with haste, and let your arse simmer in a hot pan over the next few hours . My bad. The differing replies Steamy got was what I was reacting to, and indeed for such mixed replies they would certainly have awarded themselves the tilte of "tosser". The closing statement in that post was what I failed to read and digest properly, so @Ian, I apologise unreservedly for that if it has caused you any offence, as none was meant whatsoever. @SteamyTea, Nick, can you please edit that comment to reflect the individuals who were at fault in this particular instance please, as it's clearly the production crew of the TV programme rather than any suggested profession. I think such generalisation may not represent us here very well . Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  16. Whow that must be some data hungry kitchen island, may be the fridge is actually a super computer in disguise, or the chef likes to watch half a dozen 4K streams at once while the hob needs to download all the data coming back from the Hubble telescope in real time.
    1 point
  17. What is the customer plugging into the island ports ...?? Quickest way is to use one of these at the router end : https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-1A-Wall-Plug-POE-Injector-Ethernet-Adapter-IP-Phone-Camera-Power-Supply-UK-/281559782891 Whack one of these on the other end and then you are doing the right thing... https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Power-over-Ethernet-POE-Splitter-10-100mbps-12V-2A-POE-Adapter-for-IP-Cameras-J1-/172862265154 Then splice the power into the LEDs direct if they are 12v
    1 point
  18. My FiL used to work in a long since closed local power station. They had a raw asbestos filled panel fall from a crane hook in the turbine hall and it went everywhere when it hit the floor. He's had chest X-rays annually every year paid for by the company since and on into his retirement. Pretty sure I read on the website for our local tip that if you double bag it and only take so much per month you can get rid of there still. Something I need to eventually consider for the old roof panels on my tumbledown stable block.
    0 points
  19. [Edit - Aha having read more carefully i see that it has gone. Sorry. If nephew putting foot through asbestos cement once and no fibres are obvious I think you are okay. Sorry - trigger subject for me since asbestos got my dad.] Ferdinand
    0 points
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