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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/17 in all areas

  1. Haven’t really kept this blog going as I’ve been flat out working on things myself, was much easier to blog when the builder was doing all the work! We passed a year since we broke ground on 27th September and should be in well before Christmas so I’m very happy with progress. Kitchen being fitted on 16th Oct and then a few days of joinery work. Then gloss like mad and we should be somewhere close to moving in. Can’t wait!
    1 point
  2. Sneaky f**ker Reminds me of those SMP maths books in the 70's. They ruined arithmetic for everyone.
    1 point
  3. Looks really good I like your bathroom Some great ideas there
    1 point
  4. I am not sure how that one involves a lost pencil.
    1 point
  5. @Grosey, looking good. I take it the tiled area above the fire is for your TV? An ingenious way of camouflaging the TV when off if that's the case. Love the triple circle pendant light.
    1 point
  6. If anyone wants to use the spreadsheet I knocked up for the relevant pages of the VAT form, please feel free to do so, even if you wish to use it to earn a bit of extra cash.
    1 point
  7. OK I have most of the documents here so I will give them a good read over the weekend and PM you
    1 point
  8. You don't usually include dimensions on a planning application drawing, they must be to scale, which is usually 1:50. The "do not scale from this drawing" is to prevent a builder using it to build the property. The architect always wants to sell building regs drawings with proper measurement's etc. You need to view the plans "on paper" at the council office with your scale ruler. Ideally before meeting the officer so you know what dimensions you might object to.
    1 point
  9. My plans are for a 4 bed with integral garage and the council wants an additional 2 parking spaces, just for reference.
    1 point
  10. You're right. I didn't notice they were three storey houses.
    1 point
  11. I am pretty sure they will not approve an application until everything including drainage is detailed and approved. That letter was a nudge for the applicant to provide details.
    1 point
  12. If you have any eaves tiles (which are shorter)... https://www.marleyeternit.co.uk/~/media/Files/CAD-files/Roofing/Plain-Tiles/Clay-Plain-Tile/360CPT35Pdf.PDF or https://www.marleyeternit.co.uk/~/media/Files/CAD-files/Roofing/Plain-Tiles/Clay-Plain-Tile/353CPT35Pdf.PDF It's well worth doing a mock up using a short length of fascia board, battens and gutter etc to work out exactly where everything needs to be. Fascia too low and the bottom tile droops at the wrong angle. Too high and any water running down the membrane can pool at the bottom. At least that's what I found could happen. It's also worth checking how the tile overhangs into the gutter as very easy to end up with water overshooting the gutter. PS Eaves tiles maintain the "double layer" waterproofing. eg water going through the gap between the bottom row is diverted to the outside rather than relying on the membrane. Drawing showing only one tile at the bottom only apply to interlocking tiles.
    1 point
  13. You can get a rough idea of the dimensions from the internal room dimensions but I agree there should be outside dimensions and height stated. On the drainage consultation there is a note saying that the "applicant needs to confirm the proposals for the surface water drainage". Not sure if this is a sign the planners are on top of the issue or if it will just cause the water co to think it hasn't been decided yet. In some areas discharge to a sewer is allowed. It says there will be two parking spaces per 2 bed house which seems reasonable to me. How many does local policy say there should be?
    1 point
  14. Can you not tell if it's outline or full from the planning ref No? in your case there's a V in the number is that significant (up here they are either PIP , planning in principle, FUL for full and there's another one for approval of reserved matters) Make your observations to the council exactly as you have highlighted here to try and prevent a "fast one" I could not even see a site location plan or layout plan so has he submitted those?
    1 point
  15. Depends if market forces a.k.a.@Plumbersmateuk results in the fee dropping down to only a few beer tokens! In all seriousness, I am giving this a lot of thought. Like most forms, in of itself it's not especially complicated, but is time consuming and tedious, and the more receipts you have the more time consuming it becomes (hence the scale of fees that seem to be applied). As with other aspects of self build you have to weigh up whether you value your time as equal to or greater than any fee, and that consideration may well be different to your normal assessment of such circumstances depending on how exhausting you have found the self build process to be.
    1 point
  16. I've been called a lot of things, clueless yes, rimless never!
    1 point
  17. £235 + ? Tempted to set up a business to do this...
    1 point
  18. If fitting simple profiled facings and skirtings, I wouldn't bother, as per picture below ( facings will need to have greater depth than skirtings). If going for an ornate / ogee type profile fit them to make the transition easier and neater.
    1 point
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