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Adrian Walker

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Everything posted by Adrian Walker

  1. 8 mph sounds about right, but I would need to do the maths. That’s why just going a bit faster, which you and the others weren’t, makes a huge difference.
  2. You need a heavy wacker plate even if you reduce the thickness. An electric one won’t really cut it. Max 150mm per layer.
  3. That assumes that the flow rates are correct. IMHO most MVHR systems are not commissioned properly.
  4. Measuring/monitoring CO2 is the best way to check that your MVHR is running properly.
  5. OK. The only issue might be if/when you come to sell the property if the borehole isn't registered. Just heard that if the borehole is less than 15 metres deep it doesn't have to be registered.
  6. To be legal I think all boreholes have to be registered. The fine for extraction over the limit is very large. Have you had the water tested?
  7. All boreholes are/should be registered at https://www.bgs.ac.uk/information-hub/borehole-records/ This is a record of a borehole near (100 metres) me in 1929
  8. The NSBRC in Swindon is a lot better. Are you in Dorset?
  9. Was your Wi-Fi still up running immediately after the switch over, with no reboot?
  10. I agree with all the comments about overheating. Even without PHPP you can look at a design and its orientation and have a good guess about overheating. If the architect has designed a house that overheats I would question their skills, I presume that the brief to them was to design a PH that met the classic levels. Overheating is greater than 25ºC for a max of 10% of the year (36.5 days!)
  11. That recycled plastic doesn't look very good in x section.
  12. You don’t need to extract cooking in an air tight and well designed MVHR system.
  13. That is the least of any developers worries, worst case is sprinklers or misting system.
  14. Losses in a cable are the square of the current, so increase voltage to keep current low for same power. So 230V is better than 110V
  15. What are the weaknesses of an insulted slab?
  16. Are you looking for self levelling concrete. CEMEX do Evolution which works well.
  17. Isn't it better to be happy for 12 months rather than just six? I put my winter clothes & duvet away for 6 months?
  18. have you thought of using self levelling concrete. CEMEX have Evoloution which is very good and need minimal work after the pour.
  19. It shouldn't feel stuffy at all. If this is the case then it hasn't been commissioned correctly IMHO. A CO2 reading is the quickest way to confirm this. Every home should have one.
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