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Everything posted by asklair

  1. E-mail this address and ask for the procedure for subcontractors working on site StandardsManagement@networkrail.co.uk https://cdn.networkrail.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Accessing-Network-Rail-Standards.pdf
  2. I always try and do an audit trail, and then try and find out all the companies procedures. Those contractors are being paid who pays them and keep going, if they have no id or work permits how do you know they have a right to be there. I have add major hassle with film crews breaking the law, no one would listen, found out all the correct procedures, laws and use Article 11 "Rights to protest and freedom of association" and how the Scottish Parliament encourages people to protest. Virtually overnight I was getting phone calls wanting to find a solution. Key points, I saturate all the parties with emails and always inform the police about my protests and make it into a "game" so my blood vessels do not explode. My rule is if I would not do it to other people, then I do not expect it done to me. I always remember @JSHarris phrase, "you are oiling the wheels" and I can assure you this unacceptable behavior is happening to other people, with you challenging them it will help others.
  3. From past experience Scot Rail have acknowledge that they have not done well in managing noise and disturbance when working near to homes. They may have a right through your property but I know a large corporation does not want bad publicity, try their PR department.
  4. I have attached photos of a extractor fan from a bathroom, its not working, any advice like make etc would be great. Going through to Edinburgh to visit my daughter at her rented flat where the fan is. I said I would have a look at it. Many thanks.
  5. I have a log burner, due to my situation it is the best solution short term. If I had the resources I would not have one due to the information I have read here. I did try to build an "ecohouse" but the establishment would not let me, but they let me pollute our planet with a log burner and the oceans with plastic bottles. The point I am trying to make is I accept log burners are no longer acceptable but like having a polluting car to get to work, the system forces me to use that option, that's not totally true I refuse to give it up, I could cycle to work (5 hours a day).
  6. The positive side is you see the true nature of your neighbors. It took us over 5 years and 3 planning applications and ended up selling our house and plot with full planning and building warrant as we had moved into an other part of our life journey. It was amazing to see and meet so many people who helped us and I always say hello to the people who wanted us to fail. "Wanting to fail" might not be the right words, the house has now been built and every time I pass it a sense of joy comes over me. I was laughed at, I was told to shut up at the first planning hearing, and the end result has given me a reputation and credibility, ok that means nothing to me but has opened many doors without me needing to kick them in to gain entry. What I am trying to say, if you keep to your own moral compass then you have nothing to feel ashamed about, just keep smiling and keep trying to make the world a better place for all. Remember your house will be there long after you are gone, you are gifting a home for future generation.
  7. Will Air-Quality Monitoring Be The Next Health Tracking Craze? The startup Plume Labs gives everyday citizens the tools to measure the pollution levels around them–and hopes they’ll use them to advocate for better environmental policies. https://www.fastcompany.com/40526325/will-air-quality-monitoring-be-the-next-health-tracking-craze?utm_content=buffer3ed40&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  8. Alternatively offer to pay your builder outstanding invoices from his suppliers with your credit card.
  9. Very interesting, if a system was developed at an affordable price I would like to participate. If "we" control the data it will be interesting how the officials react, I have a good idea what the public reaction will be.
  10. Last resort is satellite internet. We got a government grant to cover the installation and equipment supplied by Notspot and uses Tooway internet. Our package is £44 per month for 25GB and unlimited between midnight and 6 am.
  11. Looking good, what about the ventilation on top of microwave,
  12. Bad news, I started to self-build but pulled out after the digger cleared a "few" tons of rock and five years to get planning permission. It became the right decision through time, in fact, it was a fantastic decision and I am very relieved I backed down. I still dream of doing a self-build. Stress does kill, enjoy life, I am not saying to give up but selling your cottage to fund the project may not be the right course of action.
  13. See you are joining me in the corner.
  14. In the corner with pointed hat on
  15. I have satellite internet, with Notspot, £44 per month for 25G but free from midnight to 6 am, that is why I am still up. Its a TOOWAY set up. You can "beam" a signal from a BT cabinet, depends on the line of sight and access to power. Not an expert but many people are doing this. Also, email Digital Scotland for an update, they are useless but its worth a try.
  16. We use satellite internet, Tooway from NotSpot (notspotbroadband.com) Just moved up to 25 Gigs a month, "free" use between midnight to 6 am, £44 a month. The setup cost was paid via a government grant, many companies take that money and then add more for you to pay, but the equipment belongs to you. The satellite industry has given me access to the internet which the government has failed big time for a "first world" nation, but try buying the parts on the open market. As Aiphonsox pointed out there are downsides to satellite internet.
  17. After reading all the posts, we all want the UK to do well. In my opinion, the Westminster system is broken beyond repair and change needs to happen. The model which has my support is Scotland leaving the Union, federalism would be the optimum solution for everyone. Brexit must work to keep the UK together and I really hope it does work. This could mean Scotland does not become independent but a bad Brexit will make the Greek economy look strong and stable and everyone in the UK suffers. My prediction is the UK will become unstable and divided, I do hope I am totally wrong, the sectarianism entering into mainstream Scotish politics is alarming. I am not saying I am correct, it is how I see it.
  18. This is my understanding too. We were going to get 3 telecommunication poles in our glen, but the powerful outdoor lobby groups destroyed that, and when there is an emergency they knock on our doors to get access to a phone. The key to the emergency service network is they get access to a power supply and my understanding of the small print is the local community can then add their network to the system. Adding a local community network to the system is easy and the equipment is of military grade and so is very reliable and the speeds outstrip what BT offers. I could go on into a total rant here but that will solve nothing.
  19. https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/water/abstractions/ " Abstractions of less than 10m3 per day do not require an application for authorisation, as they should be carried out in accordance with a general binding rule (GBR2) – section 4.3 of our CAR Practical Guide contains more information. "
  20. http://www.timberpro-uk.com/timberpro-20-58cc-petrol-chainsaw/ Chainsaws can do you so much damage, bought this one last year, short of money at the time, does the job, paid for itself, very nervous when I use it though. Not into doing courses, did a chainsaw course years ago, well worth the money, advice is free, go on a chainsaw course.
  21. Looking great and fantastic record for self-build by your family and continual ownership over a long period of time. Would make an interesting case study to show the benefits of self-build for keeping family units together over the generations.
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