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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/16 in all areas

  1. We better get a move on and get the icf poured before the weekend!
    2 points
  2. Zones and IP rating are only a requirement for rooms with a bath or shower (or swimming pool). You can in theory fit anything above a hob. Just use common sense. Likewise with height, as long as it's high enough not to bang your head.
    2 points
  3. if there were 4 little piggies the un filled ICF piggie would come first
    1 point
  4. So an update... I spoke with the chaps on site today and they showed me a schematic of how the two elements should connect. First, there is a connecting profile which connects the timber of the two elements together - we are guessing that this wasn't fitted for some reason as if it had been then we wouldn't have been able to see daylight! Secondly, there is a rubber seal which sits behind the aluminium trim - this has been delivered in white rather than dark grey and it was decided not to fit this as it would have shown up between the two elements. The guys were very helpful and made it very clear that this would be sorted without question. They are going to remove the door and window and check/fit the connecting profile and then also fit the rubber seal. They are then going to run a thin bead of dark grey sealant between the elements so that the white seal doesn't show - this will look fine and I'm happy with that. Hopefully this will be done tomorrow (or at latest Wednesday) but I have to say I'm pretty happy with how they dealt with it all.
    1 point
  5. I too just don't like dot and dab anyway but it would be ok if the void under the shelf was fully filled. Re resin studs I have fixed large oak shelves/ mantles with threaded rod and resin and its very solid and looks great without brackets.
    1 point
  6. Excellent that they think we are the only forum worth a link :-). F
    1 point
  7. All roof felts should be a non-tenting type, so the the snow shouldn't be an issue. IMO, strong winds are going to be more of a risk. Ours was felted when the frame was put up in Nov 2015, but the slates didn't go on until early February. We went around ours and made sure the overlaps were properly stapled down (our roof is sarked) so that there were no lifts or pockets where strong winds could get under the felt. We also put some temporary battens along the verges for the same reason. We had no problems.
    1 point
  8. Terry - I wasn't questioning the ethics of their link to here. It's just that BuildHub is the only "external" link in their list of links, so they must consider this forum as fairly important.
    1 point
  9. It took me about 3 months to tile my roof over last winter, during which time a lot of snow fell on the roof and nothing came to grief. So as long as the felt is good there should be no worries. At least you will get a chance to find and fix any leaks in it before the final roof covering goes on.
    1 point
  10. Well, put it this way, Santa will have a better foot hold.
    1 point
  11. Yes, currency transfer is the best method - first time is a bit of a leap in the dark but I've used them lots now and even done a reverse transfer for a Megabad refund! Read my post earlier to understand the sequencing and ensure you don't get caught out with fluctuations in the ex rate. We found Reuters good for recommending additional products, however we did get caught out over the Geberit system - missed out the bolts that fix the frames to the wall (had to buy on Amazon in a last minute panic) and we also screwed up on the flush plates, only buying the insert initially and then realising that we needed the tile in box also. It was too late for two of the bathrooms as we'd already tiled, but exchanging them was easy and we got the clip over variety for those two rooms. They seem to have discontinued this two part system now Managed to get it right for the ensuite and downstairs WC which just got finished this week when the splash back glass was installed. Wasn't able to get a tight fit around the flush plate as internal cuts in glass have 6mm min radius - could have done it as four pieces of glass I suppose to get a sharper edge. Anyway, I sourced a matching silicone for around the pan and flush plate - fairly invisible unless you get super close.
    1 point
  12. Re pre heating intake air by passing it through an underground duct. This was discussed on EB and you must use special, I think silver coated, ducting otherwise you will get mould growth and then severe problems with air quality inside the house.
    1 point
  13. We love Megabad too. Here's our sanitaryware; arrived last week and thought you'd like to see this picture of it
    1 point
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