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  1. Are you saying that if a loop on the sunny side gets warm, its valve will close, so the heat won't be distributed (and, even worse, the temp in that zone will continue to rise because the fluid can't get out of the loop?) I guess that's potentially an issue if you have per-loop/zone control. With a smart enough controller (ie, not your usual thermostat), you could actually control the valve on the hot zone to open wider in this situation, so that the heat is shared/dumped more quickly with/to the other zones. You could also potentially do some clever things like averaging across zones to see whether you actually need more heat or just need time for the hot zone to blend with the rest. I must say though, if you have enough insulation under your floor, single zone control is a lot easier!
    2 points
  2. The only advice I can add, is to go for pine / other wood in the bathrooms, for just that side of the frame. Having even a bit of splashed water at the floor / architrave junction will result in what I have.......swollen first inch syndrome. Mine have already gone after just two years and a lesson learnt. They'll be coming off soon to be replaced with wood. Id also suggest that for kitchen / utility, you fully paint the underside before cutting and fitting as this will be a good way to guarantee that mopping etc won't cause similar issues.
    2 points
  3. I have my own endoscope, should I take it with me? What is the best thing to have for supper the night before? Will they email me the video? Be one to compete with @Construction Channel
    1 point
  4. Half a dozen Pex-Al-Pex adapters came in the post today so I've run the towel rad feeds. Going to insulate them before I concrete. Christ knows how tight you do these elbows up? Being built like Burt from The Big Bang Theory I have a habit of breaking things! (It's Doom Bar btw).
    1 point
  5. You can always tell sumat's up when a child of yours uses the word '...need...' Ours are still at it 30 years later, but somehow, these days, each time the word is used , 'need' gets attached to a couple of thousand pounds .
    1 point
  6. If it will "stick anything to everything" with "incredible initial grab", how does it get out of the tube?!
    1 point
  7. Wasn't sure where to post this as JSH's blog on here isn't open to comment, but this thread seems fairly relevant. Just in case this get overlooked by some, in his latest installment he says he has stopped trying to control the slab temperature and has found that just using a room thermostat works far better.
    1 point
  8. I know I know, stop it. they were and then of course the crappy bloody wall plugs lost a bit of tension in the equallly crappy plasterboard so I had to "winch em up a bit". 'Twas a sad sad day V2 will have secret fixings so no screws on display and some other modifications. Mind you by the time I get round to making it they will have developed truly wireless charging or you'll just get Alexa saying...... "Barney, I've noticed your phone is at 50%, I'm charging it for you now"
    1 point
  9. "During the war, Rodney"...........
    1 point
  10. The screws aren't 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock
    1 point
  11. The single advantage is that the socket cannot be taken to work, lost in the sofa or chewed by the cat.
    1 point
  12. we have a double socket by the home phone downstairs which is where my parents charge their mobiles, it was fine when they just had a phone each, But now they have a tablet they needed another lead to be coming out of the socket and a USB faceplate seemed the easiest solution
    1 point
  13. But then it would have cost twice as much and you would have had to use iscrews to fix it to the wall. no other tyoe of screw would have been compatible.
    1 point
  14. Yep don't get USB sockets in mains plugs. Way too much risk of outdated tech. I made an "iShelf". The cables disappear into a cupboard that houses a multipoint USB power bank. The only annoying thing is I should have made it from Apple not Oak
    1 point
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