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Foam Gun Cleaner - am I doing something dumb??

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I have 2x cans of Soudal foam gun cleaner, both spray when I use the little attachment they come with, but neither discharge through either of my 2x foam guns. I have some dregs left in a Screwfix NoNonsense cleaner can, which discharges through my guns fine, so I don't think the guns are at fault. 


I did get the Soudal cans at the same time, so presumably from the same batch, but find it hard to believe both are duff... am I doing something dumb?

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1 minute ago, Mr Punter said:

I don't really believe in the cleaner.  Just leave the expanding foam can attached to the gun at all times, even when it is empty.


Does that prevent it from drying out, I assumed the stuff down the barrel would still cure and cause a blockage?


I'm use a mix of MegaStik, Expanding Foam and FM330 at the minute so don't have enough guns for can types!

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@Mr Punter is right. Foam gun cleaner is a con. Leave the foam can on until it's done. Clean the nozzle with a Stanley knife before you use it. 


If you take a can off, clean it with cleaner, but don't get it all, the foam will harden and you'll have to bin you gun. A can left on a gun will supposedly last two years.

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13 minutes ago, jayc89 said:


Does that prevent it from drying out, I assumed the stuff down the barrel would still cure and cause a blockage?


I'm use a mix of MegaStik, Expanding Foam and FM330 at the minute so don't have enough guns for can types!

1. Doesn't dry out as long as there is gas in the can.


2. You can take a can off and swap it with another. You just need to give the base of the gun and the top of the can a spray with some cleaner.

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3 hours ago, jayc89 said:


Does that prevent it from drying out, I assumed the stuff down the barrel would still cure and cause a blockage?


I'm use a mix of MegaStik, Expanding Foam and FM330 at the minute so don't have enough guns for can types!


Don't bother trying the change cans between one gun. That's a recipe for disaster. Go and buy yourself 3 of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Roughneck-ROU32310-Professional-Foam-Gun/dp/B00FAKP5Z0/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2U0OL2C490E3Y&keywords=roughneck+foam+gun&qid=1683373150&sprefix=roughneck+foam+gun%2Caps%2C78&sr=8-4


They're very reliable, highly controllable and last for months and months and months with can attached. They clean well too.


What you also need to make sure you do is close the adjustment valve everytime you've finished using the foam gun.

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3 hours ago, Mr Punter said:

I don't really believe in the cleaner.  Just leave the expanding foam can attached to the gun at all times, even when it is empty.

I’ve used probably a zillion cans of expanding foam . Tried the cleaner at first never had any joy . I now just buy 10 guns at a time and bin ‘em when fecked 

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6 hours ago, jayc89 said:

Soudal foam gun cleaner, both spray when I use the little attachment they come with, but neither discharge through either of my 2x foam guns

Soudal cleaner uses an oring on the tip, it is ether missing or stuck in the hand spraying nozzle attachment, so when the can is mounted there is no push against the gun.

If that is the case and you can fix it, you are also likely to find that the oring stays in the gun. If not removed, when you load foam can it sprays BEFORE tightened...

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9 hours ago, jayc89 said:

Does that prevent it from drying out, I assumed the stuff down the barrel would still cure and cause a blockage?


You would think so - I did - but imagine my surprise when my gun continued to work perfectly fine having sat with a half-used foam canister on it for over a year! A little bit of coughing and spluttering for a couple of seconds but after that it was like I'd only put it away yesterday.

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22 hours ago, Conor said:

@Mr Punter is right. Foam gun cleaner is a con. Leave the foam can on until it's done. Clean the nozzle with a Stanley knife before you use it.

I used to do that but eventually the pin wouldn't close properly due to built up hardened foam where the knife blade wouldn't reach.


Now when I'm done I screw the gun shut and clean the nozzle with acetone. Seems to be working to prevent build-up.

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21 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

I think these cleaners are usually acetone. Not really the stuff to clean PU with.

Get some dichloromethane.

Oh hang on, been mentioning it for years and no one has ever (expletive deleted)ing bothered.

"How harmful is dichloromethane?

The substance is irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. If swallowed the substance may cause vomiting and could result in aspiration pneumonitis. The substance may cause effects on the central nervous system, blood, liver, heart and lungs. Exposure could cause carbon monoxide poisoning."


Thanks for the tip @SteamyTea, but the above has put me off..🧐 I'll just buy a new gun when it's fecked rather than me being fecked🤣

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17 minutes ago, Jenki said:

ow harmful is dichloromethane?

You are cleaning a pipe, not bathing in it.

Acetone is pretty nasty, as is white spirit.  Don't fill up a car with gasoline, it is a known killer.


If you drink decaffeinated tea or coffee, then it has probably been processes in DCM.


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1 minute ago, SteamyTea said:

You are cleaning a pipe, not bathing in it.

Acetone is pretty nasty, as is white spirit.  Don't fill up a car with gasoline, it is a known killer.


If you drink decaffeinated tea or coffee, then it has probably been processes in DCM.


And proof a little knowledge is dangerous 🤣. I only drink decaf and still here. 

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48 minutes ago, Sparrowhawk said:

Now when I'm done I screw the gun shut and clean the nozzle with acetone. Seems to be working to prevent build-up.


Actually, that's a good point - prior to my inadvertent 'year-on-the-shelf test' I will almost certainly have sprayed the outside (tip especially) with gun cleaner as it is so easy to do and just dissolves away any uncured foam. 

Edited by MJNewton
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41 minutes ago, MortarThePoint said:

Some of the guns seem more susceptible than others, although that may just be a coincidence.


Has anyone tried this gun as its cheap:




I've used Bond It guns before. They did the trick. The ones I have now have larger nozzles so those attachments don't fit on it, which is a pain. 

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