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Construction Channel

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Everything posted by Construction Channel

  1. Yup thats exactly what happened. I still havent made it ?
  2. How far is it and how many blocks? Also what is the plan for the sand?
  3. With that kind of joint you cam tell everyone that its dovetailed and they will never know any different
  4. Couldnt have explained it better myself. But the mesh was just standard galvanised and was raised a little while i filled the mould
  5. Bit late to the party here. But have you already bought the slabs? If so why did you choose those and can you return them. The simplest solution here is to either get a slab you can lift/lay or concrete a path and draw some lines in it if you really do want the council slab look. They're bastards to lay at the best of times.
  6. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01HD653WS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_CQ3BMNH9B7629HYTMVMK I have a product similar to this just under my soffit. Works fine for the normal free view channels. Gets most the hd ones as well
  7. My only suggestion would be to create a fake mansard/ tile hung section between the windows so you could bring the gutter line to below the sills. Not sure how good it would look but it would solve the problem. What was the original design to deal with the downpipes? Or is that your last pic with red line..
  8. Fwiw i dug down to find our water main on the other side of the road where i needed it connecting. Put a fence post on it and loosely filled it back in. Everyone involved with the pipe said i was a very bad boy and should never do such a thing again BUT it was very helpful and saved all of them a lot of time and effort. Pipe is now connected and no one got taken to court
  9. Just get a ladder long enough for the job. Something to stop it slipping and a pad for the top. The pipe lagging down each side also sounds like a good idea but i have never tried such luxuries. Nothing could possibly go wrong, i have faith. Im glad to hear you got on with the machine though. I know a fair few people that wont get in the things because of the sway.
  10. I am eagerly awaiting the tale of how this goes..... I have used some varying sized machines and they all sway/bounce a lot more than you think. BUT they are pretty hard to get to tip over as they come with so many alarms. When was the last time you cleaned the gutters on the old house?
  11. I doubt it would pass hse but i would put some some decent "outriggers" on the scaffold away from the building. Then clip down the boards so the cant flip up. Screw a batten /4x2 to said boards so the ladder cant slip and use a normal ladder so you dont have an issue with the solar panels. Then use a sofa cushion under the ladder like suggested above. Failing that fix a bit of wood across the top of the ladder to try and spread the weight but the cushion would be my no 1 choice Or put the ladder up the gable and shimmy along the ridge but that would be dangerous and is fairly scary getting back off
  12. The only person that sleeps better than kenny is me. 8 hours minimum for that boy, last night he had a cool 14 without a peep. But as for the sealants, i have not used that one, consideri g the brand i would assume id does as described, I have used this stuff reccomended by my tiler on my concrete worktop, travertine floor tiles and patio . Came up almost invisible/matt.
  13. Do you mean you are really in? Including a bed and kitchen sink...... If so, bloody well done. What are you going to do with all the spare time you now have??
  14. Considering the level this thread had fallen to i cant see it lasting much longer but i doubt suggesting you like golden "shoes" will be what gets it wiped ?
  15. Wait until you put a protractor on the angle you just cut at 45deg....... It's not 45 ? mind blown..... Hips and cripples are fairly straightforward if your chopsaw can accommodate the timber. They get a lot more complicated when you need to cut them by hand and mark them with a bevel. The first few pages of the ready reconer are fairly good at explaining why the angles are what they are. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9780470697788
  16. The isolation valves pictured are in @Ferdinandhouse so I doubt they will stop much water coming out of @newhomes shower. If the shower doesn't have isolators which is more than likely you might get away with turning the water off at the mains while you do what @Big Jimbo suggested. But while you have the washer out measure it and order a new one as turning it round will only be a temporary fix.
  17. iv never been pulled up by regs on the height of a handle, We generally put them where they look right, or 1m down from the top of the door. knobs will need a longer backset on the latch than a handle so you don't catch your knuckles on the door stop, especially if you need to have fire regs door stop. we recently fitted some unsprung porcelain knobs which required howdens "heavy duty" latches to work even remotely properly. they were hateful things where the knob didn't fit into the cup properly and even if they did no part of the whole setup was round so they ground when you turned them. I highlighted this issue a fair few times but " just fit them and make it work".......guess what came up on the snags (other heavy duty latches are available, we just happened to buy the original latches and hinges from howdens)
  18. Are you sure about that? Iv always been taught that oak was a hardwood and Wikipedia seems to agree https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_woods
  19. I had the same issue on mine. Flat refusal for a "new build" because of sustainability. They did however let me convert it into a holiday let as that was still commercial so didnt need change of use. Which means that i did the work under permitted development. I had to keep 50% of the existing walls but no one seemed to care when 25% of that got blown over.
  20. Pretty much, i used white cement and lime instead of dye. Also i cast it in situ so i had to polish the top afterwards. Came out ok but definately not perfect. Looks pretty good though.
  21. https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/p/argo-3ms9k9k9k/argo-argo3ms9k9k9k-air-conditioner 950.......? They're getting more tempting
  22. https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/p/iqool-3ms9k9k9k/tcl-iqool3ms9k9k9k-air-conditioner I saw this which would do the 3 rooms i need but it just seems a shame to waste all the ducting i already have in place. I shall look into these ducted cassettes and see how it would stack up. Thanks for your help
  23. I got one of those last year and possibly the best money i ever spent. But now i want more!!! Try putting it at the foot of the bed so it blows under the duvet. Too cold for Faye but i loved it
  24. Has anyone had any success at such a thing? Seems "relatively simple", split the feed going into the house from the mvhr, fit a "non return valve" then just somehow cobble the ac unit so it blows down the pipe towards the manifold...... Surely they make a unit that fits straight onto a 6" pipe???? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Tia Ed
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