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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/19 in all areas

  1. another one from him --he used to send me in car videos for comments on set-up etc ,as i used to race them very successfully ,anyone that knows cadwell knows its very tight inbits
    2 points
  2. The price range was £22000 to £6500 depending on the specification. We had to have piles ; but our SE reminded us that there are piles and piles.... We chose to use stone improvement columns (piles by any other name) they were much cheaper, much quicker than steel sleeved concrete (specified by the ground survey company) and far less hassle. The company that did them was superb. PM me if you want a contact. The bottom line - no hassle or worry and 17k cheaper. And we now have 64 soakaways under the house ?
    2 points
  3. I also had my heart set on building with Danwood, and was able to visit one one of their houses a week from handover. I was shocked at some of the poor finishing quality - tiling trim, plastering etc. Also felt a draft from a closed window. When I queried this with the rep the response wasn’t as I had hoped at all, somewhat dismissive. The other thing I didn’t like about their houses were their sockets and switches which seemed a bit cheapy plastic , and their internal doors which had a lip which went over the door surround which was a bit unusual. Also if you want a room bigger than 4m they have to put a boxed beam dropped from the ceiling. +1 that they were a bit slow to deal with, and were very expensive to do anything other than their standard houses. Went elsewhere.
    1 point
  4. round about 260bhp@wheels ,plenty to keep you awake with a front wheel drive and no lag like a turbo ,dives just like N/A not bad when std 1.6 is about 95@wheels
    1 point
  5. One of my supercharged 1.6 saxo customers videos
    1 point
  6. This is me, at Tregrehan Hill Climb, around 1978/9: and this was my normal commuting car for several years (the photo's from when I worked not far from @scottishjohn's neck of the woods): The little i3 is way quicker off the line than either of them, though. What's funny is the noise that the i8 makes. It only has a 3 cylinder engine, yet for some bizarre reason BMW decided to make it sound like this:
    1 point
  7. I'm a consultant within the precast concrete market. A joint venture between Milbank and a Beligium company called Danilith looked like it was going to get traction back in 2015 but it never came to full fruition. I know Laing O'Rourke do housing but not sure if they do one-offs, a few other Irish precasters do small housing developments but I have not come across someone doing the full package yet. You could try https://www.mahousebuilders.com/ we supplied them with magnets and shuttering nearly a year ago which I believe was for wall panels. I'm not sure if they do the full package in precast. I think the main issue for one off houses is the structural calculations and the lifting design and production planning for one offs. However I would be happy to supply MA with all the lifting design calculations free of charge for a one off house for you as I'd love to see precast more widely adopted in the house building sector. I think it's better suited for mass production though.
    1 point
  8. ..... hope you have that in writing ..!! 14,000 is 32 packs, I would expect that to make sure you don’t have a problem they would need you to take them over a 2 week period at most. Anything more than that and you’ll have variations.
    1 point
  9. I don't think there is any easy solution to this. Ultimately if you still end up with the issue, you could paint the rest to match the banded look of the house in the background. It may be easier to bit the bullet and redo part of all of the courses. Ferdinand
    1 point
  10. 3.5 to 3.2 could be temperature related drop. Don’t forget you only run at 1-1.5 bar max in UFH.
    1 point
  11. Are you using profiles ..?? Hang them on the string pins above the row you need them in.
    1 point
  12. I think there is a discrepancy between people that buy new, or fairly new cars, and people that buy end of life cars. Having bought news cars in the past, and see nearly £20k in depreciation over 5 years (same time I bought a holiday home for £36k). I decided that end of life cars were better value. So far the total costs for the last 20 years has been less than the previous depreciation (I do drive like my Mother these days and can get 100,000 miles out of a set of brake pads, they used to last 5,000 miles).
    1 point
  13. They should strictly be saying "thermal conductivity" The term efficiency is thrown about in such circles incorrectly all the time, e.g. Dyson and their "super efficient" heaters and cooling fans. You could argue that with a more thermally conductive slab, you achieve room temp faster than traditional screed, and therefore the heating switches off sooner, so energy losses by the system running would be reduced.
    1 point
  14. Hmm...wish the bench was still as tidy... Good excuse to give the kids a go at welding!
    1 point
  15. I seem to remember a half-finished DIY whacker back in the early days of the bathroom. Maybe finish that one?
    1 point
  16. AFAIK he's not got any thermal storage in the heating system other than the concrete in the passive slab. The Willis heater just sits in series with the UFH pipes as the heat source. Don't think he's got any PV yet, either. DHW is from a pair of electrically heated Sunamp PV units, run in parallel.
    1 point
  17. Don't do what I saw once, they bought a mat too big, and rolled up the spare under the bath.
    1 point
  18. Measure just the heater area and not under the wC pan..!! 50mm from the edge is fine.
    1 point
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