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  1. The job is done. If anyone is wondering how fast Sioo:x changes the colour of cedar then look at the centre panel (between the windows) which I didn't install until this morning compared to the rest over a week ago. It was hand applied and I seem to remember @iSelfBuild saying that his hand applied Sioo coated cedar went grey very quickly. As I understand it it's rain and sun that accelerates the process and its lashed it down a fair few times in the last week.
    2 points
  2. Absolutely, prior to making any other purchases this way I would check / call the helpline, as I stated earlier. However, for the purchase already made, which was the original question, an explanatory note along with the receipts when submitting the VAT reclaim would seem sensible.
    2 points
  3. I couldn't get any ct1 so used clear tec7 to bond my glass screen to the tray. 3 years on and it's still clear.
    2 points
  4. Thanks all, doe anyone have the phone number for the helpline several have mentioned? Will give them a call on Monday. My gut thought now is that it's a great way to save for normal purchases. But for anyone doing a new build and looking to reclaim VAT, it's probably a risk not worth taking. I'll report back next week once I've spoken to HMRC. Thanks all all for your help and concern, happy to be a guinea pig, worst case scenario is I've lost £190, quite a pain but I won't let it consume me if it is to be the case. I'll make that back Savings on other things in my day to day life now I've realised how many different gift cards I can buy through my employer.
    1 point
  5. When I purchased stuff at BnQ and other DIY stores I just asked the lady on the till for a VAT receipt. Usually they fished out a pad and hand wrote one. Sometimes they had to call for a manager to do it. They need your address to put on it.
    1 point
  6. On my beloved, since sold to buy my first van ?, Yamaha / kef setup I just smiled to myself every time I wound it up. Yamaha DSP A1 ( still got my A2 now as it's pretty hard to get the power ), Kef speakers :- 104.2 front 95.2 ctr 35's front effect 65's rear Mate wouldn't sell me his Velodyne marble sub, but with 110w per channel RMS bi-amped into the 104.2's you couldn't keep your lunch down. Neighbour the other side of the main road asked me once if I'd just watched Black Hawk Down. I said why? She replied "cos the fackin helicopter sounded like it was landing in my back garden". Tres bien.
    1 point
  7. About as good as it gets
    1 point
  8. Yup. Colonel custard. You can't have it on show, plus it's a complete bugger to tool up and finish to anywhere near a presentable job. Do all the fundemental sealing with clear CT1 ( or Sitxall Crystal Clear which seems to be the same stuff ) and wipe all the excess off and allow to cure. Then, go over this with the coloured silicone of your choice for the aesthetics. Treat that silicone as sacrificial and just peel off when grotty and reapply new accordingly.
    1 point
  9. This place any good for you? http://www.fixandweld.com/contact.html Do the plastic disposable cup test CT1 do in their YouTube vid and be amazed! - Fill a disposable cup with water - Slash one side with a Stanley - Seal up the RUNNING WATER gap I was impressed. - Turn the cup around - Slash the other side - Seal it up from THE INSIDE with the nozzle UNDERWATER! Was really impressed!
    1 point
  10. Usually one each side of your head.
    1 point
  11. Ta Da! Thanks Nick. Dry pressure in test in progress. A wet test is going to need some thought as I need to get close to 80ltrs of water and antifreeze into the pipes with no mains water connection available yet! I'll have to see if I can rig up a very long hose from the garage.
    1 point
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