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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/17 in all areas

  1. I have led such a boring life.... I think I will go and do some building, oh hang on its a Sunday so I will have to do it very quietly. PS Welcome back to THE forum - well on the way now to emulating the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy of all things " building, renovation and self-build " EG: "The build hub guide to the galaxy describes forum members as generally somewhat demented humans who have led otherwise interesting lives on the plant earth but have fallen into building what they euphemistically call dwellings on this plant. The members have a number of rituals that must be performed at regular intervals including out boasting their exploits with their partners such as what they did on their honeymoon, (- a short time spent doing stuff you didn't used to be able to do until you were 'married' but which is now so much practised before marriage that the whole idea of a honey moon has, in the opinion of your editor been entirely devalued) and what they gave as gifts for Christmas (- a short lived celebration requiring the giving and receiving of unwanted gifts as a mechanism for rebalancing out the planets mass because it results in lots of objects being moved from on side of the plant earth to the other). Although such dwellings are designed to keep out the weather, ( - a topic often discussed among the peoples of planet earth), they are no defence against the Vogon destructor fleet that is at this very moment receiving orders to clear a space for the pan galactic highway that will involve the planets destruction. Destruction that is only assuming that the galactic planning authority grants the necessary permissions, insurances are in place, the DHW supply scheme is finalised, the bath surround design is complete and all 'party universe' agreements have been ratified - all of which ensures that although the Vogons are ready and waiting with their DIGGER ( - suggestions please) the highway, like so many others planned by the powers that rule the galaxy, will not be built and the forum will carry on productively using up my time ED."
    5 points
  2. We originally said we are definitely not going to move in until it's ready. But the build is going on longer than we thought, and we planned for. The rent is a significant drain on resources. So never say never. We have two working bedrooms and an office. In the kitchen we have hob, granite worktop, dishwasher, sink and kitchen table. Bathroom-wise we have one WC (3 to go), 0 showers (1 promised for tomorrow), 0 basins (there's always the kitchen sink) - but hey there's a door on the WC. Balustrades and handrails, kitchen extract, nine more doors, washing machine, freezer - who knows? The big question however is whether the fact that we are on site will cause the builders to take longer (because they can't find anything anymore) or complete the work faster (because having the customer on site is so irritating.) But ultimately, 13 months since we demolished the house we've owned for forty years, we've now built and moved into its replacement. Feels strange. But I have to say I absolutely could never have done it without the help and support of contributors to this site - so a big thank you to all. And for anyone thinking of embarking on a similar journey - well I think it's a pretty cool thing to do. ?
    1 point
  3. Can we have a pic of the opposite side ( inside ) please? And a slightly zoomed out pic of the above. Is this a hinged panel, or fixed?
    1 point
  4. So if the bloke with the bowler hat and the clipboard comes and walks your hose back to its source at pump which connects to the tank under your drive or your well, he will go away happy, even though the neighbours may have had a fit of outrage previously. Cool.
    1 point
  5. 'Insulted foundation' a typo but brought a smile to me! as insulted is actually a good description and its been called a lot lot worse!! Personally I would be much happier with the pipe in a duct, currently the pipes installed are the two providing the water to outside taps at the rear of the garage. I'll make sure the incoming mains will be within a duct. thanks, I may try and put up a few snaps later
    1 point
  6. This table might be useful. Sewage Treatment Plant Selection - Which Sewage Plant is the BEST? Comparision of EN12566-3 Test Results Below is a comparison list of Performance Results during the EN12566-3 Test - taken from the EN12566-3 PIA Test Centre website. The figures are the average of the 38 weeks testing - the lower the figures, the better the result. It is probably better to avoid plants which have figures in red that are at, or close to, the limits, as they must have exceeded the limits on some test occasions and you are not allowed to exceed the limits at all. Make of Plant Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Mg/L Suspended Solids {SS) Mg/L Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4 - N) Mg/L Environment Agency Maximum Limits 20 30 20 Klargester Biodisc 20 23 5 Klargester Envirosafe 12 21 3.4 Klargester Bio-Ficient 20 27 0.4 WPL Diamond 10 21 7.3 Balmoral Hydroclear 11 19 4.5 Tricel 11 16 8 Graf Klaro E 12 20 12 Condor ASP 8 12 7.7 Falcon 11 16 5.9 Vortex 7.3 15.2 0.4 FilterPod Non-Electric 10 12 11 Premier Tech Aqua Ltd. Epurfix Non-Electric 11 14 20 Clearfox Non-Electric 9 29 12
    1 point
  7. Just like self-build: "You are here to stay until the rattle in your dying throat relieves you!" And there's even an H&S lesson at the end.
    1 point
  8. Man after my own heart... but car shampoo is way to brave for me.. We (well me really) also have a christmas ritual in our house... I always buy my wife one 'domestic' christmas present every year for her to open first... last year she had a special 'desiger' gift .. a Gino D Campo soucepan set! ... didn't seem to appreciate it though.
    1 point
  9. Love it! I took my wife to Dungeness Nuclear Power Station...on our honeymoon!
    1 point
  10. I've just bought the quick fit door set from B&Q. Think it's a Jenweld product, £72 for door and frame. I'll post some pics in a few days. So far made up the new stud wall and fitted the pre-made door liner. Next is hanging the door...wish me luck.
    1 point
  11. Well this is just an update.... shower pod or propper job. This was all done as cheep as reasonable so it took some time to acquire all the materials. Total price including all insulation and materials was about £700, Triton shower, Coram shower tray, vent axia vent and light. Its essentially a shower built on top of a towbar of a caravan....... hence only 900mm to play with and its going to be awkward to hitch it back up...... L
    1 point
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