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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/17 in all areas

  1. Missus loves it. Rings a bit small though so you have to be careful how you position things.
    1 point
  2. You know you want one Ed:
    1 point
  3. You'll be wanting a Fronius for that: http://www.rapidwelding.com/dynamic/DisplayItem.aspx?c=4075200850
    1 point
  4. I read that as Chartered Accountant . Welcome. It is useful to have a rough location .. say county or region.
    1 point
  5. you want a decent rough service bulb as you may find they go pretty quickly. If you can wait til thursday then Amazon have some 110v rough service bulb
    1 point
  6. And I have an excellent architect. Registered, tame, polite, gifted, sensibly priced. Can I suggest you 'waste' time on BH? Ignore the brickbats about your discipline. They are slightly relevant - but no customer is going fully to report their own shortcomings are they? So tales of difficulties with architects are unlikely to be objectively reported. The board contains ample primary evidence for your research. Few come here and tell us what they got right; most are asking for help. Very few posts go unanswered. So how can you tailor your service to people like us? Listen. Read your customer. Connect. Build trust. Explain simply. Signpost self-support. Offer further engagement as required. Principally, connect.
    1 point
  7. Decsion made alu clad timber Internorm.Thank you for all your help.
    1 point
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum. You are not the only architect on here, so you will have some backup. I think mention the word architect here and it's a bit like marmite. So keep your tin hat ready. Personally I had very bad experiences of an architect. I could only find one that charged a fixed fee being a percentage of the estimated build cost. Telling them that I didn't want it project managed and put out to tender did not make them budge on their fees. And as it happened the actual build cost ended up a little over half their estimated build cost. To say I felt like I was being taken for a ride and was just a "rich self builder / cash cow" was an under statement. I ended up using an architectural technician who charged a much more reasonable fee related to the amount of work he did, not some ficticious build cost estimate. I would hope I was just unlucky and you will tell me your fees and scope of work are both reasonable and negotiable.
    1 point
  9. I just got most of my stuff from the Wunda store http://www.wundatrade.co.uk/ We had a Willis heater at home when I was growing up, it had the advantage that you could turn the immersion on and if you ran the water slow enough (about pencil thick) you got instant hot water - even if the cylinder was cold
    1 point
  10. I'll open a thread tonight when I get home :-)
    1 point
  11. I've just checked and Pipestock it was, 19mm bore flexis with 3/4" BSP ends: https://www.pipestock.com/hose-fittings/metal-braided-hose/metal-female-x-female-bsp Click on the "more info" button and the spec comes up. These are also the ones I used for the ASHP, which also needed "full bore" flexible hoses. They have an EPDM liner so are OK for potable water (the liners in our accumulators are also EPDM).
    1 point
  12. Bloody kitchen companies I detest them! ME: "Yes, I think we have a design and price I'm happy with" ME: "What are your payment terms" THEM: "100% with order" ME: "But I don't want it until August" THEM: "100% with order or we cant guarantee the price" ME: "No retention for fitting issues?" THEM: "No. 100% up front" ME: "Surely a reasonable deposit now (25%), 72.5% on factory build (10 weeks before delivery), 2.5% fitting retention would be reasonable" THEM: "No" ME: "Goodbye" Rant over!!
    1 point
  13. @Redoctober There are multiple ways to have an underfloor system fitted upstairs. You can fit between solid wood joists, they just need to be notched out. The joists with the metal webbing can't be notched so you can fit a batten on top of them to fix a spreader plate to or you can fit an overlay system if you have a deck already down, or indeed fit a plate to the underside, that though is a pain in the erm.... neck. Let me know if you want any further advice, I'm happy to help.
    1 point
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