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We have won our planning appeal at last


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1 hour ago, Mr Punter said:

Maybe use independent building control instead of local authority.

No, as I said above building control are great, nice chap with an open mind to new ideas ( and tells people he is nothing to do with planning) ?

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12 hours ago, joe90 said:

No, as I said above building control are great, nice chap with an open mind to new ideas ( and tells people he is nothing to do with planning) ?


Mine said that as well, shows what a low opinion they have of planners!

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Allow me to be one of the last to join the party. Well done indeed. Once the feeling of anger and or frustration has settled, I'm sure the positives of having to suffer a delay will come through - Such as the experiences and learning you would have gathered from this type of forum must have put you in a stronger position to move forward - so enjoy and keep us informed!


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3 hours ago, Redoctober said:

Allow me to be one of the last to join the party. Well done indeed. Once the feeling of anger and or frustration has settled, I'm sure the positives of having to suffer a delay will come through - Such as the experiences and learning you would have gathered from this type of forum must have put you in a stronger position to move forward - so enjoy and keep us informed!



You are so right, this forum has kept me going in planning all the details from the great wealth of knowledge I have gained here,I can now get on with actually doing the work.


thanks everyone



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John, I assume that you get a NoD following the successful appeal.  Have they imposed any extra conditions.  IIRC, with ours there were split into four categories (i) before you start work; (ii) before you start building above FFL; (iii) before completion; and (iv) general conditions which always apply.  Have they added or varied any in your notice?

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3 hours ago, TerryE said:

John, I assume that you get a NoD following the successful appeal.  Have they imposed any extra conditions.  IIRC, with ours there were split into four categories (i) before you start work; (ii) before you start building above FFL; (iii) before completion; and (iv) general conditions which always apply.  Have they added or varied any in your notice?


The council website shows we successfuly won our appeal, not sure they will also send us notice ( not holding my breath). Basically, no. The only conditions are the ones that came with application number 4, (the bungalow and garage just to get us started) they were, root protection zone ( already fenced). Blocking off old access and using new access ( we will block the old access when the new access is fully usable. There was also a condition by the council ( for the bungalow) that said we must install two bat boxes as well as the ones I built into the garage but the appeal inspector pointed out ( as per my appeal) that the ecologist that the council made us employ said that the three bat boxes built into the garage roof was sufficient for the whole site. So ya booo to the council on all grounds. ?

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We had all sort of crap about providing details of how our window treatment, doors, etc. had to look.  Our TA gave a load of detailed drawings but this level of detail came back to bite us later.  Both our builder and a friend locally who is also building a house gave the same advice: give as little as possible; any more is just a rope to hang you. :(

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 19:39, joe90 said:

Don't tempt me ,!!!. No, quite the opposite, local red brick and lime pointing with local slate roof, painted wooden windows. A Devon cottage ?


I am tempted with the " up yours" sign as our neighbour has instigated most of the objections and has even put a manakin with a high viz vest in his garden looking out our site to say " we are looking at what your doing" he has accused us of not abiding by planning laws but this appeal has stopped him in his tracks.


I think maybe your neighbour will appreciate you having a tidy garden. Here are some hedge designs I think you may wish to consider that will be visible from his/her property:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Things are moving on, my involvement is doing my homework to make sure we have nailed down all our options ( windows ordered, heating planned etc etc). Then as I am the chippie for the build, come spring ( when the better weather is here) I will be on site cracking on.





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7 minutes ago, PeterW said:

What's the black duct in the trench with the drainage pipe ..?? Control wires for the sewage tank ..?


PeterW, go to the top of the class,? that's exactly what it is. It is only the considerable amount of knowledge that I have gained from this forum that has allowed me to plan our build with so much detail ( well, I have not missed anything yet !!!!!!!!)

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  • 1 month later...

Well guys ( and galls) I don't do blogs but I thought I would share a photo that I received from my builder this morning. It's the first floor I joists going in. I am unable to be on site much at the moment unfortunately but as soon as I can get on site woohoo.


p.s. To say my builders have been brilliant.


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Thanks all, bring it on, bring it on, ( now I shall be starting lots of threads on the nuts and bolts of our build)  I really feel ( after a rotten winter with bad health) that 2017 is going to be my year. 


Just to show how mad I am, if you carefully look at that photo you will see a small car under a cover in my workshop, that's a 48 year old kit car that I bought last week as my next project for rebuild after I finish the house. And yes my other half thinks it's good for me ( as long as I finish the house first) .

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On 11/10/2016 at 19:39, joe90 said:

I am tempted with the " up yours" sign as our neighbour has instigated most of the objections and has even put a manakin with a high viz vest in his garden looking out our site to say " we are looking at what your doing"

You have  a large plot don't you?  Any chance of planting a leylandii hedge along that boundary so you never have to see him again?  Obliviously if it blocks out light to his house thats an added bonus.....

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Think I missed this thread first time round, congratulations to you for seeing it through with the planners. They can be a contrary bunch. One of my childhood memories from my parents' self build was of driving around the local area to take photos of houses containing all the features the planners had said we couldn't have, because they were out of keeping with the vernacular.

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1 hour ago, Calvinmiddle said:

You have  a large plot don't you?  Any chance of planting a leylandii hedge along that boundary so you never have to see him again?  Obliviously if it blocks out light to his house thats an added bonus.....


Apparently one of my neighbour's gripes (and I don't blame him) was that my wife's ex removed a Devon hedge and a row of mature oaks and native trees along our road boundary. My wife was almost fined heavily by the council as removing a Devon hedge requires strict planning. I have since planted a beech hedge and behind that a popular tree line (which can grow fast and high) which has shown the neighbour my interest in restoring as best I can what we both feel was wrongly removed. He has even come over and asked how we are getting on recently as he has now given up on protesting against our build, I simply pointed out that NONE of his or the council's objections stood up against the planning rules as set down by the LPA or the national planning policy, and politely turned my back on him and walked away. ?.    Yes I make take up topiary, and yes the manikin of me in his garden is still there, personally everyone I have spoken to locally thinks he is bonkers and the manikin says more about his mental state than mine. Rock on tommy.


He has since had to put his house on the market as his business has gone bust so hopefully he will be long gone asap.

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