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Everything posted by MrMagic

  1. Fair enough, I shan't bother in the future 🤦‍♂️
  2. Um.. not sure how to respond. I posted the manual with all the technical details so anyone can research and draw their own conclusions... what else have I done/not done here except try to help????
  3. You can download the manual from here - https://www.manualslib.com/download/836973/Toshiba-Hws-803xwhm3-E.html - (PDF was larger than forum allows for upload) Its a 'split' system whereby you've got the outdoor unit, refrig piping to an indoor 'hydrobox' and then wet connections from that to the cylinder... so for all intents and purposes it's just a normal cylinder but will work provided you've got the rest of the gubbins to drive it.
  4. Just to close out this thread - unfortunately this purchase fell through at the last minute, for the right reasons - I was perhaps foolish to assume that planning could be swayed but alas two independant planning consultants both said "no chance".. on that basis we've moved on! Lessons learnt - for sites that are not obvious or not within existing development boundaries, pay for a site planning appraisal, ours was £450 for reference. On to the next project... stay tuned!
  5. Mine (MHI) units turn the internal fan off and close the flap almost fully during a defrost cycle. +1 for weird noises during the defrost, not overly noisy, sounds a bit like a kettle boiling sometimes!
  6. This is a tough one unfortunately as these APs use 'Passive PoE' - which basically means the manufacturer has made up their own standard rather than using the proper 802.3af/at standards (which is what your switch is providing) You could try something like this (At your own risk!) - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204193562706
  7. I don't understand what motivates people to act in such weird ways when they object - having read through a lot of planning apps and comments, it seems second only to death+probate in the ways people contort themselves over minor details. Perhaps I'm way to relaxed, but life's too short to get wound up the way some people do - an example - watching the latest series of Clarkson's Farm over the weekend, and whether you like or dislike Jeremy.. the utter twaddle spouted throughout his planning process was just bonkers. Our local Parish council aren't too bad, however one of them is an ex planning consultant who uses his experience to strengthen the "no" arguments - even worse for people that live in proximity to him and have had to abandon plans (and one person even moved away...) as he won't permit anything nearby. Conflict of interest or what.
  8. Budgetary estimate only at the moment rather than a quote so that price is excluding all the traffic management etc 😭. I need to send the sewer down the same path so hoping there might be a chance to get a single dig. Other than that it's going to be beans on toast for the foreseeable.. will hopefully be able to convert to a formal quote in the next few months once we know rough locations.
  9. Just that really - £20,376 (inc.) - 100 meters of footpath, 2 meters of road, 2 joints, single phase. Oh to be a self builder... 😂 At what point do we seriously consider going off grid!?
  10. The quote in the Daily Fail kinda gives it away tho.. 'In 2019 I was issued with a building warrant and a letter to confirm I could proceed with the construction. My builders built the house according to this warrant plan with a few changes made along the way for which we submitted retrospective planning.' I agree with all the sentiment above - a) looks like the local doctors/community hall b) its awful c) it's huge d) not a scrap of nature in sight!
  11. How good are you with crayons? sounds like you've got the job
  12. Cheezy title but having a bit of a nightmare looking for a "cool" architect - not sure if our requirements are just too specific but our asks are - someone a bit daring, modern design but not 'footballers wives', squeeze a lot out of a smaller property via smart design, eco oriented, ideally passivehouse, building not costing the earth (money and eco-wise)! We've found some lovely people so far but every one has a catch, e.g. Arch 1 - lovely lady, met in person on a previous project, good with space planning and modern design, does nothing passivehousey Arch 2 - respected eco architect, can certainly make the space and materials work, boring/safe design language, limited material palette Arch 3 - local firm, used previously on a loft conversion, very safe, interest in eco but not actively pursuing Arch 4,5,6... - lots of amazing arch but only seem to work on £1m+/grand designs Tried RIBA find an arch tool - again, just returned a lot of £1m+ type architects who have Steve Jobs style mono wardrobes full of black turtlenecks I guess we've been poisoned by TV shows - we would like Charlie Luxton or Piers Taylor design on an Aldi budget house! Any tips or recommendations (south of England based but not fussed if arch is not local)? Seems a shame to compromise before we've even put pen to paper! Help!
  13. Hey @Alfow - would love to know more about your wall and roof makeups/cross sections! I'm very tempted by steel framing (I guess it comes from being an engineers son) - seems simple to work with and quick to errect.
  14. The CEO (Sarah Merrick) is also on Twitter as https://twitter.com/SpeakSarahSpeak and is usually quite responsive to questions. I haven't invested as I'm not keen on the variable nature of it (control freak here).
  15. Yup that should do the trick. As MJ said, buy and try, if it’s junk you can just send back.
  16. Yes exactly that. If you have power at the point at where you wish to ‘split’ then any powered PoE switch should do. if you don’t have power at that point then you’ll need a PoE powered switch with PoE pass through (like the netgear) (PoE in the above is referring to standard 802.3ae/af type 48v PoE, not the ubiquiti proprietary 24v ‘passive PoE’……thanks for confusing everyone Ubiquiti)
  17. Ah ha. It means you have a dream router rather than a dream machine (ubiquiti having fun with naming 🤦‍♂️) Anyway, those ports are proper 48v PoE ports and will power the ring doorbell and/or the netgear switch. I’m afraid they won’t power the 24v nano switch.
  18. No. The output or pass through capabilities of the nano switch are 24v ubiquiti proprietary Poe only. As far as I can see the dream machine doesn’t have PoE..do you mean the pro version?
  19. That Ubiquiti one uses its own proprietary 24v PoE system rather than the industry standard 802.3af 48v PoE so will only work with their own kit. This Netgear will do the job but it probably isn’t as tiny as you’d want https://www.netgear.com/uk/business/wired/switches/plus/gs105pe/
  20. Initial pricing here now - https://midsummerwholesale.co.uk/buy/samsung-heat-pumps
  21. Due out beginning of October. Launch event was postponed because of recent stuff.
  22. Went induction, will never go back. Didn't need any new pans. Single sheet of glass, piece of cake to keep clean. 'cool' to touch so 'boil overs' don't get burnt on etc etc. To the main topic - Past two months leccy - Total consumption 1072.4kWh @ 6.08p/kWh £65.22 (Battery+PV+EV+House+A/C). Includes all driving, can't even get a single tank of fuel for that anymore (unless it's a moped). (DHW excluded as still on Gas combi)
  23. @SteamyTea Not an answer to your exact question - I use a cheap sonoff to switch a contactor on my storage heater - all "off the shelf", in a little 2 way DIN rail enclosure. Marginally more expensive. Could be used for an immersion also. 6A MCB provides 240v feed to the sonoff. (reflashed with ESPhome for home assistant integration but could be left as is to use the sonoff app. Shelly etc would also work)
  24. I think the EDDI has an option for a de-strat pump - pg50/51 of the user manual -
  25. No issue for me personally - they are quiet but not silent. I like the kind of 'white noise' it gives off, helps me sleep. The only thing we had to do is choose fan speed 1 rather than 'auto' - we found if we left it to auto the fan would spool up whenever it was heating, using the fixed fan speed solved this.
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