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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/16 in all areas

  1. They tend to 'work' themselves off over time with fluctuations in temp / pressure. Should be ok for a temp run if you can emery cloth the ends a little ?
    1 point
  2. Yes, although presumably this effect will become less efficient as the external temperature rises (which is fine - it's when it's really cold outside that you want to be recovering as much heat as you can anyway).
    1 point
  3. A simple bit of JavaScript will do, hence NewVeer=MyVeer function() { if Thread=== 'x' [BangOn WHat-Its-Meant-To-Be]; Break; (have a KitKat) if Thread === 'y' [All-Over-The-Place]; TellAMod (NickFromWales); Lotsofwelshwords-eistedfod (adinfinitum) var (Warning); issue Warning (LandOfMyFathers1); } RinseRepeat
    1 point
  4. Proaktiv called me up, they had quoted for full build and site insurance. They said they are not aware of anyone who would insure just things I order up so the only way to insure them would be for me to insure the whole job again even though the main contractor has insurance. I might just wing it.
    1 point
  5. How did my USB recommendation turn into THIS ??? !!! However in this case just buy the Mazda.
    1 point
  6. I have not once in my life felt the need to have a socket with a USB port. Nor do i understand why you would. Maybe im just backwards?
    1 point
  7. @hmpmarketingI just queried CIL exemption with my LPA pointing out my permission makes no mention of CIL....they said "There would be no CIL requirement for this proposal. You need take no further action." I then queried how I would discharge ALL my conditions BEFORE 'commencing' (a very emphasized condition of my PP) given there's no entrance to my site through which I can bring machinery to dig trial pits (needed to be able to discharge certain conditions). They said "You can discharge the highway conditions now before any others" which is helpful as I can now make an entrance....but very confusingly contradictory, plus it suggests they won't see making the entrance as commencement.
    1 point
  8. I've thought about changing the missus to an economic model! Cheaper and probably more fun I suspect - I just can't face all those years of intensive training though...
    1 point
  9. I have one of those. The standing joke (although I'm certainly not laughing) is that I'd come home from work in winter to find literally every single light in the house on! I'd spend the first five minutes going around turning off lights that were on in rooms that no-one had entered for hours. I get that the kids don't pay attention but it drives me mental that my wife just doesn't see this. It's the same with the dishwasher - she'll put it on at 10 o'clock in the evening in summer, when it's dark, rather then the next day when we may have several excess kilowatts being producing from the PV for several hours. Or she'll put it on 75% full right before we sit down to dinner! I've managed to claw a bit back recently by changing the programming on our home automation system. Now, the utility room, bathrooms, and the kids' bedrooms are on timers. Since I'm the only one who can program it, there's nothing they can do about it! Oh, and I've also installed an "all off upstairs" switch in a central downstairs position, and an "all off downstairs" switch in a central upstairs position. Very convenient way of turning off an entire floor's worth of lighting, and something worth considering if you'd doing home automation.
    1 point
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