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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Just getting the site progressed with first fix prior to MBC returning and plasterboard, are there any hints, tips or checklists so items are not forgotten before walls are covered up? Back box heights, beyond the 450mm from floor level what are the heights for thermostats or is it personal preference? Best fix screw them to the service battens? Best way to support light pendants between roof joists? Support noggins for kitchen units is there a standard height Should a back board be used for such things as consumer units, manifold control units (and dismiss with the plasterboard)? Heavy items (buffer tank), best way to fix noggins? Boarding for internal walls before plasterboard? (for support)
    1 point
  3. Get the footings in Vijay - you have had the site cleared already - in the knowledge that there were no newts. You've done nothing incorrect - to enter talks about it would just bring more attention to it. It's like asking for a Bat Survey after a building has been knocked down. What I would do however is brief whoever is doing the footings on observing wildlife and looking out for newts - ensure you have provided guidance to them about it, and what to do if they discover a GCN. Remember - it's not a crime to develop your site. Be genuinely responsible - after all - the burden of proof is on planning etc.. - the fact is, the site has been cleared lawfully. I think it safe to say there ain't going to be any GCNs there regardless. You are a single house on a plot of land - this guidance is a tick box and given the progress to date, is pretty irrelevant to you. Different if out of a planned 400 houses, the land had been cleared for 50 and the rest had not been touched - you're getting caught up in something that doesn't apply to you any more I would say.
    1 point
  4. I am sure most of you will think I am bonkers landscaping the plot of a house that's not yet completed outside, and barely started inside. In the last few weeks all the ground around the house has been leveled and final garden levels established. I have even started to grow some grass. It was completed today, here's one view of how it now looks: (the nice green lawn in the foreground is my neighbours front garden) There is more on my blog here http://ardross.altervista.org/Wilowburn/landscaping-part-1/ The motivation for doing this at this stage, is that is was something very cheap that I was able to do, and this now completes most of the jobs that require the digger, so just one more little job and that will be for sale.
    1 point
  5. Shielded CAT5 is pretty immune to most things apart from HF interference from some dimmer switches and older fluorescent light fittings - other than that it's the usual stuff about keeping high and low voltage cables apart and like Nick says I've seen it run parallel i.e. 50mm apart with no problem. Just run a wide chase with two cover shields
    1 point
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