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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/16 in all areas

  1. Ryder72 from the old website. Hope everyone is well.
    1 point
  2. Hello Peter, Having trying to read everything on the ebuild site before it disappears, I came across the blog entry by stones from 14/3/16, saying he was moving to build hub. I can't tell you what a happy discovery it was. Following nearly 2 years of setbacks with regard to planning, conservation area & neighbour problems we are, at last, hoping to start the groundworks in the autumn. We are building a 2 bed, chalet style house to passive standards on the Leicestershire/Rutland border.
    1 point
  3. Lycra would be a better idea than the Tupperware we are required to use. And yes, you are stirring, but I can handle it. Monitoring frequency? Daily before 11:00. Every day in the season for the duration of the build. So I can forget going on holiday when the temperature is higher than +5 overnight. Useful pressure to crack on with the build. By whom? Me, as trained by the 'ologist. Bit of a laugh that because I've been removing them for 15 years at least. Longer than the 'ologist has been alive. Found one in the dog's feeding bowl this morning, right outside the kitchen door.
    1 point
  4. SO, bubba. Where will you keep the digger in the absence of a shed?
    1 point
  5. Quite a few have got there systems from bpc, me included and I also used vent tiles. Much easier than going through block work.
    1 point
  6. Dare I ask who showed him such an elegant solution?
    1 point
  7. It's been named "Batmoral" we already have "Cluckingham Palace" where SWMBO's prized girls live.
    1 point
  8. So more progress this weekend. PV panels are all ready to be wired up by the sparky on Thur. Slates all finished. Anyone thinking of using the GSE panels and all black PV's should definitely do it. They look so smart. They're also incredibly simple to install. Still numerous jobs to do inside and out but on we go
    1 point
  9. I sometimes think we should have a "useful tips before you submit a planning application" sticky here. On it would be things like, before you submit an application, or seek planning advice, do the following: - Fill in any ponds that might possibly contain Great Crested Newts - Remove the roof from any structure on site that might possibly house bats - Remove any indication of there ever having been oil tanks or any other form of hazardous substance from the site. - Fell all and any trees that you think might possibly restrict what you want to do. - Run a bulldozer over the site to scrape the topsoil clear and remove any evidence of there ever having been a trace of anything of ecological value there. - If you suspect there could be archaeology, dig down to a depth as deep as your foundations will be over any area you may have to excavate as a part of the build. - grub up and remove any old hedges that might be in the way, lest they contain nesting birds, dormice etc that could impact your application adversely. (the above was written tongue-in-cheek, but I'd suggest that doing all, or some, of it would save a lot of self-builders a great deal of money...................)
    1 point
  10. I was going to start a petition to try and make it site policy that anyone mentioning YOUR name had to follow it with "hallowed be his name"!
    1 point
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