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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/16 in all areas

  1. This is an example of the use of a picture wallpaper and a large mirror in my Hilton Doubletree Hotel room in London last week, Very effective. The room was about 21ft x 12 ft, with the corner taken out for a large shower room. This is the lobby with floor to ceiling treescape wallpaper, and a floor to ceiling mirror opposite. And this is the view from the bed. Ferdinand
    2 points
  2. Top clamp thing is a fly tying vice
    2 points
  3. Ask him for the acoustic performance of his product and how it meets the sound attenuation part of the Building Regs for use in internal separating walls.... If you buy 2 pallets of the Frametherm 40 you will also have about 200sqm left to insulate between walls and floors - its probably the best value of them all.
    2 points
  4. This supplier really is an unethical company, aren't they? I mean, when you approach a retailer for a quote for a product you do not expect that retailer to be got at by a manufacturer, to ignore your specific request and give you a quote for a different product. For two retailers to do the same sounds very dodgy indeed, as it sounds close to being a cartel (which is illegal). Edited to add: Under sufferance, and not because I agree one bit with it, I've edited the above to high light the intention and added the text below for the avoidance of doubt: The observation I was making here, and which has attracted criticism much later in this thread, was that a builders merchant had been approached to quote for a specific product, with specific performance parameters relating to thermal resistance, acoustic insulation properties and decrement delay time. Instead of offering to supply a product, or an alternative that met all the same performance requirements, it offered an alternative that fell well short of meeting the acoustic and decrement delay requirements. I consider that to be unethical behaviour by any company, whatever they are selling. For two different suppliers to do the same thing seems to me to raise suspicions as to who they are really serving, their customers or their suppliers.
    2 points
  5. I now understand why farmers dump pig manure into perfectly healthy ponds with before submitting a planning application. Doing that kills all the wildlife, and in doing so prevents this kind of thing happening. The following is a simple factual easy-to-read list of what happened, and a brief comment at the end. October 2015, full PP, with conditions attached ' ...get an EPS licence...' (European Protected Species Licence for Great Crested Newts) Meeting that month with the Ecologist to establish a timetable for Licence Application submission: Target November 2015 Several follow-up emails: Licence applied for in February 2016 Natural England write to me explain that there were 16 errors in the application Corrections submitted March 2016 Licence accepted by Natural England May 2016 Licence submitted to LPA May 2016 June 2016, the LPA has still not formally accepted the licence (but has done informally) 30 days of trapping will start in July And end in Mid August 2016 Costs? Initial survey £1300+, and the Licence Application £1800 (details here) On costs; roughly another £2000. The application system is cumbersome. Great Crested Newts are common. I will give full details in my blog soon. I'm not cross - just wiser and more understanding. I've used the enforced delay to improve plans and do a lot of preparatory work myself. If I can't take a joke, I shouldn't have applied, should I?
    1 point
  6. We have a combined Chinese / chippy, an Indian, a kebab van and a pie & mash van. One of each, that's it. WTF is "munchy box"? Pretty sure my first guess is wrong..... I'd heard of the deep fried Mars Bar but was gobsmacked when I worked in Edinburgh, everything from deep fried Toffee Crisp to Snickers to pizza and this was in the "chippy".
    1 point
  7. Your hotel room is larger than the ground floor of my house
    1 point
  8. That's a load of coblers..... (I'll get my coat)
    1 point
  9. Can't see any pics Ferdi...
    1 point
  10. I have just looked it up. £1124.83 plus VAT for 65 rolls = £17.30 per roll plus vat. I am not complaining and I won't be suggesting to them that they might have made a mistake.
    1 point
  11. So I've had a quick look - these are straight off Insulation4Less and I've compared to your current SIG price for Actis Prod No Qty Unit £ Total £ Boost’R Hybrid 15 £ 56.00 £ 840.00 150mm Hybris(3.84m2 p/roll) 40 £ 35.25 £ 1,410.00 Mulitdhesif Tape 3 £ 5.99 £ 17.97 90mm Knauf Frametherm Roll 40 (10.94m2 p/roll) Pt 24 525 Sqm £ 662.40 £ 1324.80 Celotex 45mm 55 158 Sqm £ 11.85 £ 651.75 Foil Tape 3 £ 8.00 £ 24.00 90mm Knauf Frametherm Roll 35 (6.84m2 p/roll) Pt 24 328 Sqm £ 759.36 £ 1,518.72 Celotex 25mm 55 158 Sqm £ 9.35 £ 514.25 Foil Tape 3 £ 8.00 £ 24.00 All get the 0.16 uValue as far as I can see with 200x48 joists at 600mm centres
    1 point
  12. If anyone else wants LEDs and drivers from EBay I can recommend "Dream-led2013", I even changed my order at the last minute and he sent it without even waiting for the extra £8 to be sent to him.
    1 point
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