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2 years and a bit after breaking ground....

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On 06/07/2023 at 19:17, ToughButterCup said:

Good lad. 

Yes, lots to do. Make time to appreciate what's done though eh ....


Yeah it's funny to think about all the little bits I've done on it.

That cladding at the front on two sides, I had a quote of someone doing it for £2k labour.

I booked at that and did it myself in just over a day.

Looks good to me.

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13 hours ago, Moonshine said:

.... I had a quote of someone doing it for £2k labour....


He didn't want the job did he. 

Another small sign in relation to the skills shortage ... dear old George Eustice would agree with you.

In the interest of balance, in Ze Vaterland vee also need about 1.5 million skilled immigrants a year.


Vorsprung durch Immigration ! Who else is gonna build your Audi for ya, eh?

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On 09/07/2023 at 09:18, Bonner said:

Looks great! Must have been challenging just getting out of the ground, steep site and proximity to neighbour!


a lot of earth came out of the slope, and a bit retaining wall with waterproofing, neighbour is a right c*&k 😁 (its me)

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