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Extension- Last Stuff.

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14 hours ago, ProDave said:

Your new top room is your bedroom where you sleep yes?


Don't forget how much water vapour you exhale all the time you are in that room, and if in an effort to keep it warm you have no ventilation, that will just build up.



It's surprising how bad this can be.
Our bedroom window ends up pretty wet once winter starts, I presume it's a mix of the colder outside and warmer inside. But the other half he doesn't like the trickle vents open, even during the day, which is ironic as we tend to open the windows slightly September/November to let the room air out from the moisture on the windows. Some mornings it's a towel to clear off the windows.
By December/January what ever conditions have caused this have rectified itself and we wake up with only the smallest about of condensation.

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1 hour ago, ash_scotland88 said:

It's surprising how bad this can be.
Our bedroom window ends up pretty wet once winter starts, I presume it's a mix of the colder outside and warmer inside. But the other half he doesn't like the trickle vents open, even during the day, which is ironic as we tend to open the windows slightly September/November to let the room air out from the moisture on the windows. Some mornings it's a towel to clear off the windows.
By December/January what ever conditions have caused this have rectified itself and we wake up with only the smallest about of condensation.


Yup understood. If I did do a decent job of 'sealing like a bag' with the foil etc, & due to lane/ road being closer I have had window closed overnight.. so my huff will do some of this for sure, but if the atmosphere is so unsually wet the ammount of huff will likely be excacerbated, & like the cold which wins in the kitchen & bathroom, & I just accept always will (unless I rebuild the rooms entirely) this condensation will win in here too (unless I take out the frames & replace with decent ones negating these cold ingress places).


Its just something to put up with that's all now I know cant do anything about it (within normal realms: Im not redoing the window & doors; m Im not spending out on dehumidifiers if Ive found them hopeless & noisy; I do not have the possibility of 'upping the heat' if Im scrabbling for 16* in here at 4pm in january as my ashp does not do 'very hot' [or even 'hot' at all most of the damn day]; & I cannot let in cold air to vent.. because Im in a catch22.. due to needing every help getting the room heated & letting in any cold air will do the very opposite).


No, contrary to what is being said as Ive explained, me here/ my means/ my climate here.. I cannot do anything about this in reality.


If you came here & spent a few days breathing this fog, & saw my work halved over this year.. you'd understand, but unless so you just cannot understand.

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17 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

I cannot do anything about this in reality.

so what is you next question?


18 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

you just cannot understand

oh but we do, but you constantly argue with any points raised. It is us that cannot win.

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3 minutes ago, Onoff said:


Might as well lock the thread then?


Thread is called extention- last bits. not on CH, or a thread on how to live in fog (with expensive contraptions you cant afford!).. these are just aspects relating to last stages of the extention now Ive actually moved in (& using it in winter). Ok?

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2 minutes ago, joe90 said:

so what is you next question?


oh but we do, but you constantly argue with any points raised. It is us that cannot win.


Ok Joe- yes I can do something. I can rip out my CH system (not such a bad idea) put in one that gets really good hot rads, so I can get this room up to 22* & push the condensation levels down. Then yes can go buy 3x dehumidifiers for £600. So with these two suggestions.. job done. Ok just the small issue of the £11,000 cost first.


So my question is: can I fwd you my bank acc & sort code numbers?!

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1 minute ago, zoothorn said:

So my question is: can I fwd you my bank acc & sort code numbers?!

You can if you want, I presume your asking me to contribute to your costs because you won’t challenge the people that did not design your heating system properly (not fit fir purpose). That is not my fault, it’s not the fault of anyone on this forum that has tried hard to help you. It’s your fault, yes life is stressful at times, we all know that.

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14 minutes ago, zoothorn said:


Thread is called extention- last bits. not on CH, or a thread on how to live in fog (with expensive contraptions you cant afford!).. these are just aspects relating to last stages of the extention now Ive actually moved in (& using it in winter). Ok?


I presume your are referring to expensive contraptions as being MVHR system? Why do you have to say it in such a ranty way?


The plenty of folk live in humid locations in the UK. I used to live in a stone cottage it was cold and had condensation/mould. But I wouldn't go on about it for pages, I would accept that I had to run a dehumidifier or open a window or spent more on fuel. Or move somewhere else, which is what I did.


But the trouble here is that all solutions and help is dismissed.


I do think that you are do some good work like your doors a few pages back, but as somebody who has followed this thread and others you appear to go through cycles of doing some good work and everybody is like good job then you go back to ranty Zoothorn. If your feeling annoyed probably best not to post and come back when you are in a better mood.




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1 minute ago, SteamyTea said:

Was that before they told you to sit on the bog, naked?


No after . But yes it was her suggestion to relief stress and tension . She then suggested as part of my rehabilitation to join this forum . She did advise me not to read or comment on this thread though . I guess she’ll up my prescription soon 

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3 minutes ago, pocster said:

She then suggested as part of my rehabilitation to join this forum

Are you sure it was this forum, rather than this one.


I wonder what they do to stop spam and ranting.  Join up and let us all know, you could even put a link in.


This is their 'venting' thread.


Could be fun to join and ask a few questions.

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1 minute ago, SteamyTea said:

Are you sure it was this forum, rather than this one.


I wonder what they do to stop spam and ranting.  Join up and let us all know, you could even put a link in.

It’s all rather confusing now !

I thought this thread was from the forum link you posted .

I can no longer distinguish between the two . I guess madness is infectious 

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7 minutes ago, MJNewton said:

I'm confused. You brought the subject of condensation (and it being a problem) up, not us. 


I brought it up only in context of this MJN: seeing it form where it does ** whether I had built (the inner room build) sufficiently well, or maybe not? are the windows up to par, or fitted right? It was only here I was asking about.


Then tho it went into xyz avenues (as innevitably threads do) me saying how unusually wet it is here surely having a bearing on the pools of water found on the stuff I'd just built after just a few months (alarmingly fast). It was innevitable then to ask the Q why it's here, & what could I do... opening a can of worms. So I know now that expensive kit is a solution & that's fine: altho why some seem angry I cant do it as I cant possibly afford it, is weird.


But, my innitial Q's I was asking ** have just been lost in a discussion on microclimates, mvhr systems & dehumidifiers!


Its not my fault threads just meander- it's just the way they do!

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Solutions to cold and damp dont have to be expensive pieces of kit.

I bought an old railway house that had been extended (after being used for loads of purposes including a tyre fitting bay)... it was freezing and the rads would not get hot, damp everywhere and it felt horrible.

I bought a new boiler, fitted it with a plumber mate in about 4 hours, fitted a radiator in the cellar because the kitchen above was freezing and now its a lovely warm dry house.

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7 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

But, my innitial Q's I was asking ** have just been lost in a discussion on microclimates, mvhr systems & dehumidifiers!

But you also poo pooed my request that you collect some data.  You just seem to think that it can only be your climate, so impossible to change.

You have the kits to collect data, it costs nothing, and may reveal that, even though, your internal temperatures are low, they are not low enough to cause a serious condensation issue.  Which you suggest that you have another problem that needs hunting down.


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5 minutes ago, SteamyTea said:

But you also poo pooed my request that you collect some data.  You just seem to think that it can only be your climate, so impossible to change.

You have the kits to collect data, it costs nothing, and may reveal that, even though, your internal temperatures are low, they are not low enough to cause a serious condensation issue.  Which you suggest that you have another problem that needs hunting down.


I offered him 11k and he just won’t accept it ffs !

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40 minutes ago, joe90 said:

You can if you want, I presume your asking me to contribute to your costs because you won’t challenge the people that did not design your heating system properly (not fit fir purpose). That is not my fault, it’s not the fault of anyone on this forum that has tried hard to help you. It’s your fault, yes life is stressful at times, we all know that.


Joe I have to live with the CH for now, limited to when I can turn it on so its heat doesnt happen AM & most of the day. Ive tried my best & got great help on here to use it as best I can, & how to tackle relevant parties.. but its a very tricky thing trying to use it like this. And Ive lodged a formal firm complaint to Vaillant saying it cannot work as it should as I'm restricted by it etc. So in 6 months... they might... re-site the indoor units away from bedrooms so I can use it properly > get good heat into this room > attacking the condensation.


The leak, Ive just been emailed by Vaillant after I sent a pic of the cylinder.. wasn't fixed properly/ totally incorrect work done. So Ive got my complaint to vaillant about the equipment big battle, plus a whole new battle to extract another installer visit. Months of both. Sick of it.


But now I can only consider dehumidifiers or mvhr. Ok but look I just cannot afford either options. But its useful information to know, a good general discussion on condensation aspects of help to others. It is a very complicated subject tho too, from Gav's link.. so answers might be various, not just the two most have agreed on here.


thx zH

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