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Everything posted by ProDave

  1. That's not a "shower tray" it's a wet room. So the shower area will have some type of former to give it the slope to the drain built into the floor then the tiles are applied. There will (should) be some form of tanking under the tiles and at least part way up the walls. Usually the whole room is done as a wet room, not just the shower area. So some water getting outside the shower area is not an issue. We use a squeegee on a pole to sweep up any escaped water afterwards. Some will inevitably splash off you as you shower, there is nothing you can do about that. But if the shower area is filling up and you are standing in a puddle as you shower, then the shower drain / trap needs clearing out. It should be a top access trap, start by lifting the grid off the top of the drain and investigate.
  2. Reminds me of an incident when we still had a buy to let property. There was a leak in the roof, so I had a quickstage tower up to the roof and my roof ladder hooked over the roof for the repair. I left the house for the evening, taking with me the ladder that gave access to the scaffold. When I returned the next day, the roof ladder was not on the roof, but leaning against the scaffold. How did it get there. Then I noticed the white paint on it. It did not take much detective work to see the house a few doors down being painted. They thought it was okay to borrow it and then not even put it back on the roof and not bother to keep it clean. There are some cheeky b******s about.
  3. It just looks unfinished to me. Some plasterboard and plaster skim would finish it off nicely. And plaster that bare blockwork wall while you are at it.
  4. There have been cases on here where if you stand on the footpath and reach out with your arm and cannot touch the fence then it is deemed not to be "adjacent" but it is very subjective. Try re submitting with the fence 1 metre from the footpath, and see what they say, argue you are moved it back so it is no longer "adjacent" and you have left an open strip of land.
  5. If the builder only cares that you satisfy the planners, then ask your planner what their definition of "adjacent" to the highway is? They may let you have a fence a bit closer to the highway, still with an open area adjacent to it and be able to fence off part of your garden. That would be a good compromise.
  6. The planning officer is right, that is what the guidelines say, no fence above 1M adjacent to the highway without PP. You could move the fence back 1 metre, then it is not "adjacent" but that is very subjective and not defined. Or put the fence back where it was, plant a nice hedge on the boundary wait for it to grow and let the fence fall down. I have a BIL in a similar sort of house where only a fraction of the garden was originally enclosed. He now has a large garden enclosed by a Beech hedge on the boundary.
  7. A fixed mezanine at one end with a sleeping platform. Difficult getting these to comply with BR's so might be something to add after completion?
  8. What is the question? Picture close up of CU with flap open might answer more questions, but if it is modern enough to keep, your 2 options are make the studwork deep enough to come forward of the CU and put a door to access it, or make the studwork much less deep and make the existing CU flush mounted where it is But that all changes if it needs replacing.
  9. I ran multiple cat5 to each tv point and at least one to each room, most were not terminated, just left in the service void where I can fish them out and connect them if a need arrises. One in the small bedroom got used for a while when it was a temporary office and one is now in use in my new office for the desktop pc. The rest of them remain in the service void waiting for a use. But you could guarantee if I had not fitted them, I would want them.
  10. First build (21 years ago now) static caravan with a WM squeezed in inside, and an adjacent shed for the tumble dryer and storage Second build, we did not move into the caravan until the house shell was built, so a WC and laundry was set up in the house shell plus an office space and plenty of storage.
  11. Top tip to any reader. Throw away the rubbish plastic plugs supplied with most things, curtain rods, light fittings, in fact anything intended to be fixed to brick, throw away the total rubbish usually supplied and use a good make of rawl plug instead. And unless the screw head is going to be on show and is "nice" throw away the rubbish screws usually supplied, with heads that chew up easily, and use decent screws. The rubbish fittings often supplied to save a few pence astounds me.
  12. So in my case once the small cylinder has exhausted it would just supply hot water being heated by a 5kW heater. Well I find a 7.5kW shower pathetic, a 5kW one would be a dribble. So only begins to be viable with a 12kW or more ASHP?
  13. Except in Scotland you are supposed to get a building warrant before you start and that plus the actual purchase could easily take more than 6 months. In our case though we registered "started" with the planners just by constructing the entrance from the highway onto the plot that did not need building control. Condition 1 of our planning said that must be the first thing done to prevent vehicles parking on the road before any other construction started.
  14. Just re measured. My top hung Rationel the 1400mm is just the dimension of the opening sash. the window including the frame is 1500 tall. Rationel do top hung and top swung. I forget which is which but one just hinges at the top, the other is hung on side slides that allow the window to slide down and reverse for cleaning the outer pane from the inside.
  15. Where to live? If your plot is big enough and you can stand some hardship, a static caravan on site is the cheapest.
  16. Rationel supplied 1400mm tall top hung for us, so worth asking if they can go the extra 100mm?
  17. Not much point asking for a particular recommendation. Look at the market where you are and choose the best you can. We actually chose ours not because it was good, but because the internal layout was unusual and suited the plot and it's continued use after the house was complete. All the ones available here are ex holiday static caravans, if you have the choice and ex residential park home might be better, but they tend to stay on site longer and get repaired and upgraded and continue in use, compared to holiday statics that often have to be removed from the holiday site when X years old.
  18. 2 comments, hope they are not harsh, but whoever put that roof on did a poor job imho. Firstly none of the fixings are in line, that shows a lack of care. Secondly, I always fix that sort of roof on the ridges. Little water flows down the ridges, it falls into the flat valleys and runs down there, so you don't really want fixings in the flat valleys where there is more water and more chance to leak. Agreed the one photographed close up does not look very tight.
  19. Fischer are a company well known for selling very expensive panel heaters claiming they are more efficient than any other panel heater (impossible) They are now selling re badged sun amps. Many members on this forum have had reliability issues with sun amps ans some found them unrepairable. Good they have a 10 year guarantee, but what if it breaks down at 11 years and it unrepairable?
  20. To add to @JohnMo answer that would mean the HP has to run at least at 60 degrees all the time it is heating water which is right at the top of the range of most of them and the COP would be very poor.
  21. Yellow is GAS. (water is blue or older pipes black) So get advice what to do with a GAS pipe.
  22. We had distemper in a previous 1930's house. It could not even be painted over (it peeled off and wrapped itself around the roller in places)
  23. It would be good to see what it connects to in the floor? I suspect the duct tape around the tundish means there is no trap and that is a bodge to stop the smell. Ideally a normal wet trap for the washing machine and a waterless trap for the tundish.
  24. As well as the above, panel in the space underneath the shed all around and tightly, so the wind can't get underneath it to try and lift it.
  25. As one unit. Which I don't believe is possible.
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