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Everything posted by Oz07

  1. Has anybody got a link to a building regs doc which states minimum distances from a sewage pump station to a house? I've scanned doc h but didn't see it. Thanks
  2. Building control / local authority give you the address here.
  3. Cheers does it matter on size of solar or would any of got you an a? I suspect solar would have got my current place to an a too. Assuming the sap system is logical which it sounds like it isnt!? Did you go triple glazed?
  4. Assuming underside of worktop level you can adjust doors all up to a packer beneath worktop
  5. Interesting comments. Atleast you can play around with the design post planning. Altering windows for part O seems a bit arse about tit. Im not interested in cheating the system or getting away with bare bones. Im considering an application in the "countryside" and trying to at least make the physical dwelling be as sustainable as possible even if the location isn't!
  6. This is what i thought under the old scheme you could just load up on pv
  7. I suppose the assessor can play around with the figures in sap let you know what to aim for?
  8. I seem to remember it being discussed here years ago they did away with this loophole. When was your epc done? Cam DNO restrict size of pv?
  9. How hard is it nowadays to achieve an epc of A with a new build? I seem to remember it being discussed changes were made to stop people incorporating loads of solar pv to offset poor design. What kind of ratings is everyone here achieving? My place built a few years ago came to a B. Im trying to understand if it would be prohibitively expensive nowadays to achieve A or whether it is do able without going full on passive. Cheers
  10. I have a combi discharge into internal drain after a "hotun" branded tundish. Signed off no probs but maybe different with cylinder
  11. No reply here but just for closure the invoice was cancelled, apparently the certificate was "cancelled" too. No way was i trusting those figures everything was a bit fishy for my liking.
  12. Do it. Renovating is right PITA and it's so much harder to end up with the same performance finished product. You will also save the VAT with new build
  13. Be fun cutting the pockets in those boards! Will be worth it though should look good
  14. Yeh ive done that before with void above concrete oversite. Sounds good
  15. Yeh the ties with the condoms that's what i've used with cavitiy ties every joint on the blockwork
  16. Why does a movement joint need wind posts? Isn't there a standard detail with cavity ties either side or over a certain height do you need wind posts?
  17. Hilti gun the timber to the steel web would save drilling the holes. I've had to this before to fix a ledger for a flat roof.
  18. I think pear stairs ask you to sign a disclaimer if the design breaches building regs in any way. Different kettle of fish to a bespoke high cost jobby but I would assume same rules apply?
  19. How will the wall be finished plastered around?
  20. A movement joint would look neater than a crack. I know what i'd do
  21. Depends on invert level surely? If existing low enough then a trench out the ground with the correct amount of pea gravel under and around. It's what happens under a block and beam
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