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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/18 in Posts

  1. A productive few days at the bungalow with two visits from a very friendly building control officer. After digging four trial pits and having them inspected we now have a much better idea of where we stand and what extra is going to be needed. We've now engaged an architect, have relayed the feedback from the officer and are waiting for a quote. Thanks for your advice!
    3 points
  2. Very good advice I think. I very much doubt he will turn up, I messaged him on facebook to say that he shouldn't come as my flooring hadn't been delivered (it has) and I was rethinking. And he hasn't even seen it. I suspect he has bought an 'amount' of heroin and is out of it somewhere. But if he does turn up that is what I am going to say.
    2 points
  3. If he does turn up. In view of what you have said about living alone and not wanting to antagonise him. Just tell him that a few people have been to your house looking for him for their money, and that its probably best if he makes himself scarce. No need to upset yourself worrying about it.
    2 points
  4. Yesterday I ordered my chosen vinyl. I am having a cushionfloor vinyl throughout. They called back to say it was out of stock. So I went for my second choice (which I preferred in some ways but went for a more neutral option originally). Yep that's fine. A call back this morning. Yes they have the stock but there is an issue as an edge is torn, H 'Is there one length that missing half a metre matters?'. M 'Yes and no - the offcut was being used elsewhere. Can you credit that amount but still send it (can hide it under furniture) and give me a discount as well.' H 'Well, yes, we can do that - but I will have to consult with my manager about the level of discount.' 3 hours later - a very hesitant sales guy H 'I'm afraid there is another issue. You have ordered 5 m of the 2m wide material; how much do you really need as though our stock is showing 100 sqm, there is actually only 4 linear m in stock.' FFS, I need 4.6m. Think, think, think - M 'How long before you will have it in stock?' H 'Errr, well, we haven't actually ordered it as our stocks showed we had plenty so probably at least 4 weeks, maybe 6.' For once my brain was relatively in gear. M 'Ok, the 2m wide is for my hallway so there is no major furniture going there, so it's a pain but not an insurmountable problem if this is delayed for a few weeks. I can work round this. - You will discount this for me though won't you?' (I'm learning!) lol. H 'Thank you for being so reasonable, I was dreading making this call - I will push for the best discount for you,' We'll see what happens lol but it's a bit back in the coffers for me.
    2 points
  5. Yes mine is attached. If the garage is detached by >1M I don't think it has any particular requirements.
    1 point
  6. Ours is 2 layers of the pink 15mm thick fireline plasterboard, with staggered joints (i.e joints on first later are in a different place to second layer) for both walls and ceiling (plant room is above the garage) The only proper solution for the door issue I could find would be a fire rated external door. So we have compromised and used a standard FD30 internal fire door, but added extra draught proof strip around the door frame as well as the intumescent strip. Our garage walls are insulated to the same standard as the house, but the "insulated" roller door will let the insulation down seriously so it will be a cold place, but hopefully warmer than outside!!! Standard 5 lever lock. I just need to find a way to stop the draught through the key hole. We don't p;an locking it from the inside when we are in, so I will probably just block off the inside key hole.
    1 point
  7. Actually enjoyed tiling tonight which is a first! Bought myself a set of digital, Salter kitchen scales for £15 to exactly measure the adhesive. Much more consistent.
    1 point
  8. Oh Yes converted the video DSCF1416_x264.mp4 DSCF1416_x264.mp4
    1 point
  9. Probably Fireline board or potentially wants two layers of ordinary board which may be cheaper on materials but will probably cost more when you add in labour to fit both layers
    1 point
  10. Did I miss something or did they not put insulation in the main roof?
    1 point
  11. See, you can use Google ?
    1 point
  12. How about this? https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://publicaccess.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/portal/servlets/AttachmentShowServlet%3FImageName%3D139571&ved=2ahUKEwi92L2EttrdAhXjLcAKHauTBukQFjAAegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw3-GVFTmRkK5TaB0P_mDlV_ or https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/planningsearch/DisplayImage.aspx%3Fdoc%3DcmVjb3JkX251bWJlcj02NjQ2JmZpbGVuYW1lPVxcbnMwMS0wMDI5XGZpbGVkYXRhMiRcREIwMy0wMDMwXFNoYXJlZEFwcHNcRExHU1xQbGFuc1xQTEFOTklOR1xQTi0zMzU2XERlbW9saXRpb24gTWV0aG9kIFN0YXRlbWVudC5wZGYmaW1hZ2VfbnVtYmVyPTEzJmltYWdlX3R5cGU9cGxhbm5pbmcmbGFzdF9tb2RpZmllZF9mcm9tX2Rpc2s9MTUvMTAvMjAxNSAwNzo1MjoyNg%3D%3D&ved=2ahUKEwi92L2EttrdAhXjLcAKHauTBukQFjAFegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw0u7XILO8hB7tcbfH35m-7s Convert online easy enough to .doc or .docx.
    1 point
  13. wife didn't say very much, wonder whose idea the house was? and as for it's size....... looked better for not having all the glass though
    1 point
  14. I pressed the 'laugh' emoticon - then the 'sad' one and then the 'laugh' one. Could really do with an 'empathy but you have to laugh (or else you would cry)' emoticon but I'm not sure what that would look like.
    1 point
  15. We have pocket sliding doors to all bathrooms and they work great. Sound will travel under the door anyway as you need an air gap for MVHR. Our spare room backs onto the ensuite (bath and sink on the shared wall) - on the few times I've slept in there, the noise from the drains etc is quite noticeable. We only used standard PB - probably should have used soundblock (blue) for that wall as we did elsewhere.
    1 point
  16. Well yesterday was the worst day of self build so far, and that’s including the day I crushed two fingers into a compound fracture. after moving a 500kg hearth and 200 kg stove last week I tweaked my back carelessly lifting a bucket of self levelling compound on Sunday... after A rogue sneeze yesterday left me in pain I ventured out to chiropractor only for back to lock In spasm getting in and out of car, the worst pain in my life. i managed to hobble from car to chiro room before it completely locked unable to examine me the next five hours were spent stood on one foot in exactly the same position whilst my wife and chiro tried to beg an ambulance to come.. I literally couldn’t move without pain that had me on verge of blacking out they eventually and reluctantly agreed and one arrived at 2030- hours after chiro was supposed to close, another hour of gas and air and morphine and I made it onto ambulance and off to hospital where a combination of drugs eventually stopped spasm and I was released im at home now but a lot of pain, all because I didn’t lift from my knees. Moral of the story is to be as careful with lighter things as you are with half ton monoliths. im only 35, feel like an 80 year old
    0 points
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