I've got one of these, as well as a 4mm pass / 23mm rebating planer, BFOff router, and god knows what else that will try and take me out if I ever turn my back on it.
When I use that chop saw, it's with the same concentration and respect every time. That would remove an entire hand without you even feeling it. I also use it to cut aluminium and brass tile edge trims, for the laser precise cuts, and it gets the heart pumping I can tell you.
The one tool i strongly distrust / dislike / whatever is the 18v circular saw. Powerful enough to do all I ask of it, but underpowered enough to catch and bite. This lifts the saw up and out, backwards, straight towards you. My golden rule with the circular saws is never to be behind it, but always to be beside it and out of its path, should it decide to 'do one'. I put my 230v circular down a while back whilst the blade was still at near full wallop. Only problem was I hadn't used it for a while and the first cut saw the blade guard wedge at top dead centre leaving the full blade exposed. When that hit the concrete floor I nearly shat a brick. Must have travelled at least a metre in about a half second, but with my lobster like grip only tightening as my stupid brain refused to let it go .
Watch yourselves people, as power tools don't take hostages.