A few tips if you are making the frame yourself.
Try to design things to be simple to build. For instance a roof pitch of 45 degrees makes everything simple. If you had say chosen a roof pitch of 42 degrees, you would curse that decision at every single angle cut.
Make the panels, each one pre covered in it's outer membrane (plus overlap) so when you put the kit together you just have to staple to overlaps and it's almost instantly watertight.
Even if not in Scotland, I would suggest using the Scottish approach and clad the roof with solid sarking board (usually OSB or ply) then put the membrane on and almost instantly the roof is pretty watertight. Far better than the English method of flappy membrane or felt stretched across between rafters.
The length of time it will take to erect the frame and get it pretty watertight is insignificant in terms of what exposure to water the frame can withstand.
If you erect the first flor first and it will be a while before the second floor and roof goes on and you want a working platform, temporarily clad the floor in cheap OSB and regard it as disposable.