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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/16 in all areas

  1. So timber frame guys left 10 days ago and we are making the most of the unusual Devon warmth, well on the way with roof and block good to see it coming on so well especially walking around site on a beautiful evening like today. still lots to think about got a guy coming to discuss comcrete floor options tomorrow and external walls are being insulated on Wednesday then plumbing first fix and a hundred things we havent thought of yet im sure!!!!
    2 points
  2. Nick I hate to be the one to break this to you, but if he is delivering your mail, he already knows where you live
    2 points
  3. Sue the post office for criminal damage.....
    2 points
  4. Hi everyone, joining the ranks again having taken a bit of time out. Our build hasn't covered a lot of ground since the ebuild forum went down, but the pace is picking up again and hopefully in time I'll get my blog moved over along with some more up to date content. I hope all your projects, builds and planning battles are making positive progress and look forward to catching up with your stories soon. Best regards Michael
    1 point
  5. That's a very fair point. Round here a builders skip (6 yard) is £230 (inc VAT) so there is an argument for not filling it so quickly. Our nearest recycling center is a good 30 minutes away by car and staffed by the Third Reich. Thankfully though this particular bunch have received additional Customer Service training from Pol Pot. I really can't stomach going within a mile of the place.
    1 point
  6. Why not just bolt one of these on. If it dies in 12m, bolt another one on. http://www.molevalleyfarmers.com/mvf/store/products/eliza-tinsley-bzp-gate-wheel-267mm
    1 point
  7. Jetfloor is now mostly in - the final insulation will go in later. The tricky part was the positioning of the large (420kg - we have a span of 5.5m) ground beams. We hired a 17m telehandler for the day, but lining it up so it was central to the building was a problem. It also tended to nip the dpc in places, resulting in lots of to-ing and fro-ing. The insulation thickness will vary between 80mm above the beams to 230mm between them. With a P/A (perimeter to area) ratio of 0.46, this results in an overall U value of 0.15.
    1 point
  8. Could you just use wire mesh as they do on rural plank bridges? Ferdinand
    1 point
  9. So basically what we're saying is don't look to us lot for advice on glue All I know is what I've stuck down is still down. More ale please. ( For the benefit of the masses, tonight will be sponsored by Englands finest....Pedigree. Très Bien ).
    1 point
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