Weebles Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 Just had the first quote from a company offering to render (with SAS Prowall) and clad (Cedral Click weatherboard) our timber frame build. Nearly had a heart attack. What should we expect as a rough price for render and renderboard (per square m)? Fitted. Has anyone had anyone fit Cedral Click weatherboard. I have seen some images of @NSS doing a lovely job this time last year. Insight into materials costs vs labour quotes would be much appreciated. Might have a go at this ourselves if it is do-able by an amateur. But the render, no way. Will be looking for other quotes now! Any suggestions for people (render and Cedral fitters) near the South Oxfordshire part of the UK?
Trw144 Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 I think my k rend and board (aqua panel) was £65/m2. I know it was more than I thought it would be.
ultramods Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 (edited) I have been quoted £8220 for materials + labour (£44.25 psqm) for 180 SQM of K-Rend, standard colour scratch coat on 2 storey house. That's render applied directly to block wall. Does not include the cost of scaffolding. For cladding, our garage in timber that would then be painted black we were quoted between £2000 - 7000 for about 48 SQM. This price is for materials and labour, but excluding painting. I have decided to do it myself for less than 1k Edited May 10, 2018 by ultramods
lizzie Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 looking back ours was £93psqm. Eye wateringly expensive! We had the Alumasc vented facade system and part of the reason for that choice was the 10 year guarantee however more than six months after the installation was completed (and full payment made) we have not yet received the guarantee.
nod Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 29 minutes ago, lizzie said: looking back ours was £93psqm. Eye wateringly expensive! We had the Alumasc vented facade system and part of the reason for that choice was the 10 year guarantee however more than six months after the installation was completed (and full payment made) we have not yet received the guarantee. I’ve been using through coloured renders for over thirty years The guarantees arnt worth the paper the are written on You are reliant on the contractor doing a good job and rectifying any faults 1
Triple07 Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 @ultramods, can I ask who that’s with? We r just away to start getting k-rend quotes, cheers
lizzie Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 Ive just had a price for krend on block garden wall approx 12m long x 3m high. £1600 that is with sbr in base coat and some mesh on bit where there are hairline cracks
nod Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 5 minutes ago, lizzie said: @nod wish we had talked to you 12 months ago! We give a ten year guarentee But it’s a product guarentee Agaist discolouration If it any consolation It’s rare to have any problems with through coloured render after six months On the rare occasion that we get a bad colour match We Persue the supplier for the materials a stand the rest 1
nod Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 13 minutes ago, Triple07 said: @ultramods, can I ask who that’s with? We r just away to start getting k-rend quotes, cheers I’ve a list as long as my arm of happy custermers That are happy to show off there crisp render Some were done 20 years ago and still look good If they are vague or reluctant Move on to the next quote Your going to be looking at the render for a long time 1
ultramods Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 @Triple07 Robertsons - i have sent PM with the details
ultramods Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 3 minutes ago, nod said: I’ve a list as long as my arm of happy custermers That are happy to show off there crisp render Some were done 20 years ago and still look good If they are vague or reluctant Move on to the next quote Your going to be looking at the render for a long time Are you offering to come up to aberdeenshire?
ultramods Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 26 minutes ago, nod said: I’ve been using through coloured renders for over thirty years The guarantees arnt worth the paper the are written on You are reliant on the contractor doing a good job and rectifying any faults What render system/product would you recommend for block work? Architect seams obsessed with k-rend, is it better than a sand based render, the type standard house builders would use?
nod Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 1 minute ago, ultramods said: Are you offering to come up to aberdeenshire? I wish I could I rendered two in the Lake District last year for self builders Both offered to pay me for materials upfront Both insisted on paying the invoice as soon as the work was done Pretty typical of folk on here 30 + 14 days is normal for the site work
nod Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 3 minutes ago, ultramods said: What render system/product would you recommend for block work? Architect seams obsessed with k-rend, is it better than a sand based render, the type standard house builders would use? We are rarely asked for sand and cement now Simply because most jobs are specified Breathable Which sand and cement isn’t ive used 300 bags of K tend on ours A weeks work for two of us With my wife taping up Quoins and stone cils most St will tell you that you need a base coat and mesh which will rack up the cost If you are on concrete block You are wasting money We never have any problems with K rend colour match or Stucco Manache We don’t quote for jobs that are specified Webber Batch colours vary wildly Go for a company that are using these renders all the time Not some plasterer that will gain exsperience on your pride and joy 1
NSS Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 4 hours ago, Weebles said: Just had the first quote from a company offering to render (with SAS Prowall) and clad (Cedral Click weatherboard) our timber frame build. Nearly had a heart attack. What should we expect as a rough price for render and renderboard (per square m)? Fitted. Has anyone had anyone fit Cedral Click weatherboard. I have seen some images of @NSS doing a lovely job this time last year. Insight into materials costs vs labour quotes would be much appreciated. Might have a go at this ourselves if it is do-able by an amateur. But the render, no way. Will be looking for other quotes now! Any suggestions for people (render and Cedral fitters) near the South Oxfordshire part of the UK? Depends what you mean by 'amateur'. I'm an amateur but am comfortable using my tools even though it's a long time since I used them for a living (35 years). Cedral Click is, IMHO, a great system and we're delighted with the look/finish. It's definitely not a single-handed job erecting it though, and takes a bit of time to work out a 'routine'. Other down sides are; A) it's a bugger to cut. Don't be fooled into thinking you can use any of the guillotine type cutting tools that are out there, it has to be cut with diamond tipped circ/chop saw blades and you'll need good extraction on the saw (lots of dust!). B) if you want the smooth finish like ours (rather than the wood effect planks), they only sell it in full pallets (144 planks from memory) so you need to carefully plan the areas to ensure you don't end up needing a few planks more than full pallet loads. If you're in South Oxon then we're not a million miles away so feel free to pay us a visit if you want to take a look and pick my brain. I'll dig out the invoices for the materials and get back to you with a cost. Labour wise my time came free and mates helped me for a few beers, but I hate to think what it would have cost to have it done 'professionally' even if you could find anyone who has any experience fitting it.
Ed_MK Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 I am going through the same torture now. I have had several quotes for "render" but every time they come they sniff and say Timber Frame ...yada ...lots of movement yada... ...needsto be silicon or polymer .....dee-dum..never needs painting ....Mortar Render is 300 years old slapdash ...it will be cracking like Fukishima in 5 years... ? So no wonder I started asking for Polymer only quotes ...I have NEVER had someone quote me on Sand And Cement ...YET So I asked the cheapest Polymer quote (still gives me the shakes looking at the total) ..about guarantee.. Well ..I got chapter and verse in it depends on the backing and edges ...Building stability ....weather facing side and how the guttering and roofing are done ... So ...basically (i have heard this before) .,.it means there is NO guarantee ...or very little one, and once you pay your Megabucks you are on your own ...unless you start threatening the legals ...:( not what i want So I called Potton up, architect actually and he said ....basically the heritage style (which is they style we have got) ..they ONLY recommend Sand and Cement Screed conventionally applied to something called Stukanet 80 ?...apparently the same tackle for over 20 years at least I asked what about all these new fangled stuff ..and they seem to think there is no need or indeed any advantage ...I mean we have SEEN a lot of Potton Heritage and some of them awere 10 or more years old and they looked fine ... I mean there is a LOT of it on there ...some seem to thing about 70m2 All told. I am getting quotes that RARELY come in under 10k and one which was a scrotum contracting ....12k LABOUR ONLY God Help us all
ultramods Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 £171 psm for labour only ?. Is that price for a celebrity builder?
lizzie Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 I’ve had a lookback and my Alumasc was £93sqm ex vat....its silcone on an aqua board and comes with a guarantee.
newhome Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 44 minutes ago, Ed_MK said: I am getting quotes that RARELY come in under 10k and one which was a scrotum contracting ....12k LABOUR ONLY Wear your work clothes and park the Porsche out of sight My neighbours struggled to get someone to redo 3 walls that enclosed a decking area. She waited 4 months or so to actually get someone who could fit it in their schedule and paid accordingly as it was a name your price affair in the end pretty much.
Ed_MK Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 its the same around here Milton Keynes has Sooooo much building work ..trades are coining it ! One bricklayer 6mth ago was at LEAST Honest ....He gave me a quote and I told him ...well thats not bad, for a nice job We were ready to do the handshake and he put in that at least i could be "canny" and claim the VAT back on the materials I said ....not if its in your name I can't he said ...Wahay Pet ...oh no ...that price was for LABOUR ONLY ...I am not VAT registered me ....Geraway! I said that can't be ...it works out at almost £900 a thousand !! He said ...yep..because you are a domestic ...you dont have no electric hoists, no premixed mortar and all that stuff the big boys have..we have to hire a mixer and do load more humping and that ..plus me and me Pal have to split the labouring in turns ..We dont like the "Muckwork" either Pal .. so we typically DOUBLE our rate ! ...D O U B L E ....I mean a brickie in Manchester is about 350-400 per 1,000 Quid for straight walls and up to 500/600 for anything "fancy" ...and these are GOOD time-served old boys too. Not some 27 yr olds that look they are stand-ins for fupping BoyZone but i dont live in Manchester any more ...and when i told him the rates..He said Yep, thats why i moved down from Gateshead aye... We re so busy with agency in the old MK..we only take on domestic that are desperate or Rich ..and prepared to Pay. Simples. bit of the old cash for the back pocket ya knows I said thanks for being honest Pal ...but I would rather take a nail gun to my nad-sack than pay that much. he said ...sounds nice ....Anyway ...good luck then ,,,and off her went in his BMW x7 series ..I hope he didn't scratch the paint with his Breitling on the way in I remember my mum saying like it was yesterday .....dont go into the building game like your Dad and Uncle ....get educated, get a proper job with prospects and money (sigh) 3
Ed_MK Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 2 hours ago, newhome said: Wear your work clothes and park the Porsche out of sight My neighbours struggled to get someone to redo 3 walls that enclosed a decking area. She waited 4 months or so to actually get someone who could fit it in their schedule and paid accordingly as it was a name your price affair in the end pretty much. 1. My work clothes are ALWAYS on these days ..as I am covered in Dust and Paint from Dawn til dusk and Tits to Tonenails 2. Porsche ..well close ...I have a 5yr old Kia ...but its black ...and black is a sporty colour ...sooo it MAY get mixed up ..but then it has a toebar, and scratches on the bumper where I dropped as small lintel last week ...so maybe not I ran out of Mach3 blades 2 weeks ago and need to get some ...So the wife says i look like a Hobo ..Paraffin Lamp, Dirty Wizard, Homeless Santa, doorway dweller or whatever other euphemism is used in your part of the UK There is NOBODY that would look at me and think I have Spare Money..NOBODY...even the guy selling the big Issue in the Centre gives me a refund 2
PeterW Posted July 12, 2018 Posted July 12, 2018 Ask Steve to give Andy a prod and see what his price is... ? Out of interest are your labour quotes just for render or for the boarding too ..? Who gets to do the fancy woodwork ..?? And sorry - you’ve confirmed my view that Potton are still stuck in the 1980’s..!! Stucanet doesn’t need the aquapanel behind it as it’s a render carrier but is expensive for what is basically posh chicken wire and brown paper ....
Ed_MK Posted July 13, 2018 Posted July 13, 2018 (edited) 8 hours ago, PeterW said: Ask Steve to give Andy a prod and see what his price is... ? Out of interest are your labour quotes just for render or for the boarding too ..? Who gets to do the fancy woodwork ..?? And sorry - you’ve confirmed my view that Potton are still stuck in the 1980’s..!! Stucanet doesn’t need the aquapanel behind it as it’s a render carrier but is expensive for what is basically posh chicken wire and brown paper .... So I take it you dont rate their recommended method Peter ? I have re-read their email and guide (attached) perhaps the terminology and brand names are bamboozling me... Stuca this Rendalath-Something and Aqua that .... I was lead to believe by the nice lads (who are coming back to fix feature boards for me ) That on top of these Potton Frame cassettes/SIPS/Silver Foil Jobbies that currently make up my walls, where render was happening... 1. There would be some batten applied ...they have put some up around the dormas already... (hard to get to once roofed i am told) 2. Some Board or Mesh would be nailed to this ?! ....I should have asked more ...but at the time we weren't sure just HOW we would do it 3. On top of this board or mesh would go so cement/mortar 4. Then we paint it 5. Done But since we have spoken to a few people now, trades affiliated or at least regular Potton "go-to guys" who do a lot of OTHER stuff for them. I hear the words Render board ..Not much about this MESH stuff ..I mean i heard the word AQUAPANEL mentioned ....So i downloaded a cross-section from their website ...No MESH There...getting the impression Aquapanel is a red herring? and is NOT used if mesh is used (like Stucanet) OMG (With a WTF thrown in!) Silicon. Polymer, Cement board, 3 coat process, Panels, Mesh, Cardboard , Chicken Wire, Trowel it, Spray It, K-Rend, Self Coloured, Scratch Finish ...All i ever wanted was a nice creamy wall between the wood ...I never knew there was so many ways to cover a bloody building Stucanet Installation Guide (1).pdf Builders handbook extract.pdf Edited July 13, 2018 by Ed_MK
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