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Prices of building materials moving forwards

James Frome

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On 20/10/2022 at 14:00, LaCurandera said:

the (rough) quantity of each item

I analysed the quants /estimate commissioned by one of our tradesmen , who readily offered that it 'looked a  bit high'. Though skilfully enough prepared, there was doubling up and lots of waste allowance. That waste could have been real with a cavalier joiner. You could also argue that there are always omissions and unknowns, so it works out.

In real life we worked out a price thst worked for us and him. One element of the work is costing a third of the original estimate.....which happens to equal my own forecast.


Tip...it is easy to get bogged down in detail.

Stand back and have your own stab at the total cost of any element. 

How long will it take? Rule of thumb is 40/40/20 % for labour, plant and materials. Then add oncosts and profits esp if using a bigger company.


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Interested to see how things pan out over the next 9 months. I have just sent our drawings off to Estimators online so eagerly awaiting to see what that says. I am started to get a few emails now from companies I contacted over the summer for quotes. Is that a sign things are slowing down a bit I wonder? As long as we can get up a house good enough to live in I'll be happy! 

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7 minutes ago, SarahG said:

slowing down a bit I wonder?

House prices to fall 8%?  The developers will be slowing down until they can ensure their normal 30% profits. 

That will affect labour and materials, but it normally takes many months for the reality to show in quotes.

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12 minutes ago, saveasteading said:

House prices to fall 8%

Will most of that be on the highly mortgaged places, so recent 1st time buyers and the idiots that have borrowed way too much.

There is a big difference in an 8% drop in the South East and an 8% drop in the North East.

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This is very helpful to hear recent stories / experiences around pricing 🙏

It makes sense to me that materials will drop in price. Interest rates are so high now that it is quite intimidating to be borrowing larger amounts of money. Equally, I can understand why insulation would still be popular ... 


Please keep the anecdotes coming ... 

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35 minutes ago, Canski said:

My small solar installation went from £6300 to £8500 in 3 months.

At that price is worth installing?


Rough estimate is 3.5kW installed is 3000kWh year.  So about £1000 per year offset if you use it all.  If you export a fair bit at a couple pence a unit, much lower yield cost wise.


A 345w panel is about £200 delivered, do the maths. So £2000 for panels, £600 for an inverter, plus mounts and a couple of switches.  Sounds like an installer taking advantage.

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17 hours ago, Radian said:

I just choked on my wine. By 'small' surely you must mean 7680kWp?

3523 kWh I know I know I need to keep shopping. It just seems that the PV suppliers are snowed under and getting a quote is a real pain. When I get one its almost like they are trying to price themselves out of it. I may not even bother with it on this project now.

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On 29/10/2022 at 14:53, Mr Punter said:

I have just had an updated quote for trusses on a job that has been on hold.  Gone from £2,200 to £3,300 in 23 months.  I think I will shop around.

That’s actually not too bad I bet 5 months ago it would have been over £4

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Just got my quote back from estimators online, it is a lot less than I thought. A couple of things they have missed off and that I need to change, but no issue I can just add them on to the quote myself. I can't see anything for the kitchen, so assume that will need to be added on to the end. I just wonder how realistic this is I guess. If I can get anywhere near this then I will be laughing as it is about 40% under what I had estimated.

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6 minutes ago, saveasteading said:

One of you is wrong. I hope it was you.

Where are the big differences?

Yeah me too! We haven't gone through it in detail yet. Will do that properly at the weekend and get ready to share with a few builders we are talking to. I think probably labour will be more as we are in Surrey- London prices really. These are the labour costs they are estimating.



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That labourer at £145 is probably getting £80.


£250/ day x 5 x 46 = approx £60k pa. Not bad eh?

I'm out of touch with current south east rates but not everyone makes that.

It does perhaps reflect cost after a contractor's oncosts though, and some down-time.


It isn't so much the daily cost that matters  but what they do in the day...production and quality.


Rates are likely to drop, but trades traditionally don't drop their rates in harder times until chased out of the house for whatever is available.


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Yeah not bad, might get OH to give up his job and do the build instead!


It's certainly interesting. Even adding on the missing items it comes out around £1850 per sqm. I can't see anything that looks way out. Our architect said we should expect to pay £3-3.5k per sqm, which we always felt was too high as our build is so straightforward.


However, the amount we can borrow on a mortgage is dropping all the time, I think it was around 5x salary when we started looking, now around 4x. But this gives me hope we are still in with a chance. Obviously with the news today of a two year recession who knows what this means. Hopefully some builders will be keen for a job next year!

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On 03/11/2022 at 18:37, Kelvin said:

I got our numbers back from the estimators online last week. Also significantly lower than I was expecting and frankly I don’t believe it. I’ve set aside tomorrow to go through it in detail. 

@Kelvininterested to know what you thought about the quote?


We have been been doing some spot checking over the weekend, most items look about right, some a bit more and some less. Bricks are definitely under, we are using Yellow London Stock Bricks which I think we will struggle to get for the 97p a brick they have quoted (annoyingly had the chance to buy them at 60p a brick last year, but nowhere to store them!). This makes me think there may be some extra costs in the labour, prelims, equipment hire and OHP.

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I've found the same thing with my quote from Estimators Online - found it far too low given what everyone else including the architect seems to be indicating. For build and materials, their estimate was about £350k for a 300sq m build - far too low, even with missing some big ticket items (Kitchen, Solar PV, MVHR etc).


It did help in getting the breakdown and at least having some reference costs that we can use as a yardstick to measure against, though I'm not sure how much luck we'd have in getting a builder to actually price match or beat their quotes.


What doesnt help is also the general uncertainty around pricing almost everything. Not sure how things worked pre 2020, but since COVID and energy price hikes - estimating anything beyond 4-8 weeks seems akin to crystal ball gazing!

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