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Where is the kWh price heading in 2022?

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7 minutes ago, joe90 said:


Loves ya @joe90 !


It was all so obvious though ! . Gas is a limited resource . Finding new supplies and extraction can only ever cost more ! . Admittedly the sun is a limited resource and will expire eventually - but I think we’re ok for a bit ! 😁😁😁😁😎😉

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46 minutes ago, joe90 said:

Corneal?. Perhaps open up those old tin mines and make cornwall great again 🤔


Do I recall a story of a tin mine being shut down and the pumps switched off, allowing millions of pounds worth of infrastructure to be flooded & ruined. Then a couple weeks later, tin prices rising to the point it would have made it economic to have kept it running?

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8 minutes ago, Onoff said:


Until the armed independence uprising and they hold us to ransom over it! 😉

We had that last general election.  Place went all Tory.

They still think Margret Thatcher is the bees knees, even though it was coming on for 50 years ago she took over the Tory party.

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3 hours ago, Onoff said:



I don't feel so silly I must admit about buying the 6kVA diesel genie now as an aside. 




Same here.


I wouldnt claim to foresee the future, it was bought for a different reason, but a 5KVA disel gennie is looking like a good thing to have about.

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With the mood music now suggesting there is going to be a long term price cap at the present rate, there are a lot of people on the MSE forum spitting feathers because they just fixed at a much higher price than the present price and have an exit fee, now claiming they were conned.

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I am hearing both the present rate and £2500 as caps.


TBH I think protecting people from much of the rise creates a moral hazard where people don’t do as much to help themselves. I guess I don’t know at what point there is enough pain that people become more efficient but not so much that people cannot afford their heating.


If the money gets borrowed we’ll all be paying it in the longer run, however the costs will fall on taxpayers in general rather than people with high energy usage.


I do suspect that prices fall back and it doesn’t actually cost as much as estimated.


I also think that Putin has overplayed his hand. So far I am guessing Russian revenues are up due to lower volumes and higher prices. Certainly the Ruble is actually stronger than it was before the war. Cutting off supply means revenues collapse and if we muddle through then his bargaining position is severely weakened. 


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5 hours ago, jack said:


So would I, but no government (any government, although the batch of Tories we've had for the last few years is particularly bad) is brave enough to be honest with people about what we need to do.


I'd add that we're so far down the wrong path that I just don't see way out that involves less than a decade of significant pain.


I reckon you're right. I remember back in 2008 an economist who was also chief economist for the firm I was working for was on TV saying that contrary to the politicians and mainstream economists mutterings we were going to enter into a very long spell of low interests rates, possibly negative. He said mid to late 2010s at the very least and to expect longer. I think this one is going to be worse and finally I've heard on the media there are others realising this may be the case too.


On a brighter note, there's nothing like a good crisis to focus the minds of folk and it's usually a crisis that forces change, it's just a question of what kind of change emerges from the ashes.

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5 hours ago, Ferdinand said:


That's David Graeber, a self-proclaimed anarchist who was a player in Occupy, amongst other things. 😆


Not going down *that* rabbithole. 🙂


LOL! Oh, I don't know, I found his book Bullshit Jobs highly entertaining. I think he really did encapsulate a lot of office working life in particular in that book. One story which was both very sad while utterly hilarious was the one where a colleague had been sat dead in his office chair at work and nobody noticed.


I also rather enjoy his final book The Dawn of Everything.


RIP a colourful deep thinker who definitely knew how to shake up the conversation!

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12 minutes ago, AliG said:

TBH I think protecting people from much of the rise creates a moral hazard where people don’t do as much to help themselves.


The general populace won't is the issue. They like their comforts and by some trickery the new incumbent will sate their immediate needs. Forget tomorrow, live for today is the mentality. 


Look at my situation, acutely aware of the issues, benefits of energy efficiency etc but SWMBO so disinterested and unsupportive it's unreal. She's looking forward to a weekly £50 takeaway or buying wallpaper, paint etc for a wall that needs to come down or a carpet where the floor needs to come up. I'm thinking how that money would be better spent on the fabric of the house. 

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2 hours ago, ProDave said:

With the mood music now suggesting there is going to be a long term price cap at the present rate, there are a lot of people on the MSE forum spitting feathers because they just fixed at a much higher price than the present price and have an exit fee, now claiming they were conned.




Surely the other half of that deal is to make it one way by making sure you can switch out easily? Octopussy, when I looked, had no penalties.


But it was still a lorra lorra extra dosh.

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