For what its worth, before we bught this place, we looked at a place a few miles away that was off grid. Was running on a ramshackle collection of old gennys, some lead acid cells etc.
That would be no use to me. I rang these guys.
At the time, £40k, all in, solar, batteries, generator, control system etc. Completely automatic. So long as its filled with diesel. The cost of a connection would far exceed that, and if you take out the capex on it, your actual cost per unit of electricity was way way lower than the grid.
I thought it was quite a sensible solution. Didnt buy the house though.
The one we did buy has an 11kv pole directly behind my barn. I wanted 3 phase in the barn. Still came in at £17.5k plus VAt with me doing the trenching. Im sure that the minute they think you might spend money, they start adding in loads of extra stuff, that would normally be "maintenance and replacement" and get you to pay for it instead.
I dont have 3 phase.
It does mean, however, with both a house and barn needing heating, oil remains my only sensible option as otherwise overall load starts to get to high if ASHP's were to run both along with everything else. But, tough, not paying £20k. To have higher priced electricity than a domestic supply.
Its a good thing that back in the 50's when they were connecting houses to the grid for the first time, they operated in a rather different way!