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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/16 in all areas

  1. Finally they are getting out of the ground and work is now proceeding pretty much to the schedule. The strip foundations and pool slab went in a few weeks ago. The foundation walls are going in now and the pool ventilation in the last week.
    3 points
  2. In effect yes, not sure what my builder is going to do exactly but it will be built as per the diagram above. He did mention making wooden formers to support the concrete. Anyway, I am meeting him on site tomorrow to mark out the site, founds being dug on Tuesday and concrete strips being poured soon after, so after a two and a half year battle we finally are getting started. We just have to wait for our Secretary of State appeal to find if the top floor is cottage ( as we want) or room in roof that the LPA are insisting on.
    2 points
  3. I have an outside lamp set up to do this. I connected a separate programmable timer and light sensor in series. Programmed correctly the light goes... On at dusk. Off at midnight (programmable by the timer) On at say 6am (programmable by the timer and if still dark) Off at daybreak In short the light only comes on when both the timer and daylight sensor agree it should be ON. The connections are basically... FSU -> Timer Power FSU -> Light sensor -> Timer relay contacts -> Lamp The timer I used also has automatic daylight saving time so I don't have to put it forward/back an hour twice a year. I haven't incorporated a PIR (eg to make it come ON at 2am if someone arrives late) but I don't think that would be impossible to do.
    1 point
  4. Your on your own here mate
    1 point
  5. Finally took a pic of new bath we just put in with overflow filler and wall mounted and help spray plus controls. The stud was right in the centre hence the control and spray are a little further apart than I planned, but I think it is so much neater than what we had before which was a set of the telephone style taps.
    1 point
  6. Here you go..... I ll have to measure thickness of the wall but it's nothing excessive. The treads are two box sections welded together. I have a cad drawing of it if it's any use?
    1 point
  7. House feels like it's finally getting there now the plasterboard is going on and plumbing is going in so thought I'd share some pics as I m feeling happier with progress tonight....
    1 point
  8. I'd vouch for Sketchup as well. As Barney says it's a bit of a struggle to start with but gets easier and easier. I've been faffing with it for a while and now have a 3D model, geo-located in Google Earth, accurate sun/shadow positions and all surrounding properties modelled. I'm far from being any kind of expert but I've found it invaluable to see what works and what does't. I've also managed to get some fairly reasonable 2D plans and photo realistic(ish) visualisations all from the same 3D Sketchup model. I'll be posting some Sketchup images on here in a day or two to get feedback regarding my plans.
    1 point
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